Том 15 (2012)
- Номер 1 (январь-февраль 2012)
- Номер 2 (март-апрель 2012)
- Номер 3 (май-июнь 2012)
- Номер 4 (июль-август 2012)
- Номер 5 (сентябрь-октябрь 2012)
- Номер 6 (ноябрь-декабрь 2012)
Simulation of the influence of ultrasonic in-plane oscillations on dry friction accounting for stick and creep
Starcevic J.1, Filippov A.E. 21Berlin University of Technology, Berlin, 10623, Germany
2Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering NASU, Donetsk, 83114, Ukraine
УДК 539.62
We consider a pair of bodies contacting on an elastic substrate; the distance between the bodies oscillates harmonically at a high frequency. If a horizontal force is applied to the bodies, macroscopic movement starts only after achieving some critical value, which we identify with the static friction force of the oscillating system. The dependence of the static friction force on the oscillation amplitude is simulated numerically using the method of reduction of dimensionality. Results of simulation are compared with experimental data.
стр. 93 – 95
Образец цитирования:
Starcevic J., Filippov A.E. Simulation of the influence of ultrasonic in-plane oscillations on dry friction accounting for stick and creep // Физ. мезомех. - 2012. - Т. 15. - № 4. - С. 93-95