Том 15 (2012)
- Номер 1 (январь-февраль 2012)
- Номер 2 (март-апрель 2012)
- Номер 3 (май-июнь 2012)
- Номер 4 (июль-август 2012)
- Номер 5 (сентябрь-октябрь 2012)
- Номер 6 (ноябрь-декабрь 2012)
Revealing load hysteresis based on electronic speckle pattern interferometry and physical mesomechanics
T. Sasaki1, S. Yoshida21Niigata University, Niigata, 950-2181, Japan
2Louisiana University, Hammond, LA, 70402, USA
A method to reveal load hysteresis of metal specimens is described. In this method, a low-level tensile- load is applied to a previously loaded specimen, and the resultant displacement field is visualized as a two-dimensional, whole-field image. An optical interferometric technique known as the Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry is used for the visualization. The interferometric fringe pattern of the visualized displacement field is analyzed for determination of the degree of deformation from the previous load. A series of experiments have been conducted with aluminum plate specimens for the demonstration of this method. The specimens are preloaded to three stress levels: (A) lower than the yield stress, (B) middle of the plastic regime, and (C) close to the maximum stress. After released from the preload, the specimens are reloaded for fringe pattern analysis. It has been found that the fringe patterns clearly differentiate the three preloading conditions, and that by varying the reload stress level it is possible to reveal the preload stress quantitatively. All experimental observations are explained by deformation dynamics based on physical mesomechanics.
стр. 85 – 95
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