Laboratory of Strength Physics
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Tel.: (382-2) 49-13-60
Brief historical background about the unit
The Laboratory of Strength Physics was created in 1984. Over the years of its existence, the laboratory staff defended 10 doctoral and 30 candidate dissertations (see the collection edited by L.B. Zuev, “Strength, plasticity and fracture: physics and engineering approach.” Tomsk: NTL Publishing House, 2009. 198 pp.) .
During the existence of the laboratory, its employees published about 400 articles and made more than 100 reports at various scientific conferences in Russia and abroad.
Research areas, areas of fundamental research
- experimental physics and mechanics of strength and plasticity,
- autowave mechanics of plastic deformation,
- metallurgy of zirconium alloys for nuclear energy,
- physical substantiation of methods for assessing the residual life of products,
- physical methods for studying deformation processes.
Composition of the unit
Total number of 13 people, including:
- Doctors of Science - 3,
- candidates of science - 6.
List of staff members
Zuev Lev Borisovich, 1940, head. laboratory, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, prof.,
Danilov Vladimir Ivanovich, 1947, chief scientist, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, prof.,
Barannikova Svetlana Aleksandrovna, 1971, senior scientist, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences.
Gorbatenko Vadim Vladimirovich, 1963, senior researcher, Ph.D.
Kolosov Sergey Vasilievich, 1979, PhD, Ph.D.
Shlyakhova Galina Vitalievna, 1966, n.s., Ph.D.
Bochkareva Anna Valentinovna, 1977, n.s., Ph.D.
Nadezhkin Mikhail Vladimirovich, 1982, n.s., Ph.D.
Orlova Dina Vladimirovna, 1982, NS, Ph.D.
Nikonova Albina Muratovna, engineer Polyakova Elena Sergeevna, 1958, engineer,
Li Yulia Vladimirovna, Ms.
Popova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, engineer
The most important scientific results
Direction of scientific research:
- experimental physics and mechanics of strength and plasticity of solids.
1. Autowave mechanics of localized plastic flowof metals and other materials has been developed. The basic equations were experimentally obtained andanalyzed, and their applicability for describing plastic flow processes was verified.
2. The autowave nature of localized plastic flow has been established.
A universal pattern of plastic deformation has been discovered, which consists in the fact that the plastic flow of materials is always macroscopically localized. Localization manifests itself in the spontaneous stratification of a deformable medium into currently deformable and non-deformable volumes. The ordered spatial patterns of such delaminations, characteristic of each stage of deformation, are determined by the current action at a given stage of the process. the law of strain hardening and correspond to sequentially realized variants of autowave (self-excited) processes - switching autowaves, phase autowaves or stationary dissipative structures and collapse of a localization autowave. A typical value of the autowave length of a localized plastic flow is λ≈10-2 m; its propagation speed is 10-5 ≤ Vaw ≤10-4 m/s. Within the framework of the developed approach, plastic deformation of solids is considered as a natural evolution of autowaves of localized plastic flow.
Lamination of a deformable medium. Distribution of one of the components of the plastic distortion tensor over a deformable sample for an arbitrary moment in time
3. A two-component model of localized plasticity is proposed
It is based on ideas about the interaction of two functional subsystems (components), into which a thermodynamically open, non-equilibrium deformable system capable of self-organization is spontaneously divided: a dynamic subsystem of relaxation shifts (autowaves of localized plastic deformation) and an information subsystem of acoustic emission pulses generated by them (elastic waves). Relaxation shifts in this model provide a plastic change in the shape of the medium, and acoustic pulses activate the relaxation of new stress concentrators at a distance of the order of the autowave length λ from the original one.
Block diagram of a two-component plastic deformation model
Scheme of generation of an autowave of localized plasticity
In addition to the autowave version of the two-particle model, its quasiparticle version is proposed, which follows from the hypothesis of the existence of autolocalizations - quasiparticles with an effective mass of ~1.8 amu, corresponding to autowaves of localized plastic flow. With this approach, the two-component model is reduced to the analysis of exchange interactions in a mixture of phonon gas and autolocalization gas.
The proposed versions of the two-particle model are mutually complementary and allow one to correctly quantify the main characteristics of autowave processes of localized plastic flow.
4. An elastoplastic invariant of plastic flow is introduced.
A quantitative analysis of autowave patterns of localized plastic flow in different materials showed that the characteristics of the dynamic subsystem (the autowave length of localized plasticity λ and the speed of its propagation Vaw) are related to the characteristics of the information subsystem (interplanar distance χ velocity of propagation of transverse elastic waves Vt), forming an invariant relation
where the average value for all studied materials is
The invariant plays the role of the main equation of the two-component plastic flow model. Its consequences are previously experimentally established patterns of development of localized plastic flow, in particular:
inverse proportionality of the speed of propagation of autowaves to the strain hardening coefficient
quadratic dispersion relation for autowaves of localized plastic deformation
dependence of the autowave length of localized plastic deformation on grain size d type of logistic function
differential nonlinear equation of plastic strain rate
in which is a nonlinear function (point kinetics);
inverse dependence of the density of mobile dislocations on strain
with the help of the elastoplastic deformation invariant, a connection is established between the developed autowave mechanics of plasticity and the theory of dislocations.
5. Developed methods and instrumentsfor speckle-photographic, speckle-digital and acoustic analysis of the processes of development of localized plastic flow of solids (metals, alloys, non-metallic crystals, rocks).
6. The principle of microalloyingof zirconium-based alloys for nuclear power is substantiated, which makes it possible to reduce the duration of their commissioning period. The technology for the production of shell tubes from zirconium alloys for nuclear power has been modernized, which has made it possible to increase fuel burnup and ensure an increase in the operating time of fuel elements
Directions of applied research:
- metallurgy and processing of zirconium alloys for nuclear energy;
- scientific instrument making;
- nature of failures of structures and vehicles.
The most important results of applied research:
1. The principle of strengthening zirconium alloys for nuclear power is substantiated, according to which increasing the strength and performance characteristics of shell pipes made of zirconium alloys can be achieved by optimizing the oxygen content in it within the framework of the Technical Specifications for alloys for nuclear power. According to the latter, the oxygen concentration CO in the E110 alloy (Zr-1 wt.% Nb) should not exceed 0.1 wt.%, usually amounting to 0.035 wt.%. At CO ≈ 0.09 wt.%, the strength of the alloy increased by 15%, and the creep rate at operating temperature decreased by 25%. It was proposed to introduce oxygen into the alloy by adding niobium pentoxide Nb2O5, which is readily soluble in the melt, to the charge during smelting. Studies of the alloy with an oxygen content increased to 0.09 wt.% showed that the heterogeneity of the solid solution of oxygen in a-Zr, the formation of condensed atmospheres of oxygen on dislocations, as well as the precipitation of microparticles of zirconium suboxides of non-stoichiometric composition on them are responsible for its strengthening.
The use of the proposed hardening principle made it possible to eliminate long-term preliminary studies of the performance characteristics of the alloy, which are mandatory when changing the Technical Conditions. The high properties of zirconium products from the alloy strengthened in this way produced at the Chepetsk Mechanical Plant made it possible to create new designs of fuel assemblies for VVER reactors, ensuring fuel burnup up to 55 MW×day/kgU and reducing specific fuel consumption from 0.240 to 0.199 kg/MW days, which corresponds to global fuel cycle parameters.
2. The use of radial forging in fuel rod production technology is justified.
The feasibility of using shell pipes made of E110 alloy cold radial forging and annealing in the temperature range of existence of α-Zr in the industrial technology of cold rolling is substantiated. This change in technology made it possible to obtain pipe blanks with a metal structure uniform along the length and a grain size of (3...5) ± 1 microns, from which pipes for fuel rod cladding were manufactured at the Chepetsk Mechanical Plant for the Temelin NPP (Czech Republic).
3. New devices have been developedto analyze deformation processes.
Complexes have been developed and created for speckle-photographic (ALMEC) and speckle-digital (ALMEC-tv) analysis of localization patterns of plastic flow of metals, alloys, non-metallic crystals and rocks. Instruments have been created to measure small changes in the speed of ultrasound propagation during plastic deformation and changes in the structure of solids (ASTRandANDA).
4. Methods have been developed for assessing the maintainability and remaining service life of locomotive bogie frames
Based on the established correlation of the mechanical properties of metals with the speed of propagation of ultrasound in them, a method of non-destructive testing of locomotive frames has been developed to assess their maintainability. Based on the results of this work, about fifty locomotive depots of Russian Railways OJSC are equipped with "ASTR" devices. Personnel were trained in how to operate the devices.
Geography of implementation of ultrasonic testing technologies and equipment in locomotive depots of JSC Russian Railways
Major publications
1. Zuev L.B., Danilov V.I., Barannikova S.A. Physics of macrolocalization of plastic flow (monograph). Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2008. 327 p.
2. Zavodchikov S.Yu., Zuev L.B., Kotrekhov V.A. Metallurgical issues of production of products from zirconium alloys (monograph). Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2012. 257 p.
3. Zuev L.B. Autowave plasticity. Localization and collective modes (monograph). Moscow: Fizmatlit, 2018. 230 p.
4. Zuev L.B., Barannikova S.A. Physics of strength and experimental mechanics (textbook). Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2011. 349 p.
5. Zuev L.B., Danilov V.I. Physical foundations of the strength of materials (textbook). Dolgoprudny: Publishing House "Intellect", 2013. 373 p.
1. Zuev L.B. Wave phenomena in low-rate plastic flow in solids // Ann. Phys. 2001. Vol. 10.No. 11-12. P. 965-984.
2. Zuev L.B. On the waves of plastic flow localization in pure metals and alloys // Ann. Phys. 2007. Vol. 16.No. 4. P. 286-210.
3. Zuev L.B., Danilov V.I. A self-excited wave model of plastic deformation in solids // Phil. Mag. A. 1999. Vol. 79.No. 1. P. 43-57.
4. Zuev L.B., Semukhin B.S. Some acoustic properties of a deforming medium // Phil. Mag. A. 2002. Vol. 82.No. 6. P. 1183-1193.
5. Zuev L.B., Danilov V.I., Barannikova S.A. Pattern formation in the work hardening process of single alloyed g-Fe crystals // Int. J. Plasticity. 2001. Vol. 17.No. 1. P. 47-63.
6. Zuev L.B. The linear work hardening stage and de Broglie equation for autowaves of localized plasticity // Int. J. Solids and Structures. 2005. Vol. 42.No. 6. P. 943-949.
7. Zuev L.B., Danilov V.I., Barannikova S.A., Gorbatenko V.V. Autowave model of localized plastic flow of solids // Phys. Wave Phenomena. 2009. Vol. 17.No. 1. P. 66-75.
8. Zuev L.B., Barannikova S.A. Evidence for the existence of localized plastic flow auto-waves generated in deforming metals // Natural Science. 2010. Vol. 2.No. 5. P. 476-483.
9. Zuev L.B., Barannikova S.A. Plastic flow macrolocalization: autowaves and quasi-particles // J. Mod. Physics. 2010. Vol. 1.No. 1. P. 1-8.
10. Zuev L.B., Barannikova S.A. Plastic flow localization viewed as auto-wave process generated in deforming metals // Solid State Phenomena. 2011. Vol. 172-174. P. 1279-1283.
11. Zuev L.B., Danilov V.I., Barannikova S.A., Zykov I.Yu. Plastic flow localization as a new kind of wave process in solids // Mater. Sci. Engng. A. 2001. Vol. 319-321. P. 160-163.
12. Zuev L.B., Danilov V.I., Barannikova S.A. Plastic flow, necking and failure in metals, alloys and ceramics // Mater. Sci. Engng. A. 2008. Vol. 483-484. P. 223-227.
13. Zuev L.B., Barannikova S.A. Experimental study of plastic flow macro-scale localization process: pattern, propagation rate, dispersion // Int. J. Mech. Sci. Vol. 88. P. 1.
14. Zuev L.B., Danilov V.I., Semukhin B.S. Spatiotemporal ordering during plastic flow of solids // Advances in metal physics. 2002. T. 3. No. 3. P. 237-304.
15. Danilov V.I., Zuev L.B. Macrolocalization of plastic deformation and stages of plastic flow in polycrystalline metals and alloys // Advances in metal physics. 2008. T. 9. No. 4. P. 371-422.
16. Zuev L.B. Macroscopic physics of plastic deformation of metals // Advances in metal physics. 2015. T. 16. No. 1. P. 35-60.
Patents, inventions
1. Patent No. 2156436. Optical-television device for monitoring the surface of extended objects with a constant cross-section. 2000 BI No. 26. Zuev L.B., Gorbatenko V.V., Polyakov S.N., Kotrekhov V.A., Lositsky A.F., Zavodchikov S.Yu.
2. Patent No. 2177602. Method for displaying localized zones of surface deformation. 2001. BI No. 36. Gorbatenko V.V., Polyakov S.N., Zuev L.B.
3. Patent No. 2192621. A method for displaying zones of localized deformation of a surface and an optical-television device for its implementation. 2002. BI No. 31. Gorbatenko V.V., Polyakov S.N., Zuev L.B.
4. Patent No. 2227171. Zirconium-niobium oxygen-containing alloy and method for its production. 2004. BI No. 11. Zavodchikov S.Yu., Arzhakova V.M., Bocharov O.V., Zuev L.B., Kotrekhov V.A., Shikov A.K.
5. Patent No. 2272246. Method for displaying the state of reflective and thin light-transmitting objects. 2006. BI No. 8. Polyakov S.N., Bikbaev S.A., Zuev L.B.
6. Patent No. 2433444. Method for controlling the creep of A85 aluminum. 2011. BI No. 31. Gromov V.E., Zuev L.B., Danilov V.I., Konovalov S.V., Filipev R.A.
7. Patent No. 2441941. Method for changing the microhardness of a product made of commercially pure aluminum. 2012. BI No. 4. Gromov V.E., Zuev L.B., Danilov V.I., Konovalov S.V., Filipev R.A.
A physical seminar is regularly held at the Laboratory of Strength Physics. At its meetings, original, abstract and review reports by the staff of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and guests of the Institute on condensed matter physics, metal physics and materials science, physics and mechanics of strength and plasticity, and philosophical issues of natural science are discussed. Seminar sessions are held weekly (Wednesday, 1500) in the conference hall of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics and Problems of the SB RAS (room No. 303 of the 1st building of the Institute). To date, more than 450 meetings have been held.
The head of the seminar is Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. L.B. Zuev (3822-49-13-60;, secretary - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. S.A. Barannikova (3822-28-69-23;
Some topics of reports discussed at the seminar:
1. E. GlickmanIsrael, Tel Aviv University. Mechanisms of liquid metal embrittlement.
2. H. HanninenFinland, Helsinki University of Technology. Hydrogen embrittlement of structural materials.
3. I. Abrikosov, Sweden, University of Linkoping. Modeling and design of new materials.
Experimental base of the laboratory
Testing machines:
- Instron-1185, force 100 kN;
- Walter+Bai AG LFM-125, force 125 kN.
- atomic force microscope Solver PH47-PRO;
- Linnik MII-4 microinterferometer;
- microhardness tester PMT-3;
- metallographic microscope Neophot-21;
- high-temperature metallographic installation “Ala-Too”.
Microscope Solver PH47-PRO 1 - approach and scanning block, 2 - measuring head, 3 - control units, 4 - vibration-isolating platform, 5 - video surveillance system |
Precipitation of tertiary cementite along grain boundaries in low-carbon steel |
Cementite in eutectoid steel |
Original devices of our own design for plastic deformation studies:
- laser measuring complexes ALMEC and ALMEC-tv for analyzing the fields of displacement vectors during plastic deformation and studying the deformed state of objects in real time. The ALMEC-tv complex is included in the “List of unique stands and installations of scientific and educational organizations, as well as unique infrastructure objects of science and education.” Within the framework of the “Import substitution” program of the SB RAS, ALMEC-tv complexes were supplied in 2010 to the Institute of Mining of the SB RAS (Novosibirsk) and the Institute of Physical and Technical Problems of the North SB RAS (Yakutsk).
Automated laser complex for digital processing of speckle imagesALMEC-tv
Main characteristics
- measurement accuracy: 10-4;
- object dimensions: 1´1...350´350 mm;
- optical resolution: 2 microns;
- speed: 50 measurements/s;
- hardware and software implementation: PC-based software package running Windows OS;
- measurement mode: real-time.
- instruments for measuring the speed of propagation and attenuation of longitudinal, transverse and surface ultrasonic waves ASTR and ANDA, intended for the analysis of structural transformations during heat treatment, determination of strength indicators of materials using a non-destructive method, assessment residual internal stresses in structures and machine parts and assessment of the level of fatigue damage. A small series of ASTRdevices was supplied to the locomotive depots of Russian Railways, where they are used for the overhaul of mainline locomotives.
Device for ultrasonic testing of the structure and properties of metalsASTR
Main characteristics
- operating frequency 2.5 MHz;
- sound speed measurement accuracy 10-4;
- device weight 2.2 kg.
Relative ultrasonic speed as a function of the relative effective stress when loading steel 40Х13: 1 - delivery condition; 2 - hardened state; 3 - released state
Some studies carried out by the Laboratory of Strength Physics
1. Basic research projects under the SB RAS Programs
“Experimental and theoretical development of an autowave model of localized plastic deformation of structurally inhomogeneous materials at meso- and macroscale levels and its applications to the determination of critical states and assessment of strength, wear resistance and durability of materials and structures.” 2007-2009.
“Hierarchical description of the deformation and destruction of metals, non-metals and rocks under different loading conditions and the principles of controlling these processes using external influences.” 2010-2012.
“Experimental and theoretical substantiation of the model of the origin and development of localized plasticity and destruction of solids with a multiscale structure, taking into account the contributions of the crystal lattice, its defects and external factors.” 2013-2016.
2. Project of the Program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences
“Development of a model of plastic flow of bodies with structure based on a multi-level approach and data on macro- and microscopic mechanisms of deformation and destruction.” 2009-2014.
3. Scientific event of the Federal Target Program
“Content of unique stands and installations” on the topic: “Automated laser television measuring complex for analyzing the stress-strain state of objects.” Customer: Ministry of Industry and Science of the Russian Federation. 2004.
4. Projects of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research
14-08-00299. “Mechanisms of elastoplastic transition in technical and model metal alloys. Multi-level approach."
11-08-00237. “The influence of the stress-strain state during cold drawing deformation on the structure and mechanical properties of technical superconductor wires of the magnetic system of thermonuclear reactors.”
09-08-00498. “Development of methods for forming the structure of two-phase hcp-bcc titanium alloys based on the transformation of the structural-phase state.”
09-08-00213. “The influence of interstitial impurities on the localization of plastic flow and destruction of fcc and hcp alloys.”
08-08-99121-r_of. “Development of a metallophysical basis for the structural strength of reactor materials to ensure the survivability, service life and environmental safety of nuclear installations.”
05-08-18248. “Development of criteria for survivability and destruction based on the establishment of patterns of localization of plastic deformation and propagation of acoustic signals.”
5. Contracts, business agreements
“Study of structural heterogeneity of hot-rolled steel strips and mechanisms for its elimination.” 2008-2009. Customer: Siemens.
“Study of the structure of pressure pipes Æвн103.4´4.2 mm from the Zr-2.5% Nb alloy.” 2007. Customer: Chepetsk Mechanical Plant.
“Metal science support for the development of technology for manufacturing pipes Ø16×2 mm from ferritic steel 08Х14МФ". 2009. Customer: Chepetsk Mechanical Plant.
“Study of the properties of semi-finished products and pipes made of E110 alloy optimized composition." 2010. Customer: Chepetsk Mechanical Plant.
“Metal science study of the creation of a technology for the production of bimetallic claddings of fuel elements with an internal sublayer of zirconium alloy with a submicrocrystalline structure.” 2012. Customer: VNIINM im. A.A. Bochvara.
Connection with Tomsk universities
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Zuev L.B. - Professor of the Department of Strength Theory and Design of Tomsk State University;
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Barannikova S.A. - Professor of the Department of Mechanics of Deformable Solids, Tomsk State University;
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Danilov V.I. - Professor of the Department of Metallurgy, Yurga Technological Institute, Tomsk Polytechnic University;
Doctor of Technical Sciences Semukhin B.S. - Professor of the Department of Occupational Safety and Environment at Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
Candidates of Sciences Lunev A.G., Orlova D.V., Shlyakhova G.V., Nadezhkin M.V. teach at the departments of Tomsk State University, Tomsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Seversk Academy of Technology - a branch of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute.
Official recognition
Zuev L.B. awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd class in 1999; medal “For services to Tomsk State University” in 2003, anniversary medal “400 years of the city of Tomsk” in 2004; anniversary medal “70 years of the Tomsk region” in 2014
The title “Honored Veteran of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences” was awarded to L.B. Zuev in 2005, Danilov V.I. in 2010, Gorbatenko V.V. in 2016