Том 7 (2004)

Nanofragmentation as a relaxation mechanism in post deformed solids: molecular-dynamics investigation

A.I. Dmitriev1, S.G. Psakhie1

1Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS, Tomsk, 634021, Russia

In the paper the possibility of nanofragmentation of the material in layers near to a free surface at initial stages of relaxation was investigated. Investigations have been carried out by a method of molecular dynamics. It was shown the possibility of off-oriented nanoblocks formation at the initial stage of relaxation. Fragmented structure initially formed in the area of localized deformation near to stress concentrators and then distributed into the material. It was shown that in the area of localized deformation the radial distribution function of atomic density has broad peaks corresponding to peaks of ideal FCC structure and in other part of crystallite there are splitting peaks of FCC structure caused by symmetry disorder due to deformation. With propagation of the area of localized deformation deep into material peak broadness significantly decreases and their location close to corresponded peaks of ideal FCC lattice. The obtained results enable to assume that a possible mechanism of internal stress relaxation in the post-loaded solids is the effect of material nanofragmentation and some off-oriented blocks are separated in the fragmented area.

стр. 138 – 141

Образец цитирования:
A.I. Dmitriev, S.G. Psakhie  Nanofragmentation as a relaxation mechanism in post deformed solids: molecular-dynamics investigation // Физ. мезомех. - 2004. - Т. 7. - № Спец1. - С. 138-141
