Grants of the President of the Rus...

Grants of the President of the Russian Federation

2022 competition for state support for leading scientific schools

Grant NSh-1174.2022.4 Non-stationary metallurgy of high-performance additive processes. Control of anisotropy of structure and properties. Head Kolubaev E.A.

2022 competition for state support of young Russian scientists - candidates of science

Grant MK-5189.2022.1.2 Patterns of formation and accumulation of radiation damage in concentrated solid solutions. Head Korchuganov A.V.

Grant MK-4395.2022.4 Patterns of formation of the heterogeneous structure of bimetallic materials steel-aluminum during friction stir welding with ultrasonic influence using temperature-resistant tools. Head Eliseev A.A.

Grant MK-209.2022.4 Study of thermal stability and patterns of formation of the structure and properties of objects based on the MAX phase of Ti3AlC2, obtained by additive technologies. Head Krinitsyn M.G.

Grant MK-4486.2022.4 3D alloys of the Ti-Fe-Cu system for medical use with a multimodal grain structure. Head Khimich M.A.

2020 competition for state support of leading scientific schools

Grant NSh-2718.2020.8 Hierarchically organized heteromodular composites on metal and polymer bases: multi-level design, new production methods, monitoring of deformation behavior. Head Panin S.V.

2020 competition for state support of young Russian scientists - candidates of science

Grant MK-1567.2020.2 The structure of short- and medium-range atomic order in amorphous surface alloys based on Ti-Ta-Ni and its evolution during low-temperature annealing. Head Semin V.O.

Grant MK-1057.2020.8  Comparative analysis of the development of reversible inelastic and plastic deformations during torsion, tension and bending of titanium nickelide-based alloy samples. Head Zhapova D.Yu.

2019 competition for state support of young Russian scientists - candidates of science

Grant MK-2086.2019.8 Synergetic effect of dispersion, solid solution and substructural strengthening during severe plastic deformation of high-nitrogen Cr-Mn-(V) steels with a high concentration of interstitial atoms. Head Mayer G.G.

2018 competition for state support of leading scientific schools

Grant NSh-5875.2018.8  A multi-level approach to the research and development of structurally inhomogeneous materials, focused on digital technologies for their production for applications in medicine, aerospace and mechanical engineering. Head Panin S.V.

2018 competition for state support of young Russian scientists - candidates of science

Grant MK-6098.2018.8 In-situ study of the evolution of mechanical damage to segmented porous ceramics based on aluminum oxide. Head Grigoriev M.V.

Grant MK-6762.2018.9 Development of a software package for determining displacements and deformations of the surface of materials under mechanical loading. Head Titkov V.V.
