Laboratory of Physics of Structura...

Laboratory of Physics of Structural Transformations


Ditenberg Ivan Alexandrovich

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Tel.: (382-2) 53-15-69

Brief historical background about the unit

The Laboratory of Physics of Structural Transformations was created by order of the director of the Institute of Physics of Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the rector of TSU and the director of the SFTI TSU on September 1, 1998 as an interdepartmental laboratory that unites employees of the laboratories of the Institute of Physics of the Physics of the SB RAS, SFTI TSU and the Department of Metal Physics of the Faculty of Physics of TSU.

In addition to fundamental research, the laboratory trains highly qualified specialists in the field of condensed matter physics (according to a multi-level system - bachelor, graduate, master's student, graduate student).

Research areas, areas of fundamental research

Phenomenology, characteristic types of defective substructures, structural mechanisms and physical models of plastic deformation of materials at different (nano, micro, meso) structural levels.

Fundamental laws, physical, mathematical and structural models of formation and functional properties of nanocrystalline particles, materials and coatings.

Tasks solved within these areas

1. Atomic mechanisms of deformation and reorientation of the crystal lattice under conditions of phase instability of the crystal in fields of intense external influences.

2. Features of nonequilibrium microstructure and mechanical properties of nanostructured metal materials obtained by methods of severe plastic deformation.

3. Development and research of a new class of nanocomposite superhard  coatings obtained by magnetron and vacuum-arc synthesis methods.

4. Physical justification and development of new methods  improving the performance properties of ferritic-martensitic steels and low-activation vanadium alloys as structural materials for new generations of nuclear fission and fusion reactors.

Composition of the unit
Total number of 6 people, including:
- 2 doctors of science,
- 1 candidate of sciences,

List of staff members

1. Ditenberg Ivan Aleksandrovich, head. lab., senior researcher, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences,

2. Tyumentsev Alexander Nikolaevich, chief researcher, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences,

3. Pinzhin Yuri Pavlovich, senior researcher, Ph.D.,

4. Grinyaev Konstantin Vadimovich, junior researcher,

5. Smirnov Ivan Vladimirovich, junior researcher,

6. Osipov Denis Andreevich, engineer


Korotaev Alexander Dmitrievich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher

The most important scientific results

1. It has been established that a characteristic feature of the microstructure of a large class of bulk submicro- and nanocrystalline metallic materials obtained with the participation of large plastic deformations, as well as superhard nanocomposite coatings synthesized by magnetron and vacuum-arc sputtering methods, are highly defective structural states with high values ​​of the rotor curvature of the crystal lattice and high density of boundaries with variable misorientation vectors.  A model of these states is proposed as states with a high continuum density of disclinations in the volume and at the boundaries of submicro- and nanocrystals.  This model, together with special methods of electron microscopic analysis of the parameters of the continuum density of defects, is an effective tool for studying the elastic-stressed state at the submicron and nanoscale levels.

2. It is shown that important features of the mesolevel of deformation, including during the formation and plastic deformation of bulk nanostructured metallic materials, are a high level of local stresses and their gradients (sloc ~ E/30 and ¶slok/¶r ~ E/10 μm-1) and activation (under conditions of low dislocation activity) of cooperative mechanisms of crystal deformation and reorientation. Among them:

§  collective relaxation of structural states with a continuum density of defects into flat clusters of partial disclinations or Somiliana dislocations;

§  quasi-viscous mechanism of reorientation by flows of nonequilibrium point defects in fields of high local stress gradients;

3. Concepts have been developed about a new (non-dislocation) mode of deformation and reorientation of the crystal lattice - local reversible (direct plus reverse) structural transformations of the martensitic type with the implementation of reverse transformations in alternative systems; about new carriers of such deformation - microvolumes of nonequilibrium phase-structural states with a high component of homogeneous deformation of the Bain-type transformation and about the important role of normal (diagonal) components of the stress tensor in deformation zones.  Using these concepts, it is possible, firstly, to clarify the nature and describe the patterns of mechanical twinning and asymmetry of mechanical behavior in single crystals of alloys based on titanium nickelide; secondly, explain the unusual features of crystal lattice reorientation in deformation localization bands of austenitic steels and vanadium alloys; thirdly, understand the reasons for the ultra-high technological plasticity of these materials.

4. An atomic model has been developed for the formation of partial and complete dislocations and deformation twins in fcc crystals by direct plus reverse (fcc®bcc®fcc) martensitic transformation localized in two or more adjacent slip planes.  Within the framework of this model, a physical substantiation of the laws and mechanisms of dislocation plasticity and mechanical twinning in nanostructured metallic materials is given.

5. The relationship between the defective substructure and the strength properties of superhard Ti-Si-B-N and Ti-Si-Al-N nanocomposite coatings with a high content of oxygen and carbon has been established.  The conditions for the formation of nanocrystalline, two-level (submicro-plus nanocrystalline) and amorphous-crystalline structures of these coatings with high (up to T = 1273 K) thermal stability of superhardness Hm = (40-50) GPa have been found. It was concluded that the high strength properties of the coatings are due to the presence of a dislocation substructure and high resistance to shear of amorphous phases along the boundaries of nanocrystals.


New methods of nanostructuring of heterophase structure and modes of thermal, thermomechanical and chemical-thermal treatment of austenitic, ferritic-martensitic steels and low-activated vanadium alloys, providing a significant increase in their high-temperature strength while maintaining a satisfactory reserve of low-temperature ductility.  Recommendations have been formulated for the development of new alloys and technological methods for increasing their service properties in the active zones of nuclear and thermonuclear reactors.

Projects, grants, agreements

1. RFBR grant No. 12-03-00488-a “Development of new methods for increasing the heat resistance and radiation resistance of ferritic-martensitic steels for new generations of nuclear reactors” 2012 - 2014. (director: A.N. Tyumentsev).

2. Kh/d No. 320-22 on the topic “Study of the structural-phase states of ferritic-martensitic steels of the EK181 and ChS139 types and vanadium alloys of the V-Ti-Cr-M type (M = W, Zr, C) before irradiation and development of methods improving their functional properties" 2013 (director A.N. Tyumentsev).

3. RFBR grant No. 13-08-00502 a. “Study of the patterns of microstructure modification in zones of deformation and destruction of multi-element monolayer and gradient-layered nanostructured coatings obtained by ion-assisted magnetron sputtering.”, 2013 - 2014, Project Manager S.V. Ovchinnikov.

4. RFBR grant No. 13-02-98020 r_siberia_a "Development of new multi-element coatings with nano-sized particles of the crystalline phase based on amorphous carbon, study of their microstructure, functional properties and use in technology", 2013-2015, supervisor A.D. Korotaev.

5. Paper No. 559-14/320-17 on the topic “Study of the influence of TMT and CHT modes on the microstructure and properties of ferritic-martensitic steels and vanadium alloys to improve their functional properties” 2014 (supervisor A.N. Tyumentsev ).

6. Paper No. 2807/320-4 on the topic “Study of patterns and mechanisms of microstructure formation and mechanical properties of ferritic-martensitic steels and vanadium alloys depending on their TMT (CHT) and testing modes” 2015 (supervisor A. Tyumentsev .N.).

7. RFBR grant No. 15-08-07416-a “Study of the patterns of formation of submicrocrystalline states in austenitic steels under conditions of direct and reverse deformation martensitic transformations”, 2015-2017, supervisor I.Yu. Litovchenko.

8. RFBR project, No. 16-08-926-a “The influence of hydrogen alloying on the mechanisms of deformation and fracture of austenitic chromium-nickel steels with an ultra-fine-grained structure” (supervisor E.G. Astafurova).

9. RSF project No. 17-19-01197 “Scientific basis for controlling micromechanisms of plasticity and fracture of single-phase and heterophase high-nitrogen chromium-manganese austenitic steels” 2017-2019. (headed by E.G. Astafurova).

10. RSF grant No. 17-19-01374 “Nonequilibrium structural states at the nanoscale level and patterns of their evolution during plastic deformation of metallic materials.” 2017-2019 (director: A.N. Tyumentsev).

Major publications

1. A. N. Tyumentsev, N. S. Surikova, I. Yu. Litovchenko, Yu. P. Pinzhin, A. D. Korotaev, O. V. Lysenko Mechanism for the deformation and crystal lattice reorientation in the strain localization bands and deformation twins of the B2 phase of titanium nickelide // Acta Materialia. - 2004. - V. 52. - P. 2067-2074. DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2004.01.001.

2. A. D. Korotaev, A. N. Tyumentsev, Yu. P. Pinzhin, and G. E. Remnev. Features of the morphology, defect substructure, and phase state of metal and alloy surfaces upon high-power ion beam irradiation // Surface and Coating Technology. - 2004. - V. 185. P. 38-49. DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2003.11.021.

3. Tyumentsev, A.N., Ditenberg, L.A. Nanodipoles of partial disclinations as quasi-ductile strain carriers responsible for nanocrystalline structure formation in metals and alloys under severe plastic deformation // Physical Mesomechanics. Volume 14, Issue 5-6, September 2011, Pages 249-260. DOI: 10.1016/j.physme.2011.12.004.

4. Filimonov V.Yu., Korchagin M.A., Ditenberg I.A., Tyumentsev A.N., Lyakhov N.Z. High temperature synthesis of single-phase Ti3Al intermetallic compound in mechanically activated powder mixture // Powder Technology. - 2013. - 235. - P. 606-613. DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2012.11.022.

5. Tyumentsev, A.N., Ditenberg, I.A., Korotaev, A.D., Denisov K.I. Lattice curvature evolution in metal materials on meso- and nanostructural scales of plastic deformation // Physical Mesomechanics. Volume 16, Issue 4, 2013, Pages 319-334. DOI: 10.1134/S1029959913040061.

6. Korotaev, A.D., Borisov, D.P., Moshkov, V.Y., Ovchinnikov, S.V., Tyumentsev, A.N., Pribytkov, G.A. Peculiarities of structural phase and elastic stress states of superhard TiN-based nanocomposite coatings // Physical Mesomechanics. Volume 16, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 73-83. DOI: 10.1134/S1029959913010086.

7. Polekhina N.A., Litovchenko I.Yu., Tyumentsev A.N., Astafurova E.G., Сhernov V.M., Leontieva-Smirnova M.V. The effect of tempering temperature on the features of phase transformations of the ferritic-martensitic steel EK-181 // Journal of nuclear materials . - 2014. - V. 455 - P. 496-499. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.08.012.

8. Litovchenko I.Yu., Polekhina N.A., Tyumentsev A.N., Astafurova E.G., Сhernov V.M., Leontieva-Smirnova M.V. The effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of heat-resistant ferritic-martensitic steel EK-181 // Journal of nuclear materials. - 2014. - V. 455 - P. 665-668. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.08.056.

9. Tyumntsev AN, Litovchenko I. Yu. Models of Dislocation Formation and Mechanical Twinning by Local Reversible Martensitic Transformations in FCC Nanocrystals // Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1013 (2014) pp 234–241. DOI: 10.4028/

10. Chernov V.M., Potapenko M.M., Drobyshev V.A., Kravtsova M.V., Tyumentsev A.N., Ovchinnikov S.V., Ditenberg I.A., Pinzhin Y.P., Korotaev A.D., Smirnov I.V., Grinyaev K.V. Microstructure and mechanical properties of V-Me(Cr,W)-Zr alloys as a function of their chemical-thermal treatment // Nuclear Materials and Energy. - 2015. - V. 3-4 - P. 17 - 21. DOI: 10.1016/j.nme.2015.04.001. 54">Ditenberg, I.A. Nanodipoles of partial disclinations in the region of localized elastic distortions // Physical Mesomechanics. Volume 18, Issue 2, 29 April 2015, Pages 158-162. DOI: 10.1134/S1029959915020083.

12. Grinyaev, K.V., Smirnov, I.V., Ditenberg, I.A., Tyumentsev, A.N., Radishevskii, V.L., Gavrilin, A.N., Korznikov, A.V., Chernov, V.M. Formation of nanostructured state in an internally oxidized vanadium alloy under severe plastic deformation // Russian Physics Journal. - 2017. - V. 5 - No 12. - P. 2094-2 DOI: 10.1007/s11182-017-1019-5.

13. Elena Astafurova, Galina Maier, Eugene Melnikov, Eugene Naydenkin, Alexander Smirnov, Vladimir Bataev, Pavel Odessky, Sergey Dobatkin, and Hans J. Maier. The Influence of the Thermomechanical Processing Regime on the Structural Evolution of Mo-Nb-Ti-V Microalloyed Steel Subjected to High-Pressure Torsion // Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 48A (2017) 3400-3409. DOI: 10.1007/s11661-017-4085-y.

14. E.G. Astafurova, V.A. Moskvina, G.G. Maier, E.V. Melnikov, G.N. Zakharov, S.V. Astafurov, H.J. Maier. Hydrogen-enhanced orientation dependence of stress relaxation and strain-ageing in Hadfield steel single crystals // Scripta Materialia 136 (2017). DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2017.04.028.

15. S.F. Gnyusov, V.P. Rotschtein, A.E. Mayer, E.G. Astafurova, V.V. Rostov, A.V. Gunin, G.G. Maier. Comparative study of shock-wave hardening and substructure evolution of 304L and Hadfield steels irradiated with a nanosecond relativistic high-current electron beam // Journal of Alloys and Compounds 714 (2017) 232-244. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.04.219.

List of patents

1. Tyumentsev A.N., Korotaev A.D., Pinzhin Yu.P., Ditenberg I.A., Ovchinnikov S.V., Litovchenko I.Yu., Chernov V.M., Potapenko M.M., Kryukova L.M., Drobyshev V.A. Method of thermomechanical processing of vanadium-based alloys // Patent for invention No. 2360012 C1 RU MPK C21D 8/00 (2006.01) / Tomsk State University (RU), Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS (RU), Federal State Unitary Enterprise VNII inorganic materials named after. A.A. Bochvara (RU) - No. 2007136404/02. Application 01.10.2007. Publ. 06/27/2009. Bull. No. 18.

2. Tyumentsev A.N., Korotaev A.D., Pinzhin Yu.P., Ditenberg I.A., Ovchinnikov S.V., Litovchenko I.Yu., Grinyaev K.V., Chernov V.M., Potapenko M.M., Drobyshev V.A. Method for processing vanadium-based alloys of the V-4Ti-4Cr system // Patent for invention No. 2445400 C1 RU IPC C22F 1/18 (2006/01) C21D 8/00 (2006.01) / Tomsk State University (RU) - No. 2010133459/02. Application 08/09/2010. Publ. 03/20/2012. Bull. No. 8.

3. Tyumentsev A.N., Ditenberg I.A., Ovchinnikov S.V., Korotaev A.D., Pinzhin Yu.P., Litovchenko I.Yu., Chernov V.M., Potapenko M.M., Drobyshev V.A. Method of chemical-thermal treatment of vanadium alloys alloyed with chromium and titanium // Patent for invention No.: 2463377 C1 RU IPC C22F 1/18 (2006/01) C21D 8/10 (2006.01) / Tomsk State University (RU), Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS (RU), JSC "VNIINM" named after. Academician A.A. Bochvara (RU) - No. 2011117823/02. Application 05/03/2011. Publ. 10.10.2012. Bull. No. 28.

4. Borisov D.P., Korotaev A.D., Kuznetsov V.M., Chulkov E.V. Device for creating uniformly distributed gas plasma in large vacuum volumes  technological installations // Patent for utility model No. 116733 I1 RU PMK N05N1/00 (2006.01) / Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Tomsk State University" (RU) - No. 2011144344/07. Application 01.11.2011. Publ. 05/27/2012. Bulletin. No. 18.

5. Borisov D.P., Korotaev A.D., Kuznetsov V.M., Chulkov E.V., Terekhov P.A., Romanov V.Ya., Kuznetsov A.V. Device for vacuum pumping of vacuum chambers of technological vacuum-plasma installations // Patent for utility model No. 122654 I1 RU PMK S23S14/24 (2006/01) / Gradient LLC (RU), Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Tomsk State University" (RU) - No. 2012121224/02. Application 05/23/2012. Publ. 12/10/2012 Bulletin. No. 34.

6. Ditenberg I.A., Denisov K.I., Tyumentsev A.N., Korchagin M.A., Korznikov A.V. Method for producing a multilayer composite based on niobium and aluminum using combined mechanical processing // Patent for invention No. 2521945 C1 RU IPC B22F 3/02 (2006.01) C22C 1/04 (2006.01) B22F 1/00 ​​(2006.01) / Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National" Research Tomsk State University" (RU) - No. 2013118888/02. Application 04/23/2013. Publ. 07/10/2014. Bull. No. 9.

7. Ditenberg I.A., Denisov K.I., Tyumentsev A.N., Korchagin M.A., Korznikov A.V. Method for producing a multilayer composite based on copper and aluminum using combined mechanical processing // Patent for invention No. 2539496 C1 RU IPC B22F3/02 (2006.01), C22C1/04 (2006.01) B32B15/20 (2006.01) / Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Tomsk State University" (RU) - 2014100787/02. Application 01/10/2014. Publ. 01/20/2015. Bull. No. 2.

8. Ditenberg I.A., Denisov K.I., Tyumentsev A.N., Korchagin M.A., Korznikov A.V. Method for producing a multilayer composite based on nickel and aluminum using combined mechanical processing // Patent for invention No. 2554834 C1 RU IPC B22F 3/02 (2006.01), C22C 1/04 (2006.01), B32B 15/20 (2006.01). / Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "National Research Tomsk State University" (RU) - No. 2014100777/02, Application. 01/10/2014. Publ. 06/27/2015. Bull. No. 18.

9. Ditenberg I.A., Tyumentsev A.N., Smirnov I.V., Grinyaev K.V., Pinzhin Yu.P., Korotaev A.D., Chernov V.M., Potapenko M.M., Drobyshev V.A. Combined method of processing vanadium alloys // Patent for invention No. 2605015 C1 RU MPK C22F 1/18 (2006.01), C22C 27/02 (2006.01) / NI TSU, IFPM SB RAS, JSC "VNIINM" - No. 2015126926/02, Appl. 07/07/2015. Publ. 12/20/2016 Bulletin. No. 35.

10. Litovchenko I.Yu., Tyumentsev A.N., Akkuzin S.A., Polekhina N.A. Method for thermomechanical processing of metastable austenitic steel // Patent for invention No. 2598744 C21D8/00 (2006.01), C21D6/04 (2006.01), C21D6/00 (2006.01), C21D7/13 (2006.01). //FGAUHE "National Research Tomsk State University" (RU), FGBUN Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science SB RAS (RU), Application: 2015124796/02, 06/24/2015. Published September 27, 2016. Bull. No 27.

11. Ditenberg I.A., Tyumentsev A.N., Smirnov I.V., Grinyaev K.V., Chernov V.M. Method for producing vanadium alloy blanks // Patent for invention No. 2623848 C2 RU MPK C22F 1/18 (2006.01) / NI TSU, IFPM SB RAS, JSC "VNIINM" - No. 2015149656, Application 11/19/2015. Publ. 06/29/2017. Bull. No 19.

12. Ditenberg I.A., Korchagin M.A., Tyumentsev A.N., Pinzhin Yu.P., Grinyaev K.V. Method for producing quasi-spherical titanium particles // Patent for invention No. 2641428 C1 RU IPC B22F 1/00 ​​(2006.01), B22F 9/04 (2006.01), C22B 34/12 (2006.01) / Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Tomsk State University" (RU ) - 2016145269. Application. 11/18/2016. Publ. 01/17/2018. Bull. No 2.

13. Ditenberg I.A., Tyumentsev A.N., Smirnov I.V., Grinyaev K.V., Chernov V.M. Method for processing workpieces of vanadium alloys // Patent for invention No. 2644832 C1 RU MPK C22F 1/18 (2006/01) / Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Tomsk State University" (RU) - 2016149864. Appl. 12/20/2016. Publ. 02/14/2018. Bull. No 5.

14. Litovchenko I.Yu., Akkuzin S.A., Polekhina N.A., Tyumentsev A.N. Method for increasing the strength of stable austenitic steel // Patent for invention No. 2641429 C1 RU, IPC C21D 6/00 (2006.01); C21D 6/04 (2006.01); C21D 8/00 (2006.01). / Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “National Research Tomsk State University”. - 2016146183. Application. 11/25/2016. Publ. 01/17/18. Bull. No. 2.


Scientific research and training of specialists are carried out using the experimental Tomsk Materials Science Center for Collective Use of Scientific Equipment (TSU, IFPM SB RAS), equipped with modern samples of structural analytical equipment: transmission and scanning electron microscopes of the latest modifications, X-ray installations, modern instruments for elemental analysis, research mechanical properties, etc.

Contact with universities

1. Ditenberg I.A. - Head of the Department of Metal Physics, Faculty of Physics, TSU
Lecture courses:
Nanophase and amorphous materials
Electron microscopy.
Member of the dissertation council of NI TSU.1.3.01 (NI TSU.01.04).

2. Korotaev A.D. - Professor of the Department of Metal Physics of the Federal Faculty of TSU.
Lecture courses:
Dislocation theory.
Physics of radiation surface modification.
Member of the dissertation council of NI TSU.1.3.01 (NI TSU.01.04).

3. Pinzhin Yu.P. - Associate Professor of the Department of Metal Physics of the Faculty of Physics of TSU.
Lectures and practical classes:
Electron microscopy.
Analytical methods of scanning electron microscopy.
Physical materials science.

4. Smirnov I.V. - Assistant at the Department of Metal Physics of the Faculty of Physics of TSU.
Practical classes:
X-ray diffraction analysis
Physical materials science

Public recognition

Tyumentsev A.N., Ditenberg I.A., Pinzhin Yu.P., Grinyaev K.V., Smirnov I.V.

Prize of the Tomsk region in the field of education, science, healthcare and culture in the nomination “Prizes for scientific and scientific-pedagogical teams” (2020)
