Том 18 (2015)
- Номер 1 (январь-февраль 2015)
- Номер 2 (март-апрель 2015)
- Номер 3 (июнь 2015)
- Номер 4 (август 2015)
- Номер 5 (октябрь 2015)
- Номер 6 (декабрь 2015)
Damage mechanisms of hierarchical composites: Computational modelling
L. Mishnaevsky, Jr11Technical University of Denmark, Risш Campus, Roskilde, 4000, Denmark
УДК 539.422.5
Computational studies of damage mechanisms in hierarchical composites, including biocomposites, nanoparticle reinforced polymer composites and other materials are discussed. Different methods of the analysis of hierarchical effects in the multiscale composites are demonstrated, among them, hierarchical fiber bundle model, 3D multiscale finite element models, analytical studies. Considering wood as a gradient, cellular material with layered composite cell walls, one analyzed the effect of wood structure on damage resistance of wood. The influence of nanoparticles distribution in unidirectional polymer matrix composites with secondary nanoreinforcement on the strength and damage resistance of the composites is demonstrated. The concept of nanostructuring of interfaces and grain boundaries as an important reserve of the improvement of the materials properties is formulated.
стр. 137 – 143
Образец цитирования: