The world-class fundamental research conducted by the Institute of Physics and Mathematics and Mechanics SB RAS is carried out in inextricable connection with the development of technologies for obtaining new generation materials and advanced digital production technologies for the aerospace industry, mechanical engineering and transport, nuclear energy, high-tech medicine, and the oil and gas industry.
The strategic goal is to ensure academic leadership of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in these areas and to develop partnerships with leading scientific organizations, universities in Russia and around the world to effectively solve scientific and technological problems that can only be solved by interdisciplinary groups of researchers.
The results of IPPM research and development make an important contribution to ensuring the technological independence and global competitiveness of key industries of the Russian Federation.
IFPM SB RAS has successful experience in the development and implementation of breakthrough developments with the participation of leading industrial enterprises, including PJSC RSC Energia, JSC Progress Rocket and Space Center, JSC ISS named after. acad. M.F. Reshetnev", a branch of PJSC Sukhoi Company, Sukhoi Design Bureau, JSC ODK-Aviadvigatel, PJSC Severstal, JSC Power Machines, CJSC Cheboksary Enterprise Sespel, Novosibirsk Aviation Plant named after. Chkalova, CJSC NEVZ-Ceramics, Federal Research and Production Center "Altai", Chepetsk Mechanical Plant, LLC "Virial", LLC Research and Production Enterprise of Geophysical Equipment "LUCH", LLC "ITS-Sibir"
and others.