Laboratory of Structural Design of...

Laboratory of Structural Design of Advanced Materials

Head of Laboratory

Zykova Anna Petrovna

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Tel.: +7 (382-2) 286-866

Brief historical background about the unit

The laboratory for the structural design of advanced materials was organized within the framework of the national project “Science and Universities” based on the results of a competitive selection of applications from scientific and educational organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for the creation of new laboratories in 2021 as part of the result “New laboratories were created, including under the leadership of young promising researchers."

The directions of scientific research of the laboratory correspond to the priority technological project of the Tomsk Region Research Center: “Advanced materials and quality assurance technologies.”

Main directions of research:
1) Study of fundamental laws and mechanisms for controlling the structure of materials when using high-performance additive technologies to produce polymetallic products with specified performance properties.
2) Development of principles for managing a complex of physical, mechanical and operational characteristics of promising materials produced by high-performance additive methods through the design of their chemical composition, phase composition and gradient structure at various scale levels.
3) Scientific foundations of high-performance additive manufacturing technology for advanced materials and products to achieve global competitiveness and strategic superiority of Russia in the field of advanced production technologies.

The laboratory carries out research on the topic “Physical foundations of the structural design of promising new generation polymetallic materials with controlled physical, mechanical and operational characteristics, obtained by high-performance additive technologies” within the framework of the state assignment of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Composition of the unit
The total number of people is 19, including:
candidates of science - 3;
young employees (under 35 years old) - 18;
the number of students who have not previously been involved in research activities at a professional level is 11 people.

List of staff members
1. Zykova Anna Petrovna, acting. head lab., candidate of physical and mathematical sciences,
2. Tatyana Aleksandrovna Kalashnikova, research scientist, candidate of technical sciences,
3. Andrey Vladimirovich Filippov, senior scientist .s., Ph.D.,
4. Dobrovolsky Artem Romanovich, junior researcher,
5. Sudarikov Alexander Vladimirovich, junior researcher, sudarikov-97
6. Knyazhev Egeniy Olegovich, junior researcher,
7. Panfilov Alexander Olegovich, junior researcher,
8. Nikolaeva Alexandra Vladimirovna, m. Researcher,
9. Cheremnov Andrey Maksimovich, Junior Researcher,
10. Gusarenko Angelina Andreevna, Junior Researcher,
11. Vornakova Ekaterina Andreevna, junior researcher,
12. Zhou Valeria Romanovna, junior researcher,
13. Teryukalova Natalya Valerievna, junior researcher ,
14. Novitskaya Olga Sergeevna, junior researcher,
15. Vasilyeva Marianna Petrovna, junior researcher,
16. Kuznetsova Anastasia Evgenievna, junior researcher
17. Vasily Valerievich Shmakov, junior researcher,
18. Andrey Vladimirovich Luchin, research engineer,
19. Sergey Maksimovich Bitter, research engineer,
