Том 20 (2017)
- Note on the history of contact mechanics and friction: Interplay of electrostatics, theory of gravitation and elasticity from Coulomb to Johnson–Kendall–Roberts theory of adhesion
стр. 5 - 9
E. Popova, V.L. Popov (Germany)
- Modelling deep tonometry of lymphedematous tissue
стр. 10 - 17
J. Nowak, M. Kaczmarek (Poland)
- Corotational finite element formulation for virtual-reality based surgery simulators
стр. 18 - 25
D. Marinković, M. Zehn (Germany)
- Multimode active control of friction, dynamic ratchets and actuators
стр. 26 - 32
M. Popov, Q. Li (Germany)
- Strain localization in titanium with a modified surface layer
стр. 33 - 42
R.R. Balokhonov, V.A. Romanova, A.V. Panin, M.S. Kazachenok, S.A. Martynov (Russia)
- Numerical study of mechanical properties of nanoparticles of β-type Ti-Nb alloy under conditions identical to laser sintering. Multilevel approach
стр. 43 - 50
A.Yu. Nikonov, A.M. Zharmukhambetova, A.V. Ponomareva, A.I. Dmitriev (Russia)
- On the tensor of tangential stiffness in contact problems
стр. 51 - 56
Q. Li (Germany)
- On the sensitivity of adhesion between rough surfaces to asperity height distribution
стр. 57 - 64
M. Ciavarella, A. Papangelo1 (Italy, Germany)
- A generalized Johnson parameter for pull-off decay in the adhesion of rough surfaces
стр. 65 - 72
M. Ciavarella, A. Papangelo1 (Italy, Germany)
- Contact properties and adhesion of incompressible power-law gradient media with high gradients
стр. 73 - 76
V.L. Popov (Germany)
- Mapping of two-dimensional contact problems on a problem with a one-dimensional parametrization
стр. 77 - 81
V.L. Popov (Germany)
- Influence of stress dependence of lubricant shear modulus on self-similar behavior of stress time series
стр. 82 - 90
N.N. Manko, I.A. Lyashenko (Ukraine)
- On the possibility of frictional damping with reduced wear: A note on the applicability of Archard’s law of adhesive wear under conditions of fretting
стр. 91 - 95
Q. Li, V.L. Popov (Germany)
- Consideration of stress stiffening and material reorientation in modal space based finite element solutions
стр. 96 - 104
D. Marinković, M. Zehn (Germany)
- Evaluation and development of expanded equations based on Takayanagi model for tensile modulus of polymer nanocomposites assuming the formation of percolating networks
стр. 105 - 110
Y. Zare, K.Y. Rhee1 (Iran, Republic of Korea)