Том 18 (2015)

Crack initiation at V-notch tip under in-plane mixed mode loading: A review of the fictitious notch rounding concept

F. Berto1

1University of Padova, Vicenza, 36100, Italy

УДК 539.421

The fictitious notch rounding concept has been recently applied for the first time to V-notches with root hole subjected to in-plane mixed mode loading. Out-of-bisector crack propagation is taken into account. The fictitious notch radius is determined as a function of the real notch radius (the microstructural support length) and the notch opening angle. Due to the complexity of the problem, a method based on the simple normal stress failure criterion has been used. It is combined with the maximum tangential stress criterion to determine the crack propagation angle. An analytical method based on Neuber's procedure has been developed. The method provides the values of the microstructural support factor as a function of the mode ratio and the notch opening angle. The support factor is considered to be independent of the microstructural support length. Finally, for comparison, the support factor is determined on a purely numerical basis by iterative analysis of finite element models. The present paper is aimed to give a brief overview of the recent findings on this challenging topic making clear the state of the art.


стр. 5 – 13

Образец цитирования:
F. Berto  Crack initiation at V-notch tip under in-plane mixed mode loading: A review of the fictitious notch rounding concept // Физ. мезомех. - 2015. - Т. 18. - № 5. - С. 5-13
