Том 17 (2014)
- Номер 1 (февраль 2014)
- Номер 2 (апрель 2014)
- Номер 3 (июнь 2014)
- Номер 4 (август 2014)
- Номер 5 (октябрь 2014)
- Номер 6 (декабрь 2014)
On a potential-velocity formulation of Navier–Stokes equations
F. Marner1, P.H. Gaskell2, M. Scholle11Heilbronn University, Institute for Automotive Technology and Mechatronics, Heilbronn, D-74081, Germany
2School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, Durham University, Durham, DH1 3LE, UK
УДК 532.517.2
Computational methods in continuum mechanics, especially those encompassing fluid dynamics, have emerged as an essential investigative tool in nearly every field of technology. Despite being underpinned by a well-developed mathematical theory and the existence of readily available commercial software codes, computing solutions to the governing equations of fluid motion remains challenging: in essence due to the non-linearity involved. Additionally, in the case of free surface film flows the dynamic boundary condition at the free surface complicates the mathematical treatment notably. Recently, by introduction of an auxiliary potential field, a first integral of the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations has been constructed leading to a set of equations, the differential order of which is lower than that of the original Navier-Stokes equations. In this paper a physical interpretation is provided for the new potential, making use of the close relationship between plane Stokes flow and plane linear elasticity. Moreover, it is shown that by application of this alternative approach to free surface flows the dynamic boundary condition is reduced to a standard Dirichlet-Neumann form, which allows for an elegant numerical treatment. A least squares finite element method is applied to the problem of gravity driven film flow over corrugated substrates in order to demonstrate the capabilities of the new approach. Encapsulating non-Newtonian behaviour and extension to three-dimensional problems is discussed briefly.
стр. 124 – 130
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