Том 15 (2012)

  1. Mesoscopic nature of friction and numerical simulation methods in tribology
    стр. 5 - 7
    Psakhie S.G. , Popov V.L. 1 (Russia, Germany)
  2. Basic ideas and applications of the method of reduction of dimensionality in contact mechanics
    стр. 9 - 18
    Popov V.L. (Germany)
  3. On the reduction method of dimensionality: The exact mapping of axisymmetric contact problems with and without adhesion
    стр. 19 - 24
    Heß M. (Germany)
  4. Normal contact between a rigid surface and a viscous body: Verification of the method of reduction of dimensionality for viscous media
    стр. 25 - 30
    Kurschner S. , Filippov A.E. 1 (Germany, Ukraine)
  5. Investigation of the dry normal contact between fractal rough surfaces using the reduction method, comparison to 3D simulations
    стр. 31 - 35
    Pohrt R., Popov V.L. (Germany)
  6. Contact mechanics modeling of piezo-actuated stick-slip microdrives
    стр. 37 - 43
    Nguyen H.X. , Edeler C. , Fatikow S. (Germany)
  7. Modeling of the dynamic contact in stick-slip microdrives using the method of reduction of dimensionality
    стр. 45 - 50
    Teidelt E., Willert E. , Filippov A.E. 1, Popov V.L. (Germany, Ukraine)
  8. Shakedown and induced microslip of an oscillating frictional contact
    стр. 51 - 57
    Wetter R. (Germany)
  9. On the dependence of the static friction force between a rigid, randomly rough fractal surface and a viscoelastic body on the normal force
    стр. 59 - 61
    Benad J. (Germany)
  10. Dependence of the kinetic force of friction between a randomly rough surface and simple elastomer on the normal force
    стр. 63 - 65
    Li Q. (Germany)
  11. Hot bands and hot spots: Some direct solutions of continuous thermoelastic systems with friction
    стр. 67 - 76
    Graf M. , Ostermeyer G.-P. (Germany)
  12. Multiscale simulation of friction with normal oscillations in the method of reduction of dimensionality
    стр. 77 - 79
    Heise R. (Germany)
  13. Метод редукции размерности и его применение для моделирования трения эластомеров в условиях сложных динамических нагрузок
    стр. 81 - 86
    Димаки А.В., Попов В.Л.1 (Россия, Германия)
  14. Adhesive properties of contacts between elastic bodies with randomly rough self-affine surfaces: A simulation with the method of reduction of dimensionality
    стр. 87 - 92
    Popov V.L. , Filippov A.E. 1 (Germany, Ukraine)
  15. Simulation of the influence of ultrasonic in-plane oscillations on dry friction accounting for stick and creep
    стр. 93 - 95
    Starcevic J., Filippov A.E. 1 (Germany, Ukraine)
  16. Расчет эффективного коэффициента диффузии случайной миграции поверхности износа на различных масштабах
    стр. 97 - 101
    Дмитриев А.И. (Россия)
  17. Одномерная модель неоднородного сдвига при трении скольжения
    стр. 103 - 108
    Рубцов В.Е. , Тарасов С.Ю. , Колубаев А.В. (Россия)
  18. Contact force resulting from rolling on a self-affine fractal rough surface
    стр. 109 - 111
    Popov M. (Germany)
