Laboratory of Physics of Nanostruc...

Laboratory of Physics of Nanostructured Functional Materials


Brief historical background about the unit

The laboratory was created in 1988 as a structural subdivision of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, performing the tasks of the USSR Ministry of Mechanical Engineering.

Areas of research, directions of fundamental research

  • Development of scientific principles of synthesis and study of the properties of materials with a hierarchically organized internal structure based on oxides, borides, carbides
  • Development of scientific foundations for the creation of ceramic and metal-ceramic composites with structural phase transformations, technological processes for their production.
  • Physics of sintering, interphase interaction and structure formation in powder systems, methods for modifying structure and properties.

Main areas of research

- Ceramic and metal composite materials with transformation hardening.

- Wear resistance of ceramic and metal composite materials with transformation hardening.

- Highly porous ceramic and metal materials.

- Composites based on alloys with shape memory effect.

- Physics of sintering, interphase interaction and structure formation in powder systems, methods for modifying structure and properties.

Problems solved within these areas

Study of the features of the mechanical response of ceramic materials based on oxides, borides and carbides of group IVb elements and silicon to the application of external loads of various types (compression, shear, indentation).

Study of the destruction of ceramic materials based on refractory compounds of group IVb elements and silicon under constrained deformation conditions and the patterns of formation of hierarchical macro, meso and nanostructures in a wide porosity range depending on synthesis and loading parameters. Study of the rate of damage accumulation at different scale levels.

Unit composition

The total number of people is 16, including:
Doctors of Science - 1,
Candidates of Science - 9

Laboratory of Physics of Nanostructured Ceramic Materials

List of staff members


Pribytkov G.A. - senior researcher,
Korosteleva E.N. - senior researcher, elenak@
Sevostyanova I.N. - Researcher,
Sablina T.Yu. - Researcher, sabtat@
Korzhova V.V. - Researcher, vicvic5@
Meissner S.N. - Researcher
Shutilova E.S. - junior researcher
Firsina I.A. - junior researcher
Rusin N.M. - senior researcher,
Skorentsev A.L. - researcher,

II. Engineering and technical staff

Ryzhova L.N.
Borisov S.S.,
Krivopalov V.P.,
Molchunova L.M.,
Baranovsky A.V. Karpov S.M.

The most important scientific results

It has been shown that in porous ceramics a transformation transformation associated with mechanical stress is possible, which, however, does not affect the macrostrength of the material. In this case, the main factor determining such a transformation in a porous material is internal microstresses (stresses of the second kind), which decrease with increasing porosity and increasing ceramic grain size.

It has been shown that during sintering of ceramics a block structure is formed, which is destroyed along the boundaries of the blocks due to the destruction of fragile bridges connecting the blocks to each other and, as a consequence, during destruction, forming fragments in size comparable to the average grain size (10 - 20 Вµm), which leads to to the widening of destruction zones between blocks to 40 - 50 Вµm. This mechanism reduces the scale of destruction, increasing the ability of absolutely brittle ceramics to effectively resist the applied load and increasing the tensile strength values.

The formed hierarchical pore structure of ceramics has a significant effect on the nature of damage to the material under compression, causing a transition from brittle fracture to quasi-plastic, due to the formation of numerous sources of destruction, and the formation of a hierarchical deformation structure in the volume of ceramics leads to the effect of reducing the scale of destruction processes from macroscopic, in the case of ceramics with a unimodal pore structure, to mesoscale destruction comparable to the size of the blocks formed during sintering.


1. Ultra-high temperature ceramic layered composites

A laboratory technology for producing layered composites ZrB2 - SiC - ZrO2 has been developed. The layers are arranged in order of decreasing thermal conductivity: the top layer is zirconium diboride with the addition of silicon carbide, the bottom layer is zirconium dioxide. Zirconium diboride is coated with HfC. The resulting layered ceramic materials make it possible to solve technological problems of creating thermal barrier protection with high characteristics of heat resistance and wear resistance under conditions of intense thermal effects of high-temperature gas flows. Thermal resistance tests of the resulting composites were carried out, which showed their performance up to temperatures above 2200 В°C and a time of 1000 sec.

2. Development of a technique for reconstructing defects in the maxillofacial area using individual ceramic implants

The consortium “Interdepartmental Network Center for Research and Development of Personalized Volumetric Implants for Reconstructive Surgery”, “3D-Implant”, has been created, which includes: Tomsk Research Institute of Oncology, TSU, SRITO, TPU, IMTC, ISPMS SB RAS.

A technique has been developed for obtaining individual ceramic implants for each clinical case, taking into account the design and extent of the defect. A new technique has been developed for the combined reconstruction of extensive, complex defects of the maxillofacial area in cancer patients using new implants made of bioactive ceramics and microsurgical reconstruction techniques.

Projects, grants, contracts

During 2013-2017, the laboratory carried out work on attracted funding (projects of the Federal Targeted Program, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, financial support) in the amount of about 150 million rubles.

Major publications

1. Grigoriev M.V., Molchunova L.M., Buyakova S.P., Kulkov S.N. The influence of mechanical processing on the structure and properties of non-stoichiometric titanium carbide powder // Izvestia VUZov. Physics. - 2013. - T. 56. - No. 7/2. - pp. 206-210.

2. Kalatur E.S., Buyakova S.P., Kulkov S.N. Influence of structural features on the deformation behavior of ceramic materials // Physics. - 2013. - T. 56. - No. 10/2. -

3. Kanaki A.V., Buyakova S.P., Kulkov S.N. Features of the structure and phase composition of ceramic powders of the ZrO 2 -MgO system // Proceedings of universities. Physics. - 2013. - T. 56. - No. 7/2. - pp. 251-255.

4. Promakhov V.V., Buyakova S.P., Kulkov S.N., Kalatur E.S., Konovalenko I.S. Structure and phase composition of composite ceramic materials based on the ZrO2 - MgO system // Izvestiya VUZov. Physics. - 2013. - T. 56. - No. 7/2. - pp. 316-320.

5. Smolin I.Yu., Eremin M.O., Makarov P.V., Buyakova S.P., Kulkov S.N., Evtushenko E.P. Numerical modeling of the mechanical behavior of model brittle porous materials at the mesolevel // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Mathematics and mechanics. - 2013. - No. 5 (25). - P. 78-90.

6. Savchenko NL, Sablina TY, Melnikov AG, Kul'kov SN Behavior of the submicrocrystalline Y-TZP-AL 2 O 3 composite in dry friction with steel // Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics. 2013. T. 51. No. 9-10. pp. 577-583.

7. Smolin I.Yu., Eremin M.O., Makarov P.V., Kulkov S.N., Buyakova S.P. Numerical modeling of deformation of mesovolumes of model porous materials // Proceedings of the International Conference “Hierarchically organized systems of living and inanimate nature”, Russia, Tomsk, September 9-13, 2013. - IFPM SB RAS. - 2013. - pp. 191-194.

8. Smolin I.Yu., Eremin M.O., Makarov P.V., Kulkov S.N., Buyakova S.P. Numerical modeling of deformation of mesovolumes of model porous materials // Proceedings of the International Conference “Hierarchically organized systems of living and inanimate nature”, Russia, Tomsk, September 9-13, 2013. - IFPM SB RAS. - 2013. - pp. 191-194.

9. Sharkeev Yu.P., Kulyashova K.S., Glushko Yu.A., Belyavskaya O.A., Sainova A.B., Khasanova A.I., Kulkov S.N., Shulepov I.A. Bioactive RF magnetron coatings on ceramic surfaces. // Materials of the III International Conference “New technologies for the creation and application of bioceramics in restorative medicine”, October 7-9, 2013, Tomsk, Russia: TPU. - 2013. - P. 204-208.

10. Sevostyanova I.N., Savchenko N.L., Kulkov S.N. Formation of a fragmented structure on the friction surface and in wear particles of WC - (Fe-Mn-C) composites during high-speed sliding on tool steel. // Letters about materials. 2013. Volume 3, issue. 2, pp. 133-136.

11. Vorozhtsov S.A., Kozulin A.A., Kulkov S.S., Kulkov S.N., Taipel U. Effect of ultrasonic deagglomeration on the morphology and parameters of the crystal structure of powder systems "Al - carbon nanotubes" // Perspective materials , 2014 No. 11, pp. 48-55.

12. Dedova E.S., Shadrin V.S., A.I.Gubanov, Kulkov S.N. Preparation and properties of zirconium tungstate with anomalous thermal characteristics. News of TPU, volume 324, no. 3, 2014, pp. 22-27.

13. Dedova E.S., Shadrin V.S., A.I.Gubanov, Kulkov S.N. Preparation and structural features of zirconium tungstate with anomalous thermal properties // Perspective materials, 2014 No. 5 p.22-26.

14. Savchenko NL, Sevostyanova IN, Sablina TY, Molnar L., Geber R., Gomze LA, Kulkov SN, Gomze L. N The Influence of Porosity on the Elasticity and Strength of Alumina Ceramics // Г‰pГ­tГґanyag - Journal of Silicate Based and Composite Materials. 2014. Vol. 66.No. 2. P. 44-47.

15. Lyapunova E.A., Naimark O.B., Kulkov S.N., Dedova E.S., Sobolev I.A. Structural features of the zirconium dioxide/multi-walled carbon nanotubes composite obtained by electrophoresis // Inorganic materials. - 2015. - T. 51. - No. 1. - P. 23-28.

16. Dmitriev A.I., Buyakova S.P., Kulkov S.N. Study of the influence of the size and concentration of particles of soft inclusions on the strength properties of a ceramic sample // Physical mesomechanics. - 2015. - T. 18. - No. 4. - P. 61-67.

17. Vasiliev V.V., Luchaninov A.A., Reshetnyak E.N., Strelnitsky V.E., Tolmacheva G.N., Pribytkov G.A., Gurskikh A.V., Krinitsyn M.G. Application of powder cathodes for the deposition of Ti-Si-T coatings from filtered vacuum-arc plasma. Physical engineering of surfaces. - 2015. - T. 13. - No. 2. - P.148-163.

18. Korosteleva E.N., Pribytkov G.A., Kalambaeva S.S., Korzhova V.V., Strelnitsky V.E. SHS composite powders “TiC - cast iron binder” for surfacing and spraying, synthesized in air // News of universities. Physics. - 2015. - T. 58. - No. 6/2. - pp. 152-157.

19. Pribytkov G.A., Firsina I.A. Structure, physical and mechanical properties and destruction of hot-compacted composites from Al-Ti, Al-Ti-Si powder mixtures // Perspective materials. - 2015. - No. 7. - P. 21-29.

20. Gurskikh A.B., H.M. Rusin, A.L. Skorentsev. Contact alloying of alloy D16 with tin-based melts // News of universities. Physics. - 2015. - T. 58. - No. 6/2. - pp. 59-64.

21. Gurskikh AB, HM Rusin, T.Kh. Badtredinov. Features of the behavior of aluminum bronze under uniaxial compression // News of universities. Physics. - 2015. - T. 58 - No. 6/2. - pp. 64-69.

22. Rusin HM, Skorentsev A.L., Mishin I.P., Gurskikh AV The influence of interphase boundaries on the structure and mechanical properties of Al-Sn composites subjected to intensive processing // News of universities. Physics. - 2015. - T. 58. - No. 6/2. - pp. 243-248.

23. Rusin N.M., Skorentsev A.L., Mishin I.P. Evolution of the structure and properties of Al - Sn composites during deformation // Perspective materials. - 2015. - No. 6. - P. 5-17.

24. Dmitriev AI, Buyakova SP, Kulkov SN, A study of the influence of soft particle size and concentration on strength and strain properties of ceramic composites // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2015. - V. 1683. - P. 020045

25. Grigoriev MV, Kotelnikov NL, Buyakova SP, Kulkov SN The structure and properties of composites AI2O3-ZrO2-TiC for use in extreme conditions // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2015. - V. 1683. - P. 020061.

26. Kulkov S. and Buyakova S. Zirconia-based powders and properties of sintered ceramics for biomedical applications // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2015. - V. 1683. - P. 060005.

27. Kulkov S. Formation of hierarchical structures in MMC with phase transformations // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2015. - V. 1683. - P. 020111.

28. Kulkov SN, Korobenkov MV and Bragin NA Mathemattcal modeling of the process off filling a mold during injection molding of ceramic products // AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2015. - V. 1683. - P. 020112.

29. Kulkov Sergei and Svetlana Buyakova, Maria Chatzinikolaidou, Istvan Kocserga. Rheology and porosity effect on mechanical properties of zirconia ceramics // Epitoanyag - Journ. of Silicate Based and Composite Materials, Hungary. - 2015. - No. 4. - P. 155-158.

30. Kulkov S., Litvinova L., Kalatur E., Buyakov A. Rheology and porosity effect on the proliferation of pre-osteoblast on zirconia ceramics // IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - 2015. - V. 602. - P. 012028.

31. Kulkov S., Vorozhtsov S., Turuntaev I. Structure, phase content and mechanical properties of aluminum with hard particles after shock-wave compaction // IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - 2015. - V. 602. - P. 012019.

32. Collective monograph edited by LA Gomze Applied Materials Science I., Compilation of Selected Scientific Papers, Publishrd by IGREX Ltd, Igrici (Hungary) 2016, pp. 1-189. (ISBN 978-963-12-6600-9) (Nikolai L. Savchenko, Irina N. Sevostyanova, Tatiana Yu. Sablina, Lucia Molnar, Robert Geber, Laszlo A. Gömze, Sergey N. Kulkov, Ludmila N. Gömze. The influence of porosity on the elasticity and strength of aluminum ceramics. P. 151 - 159.)

33. Savchenko N.L., Sablina T.Yu., Sevostyanova I.N., Buyakova S.P., Kulkov S.N. Deformation and destruction of porous brittle materials under various loading schemes // News of higher educational institutions, Physics, 2015. T. 58. No. 11. P. 56-60. (Savchenko NL, Sablina TY, Sevostyanova IN, Buуakova SP, Kulkov SN “ Deformation and fracture of porous brittle materials under different loading schemes ” // Russian Physics Journal . 2016. T. 58. No. 11. P. 1544-1548. )

34. Buyakova S., Burlachenko A., Mirovoi Yu., Sevostiyanova I., Kulkov S. The influence of ZrB2-SiC powders mechanical treatment on the structure of sintered ceramic composites // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 140 (2016) 012006 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/140/1/012006.

35. Buyakova S., E. Kalatur, A. Buyakov, S. Kulkov. Structure and properties of ZrO2-MgO powders // IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 123 (2016) 012040 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/123/1/012040.

36. Kanaki A.V., Buyakova S.P., Kulkov S.N. Effect of annealing on the structure and phase transformations in ZrO2-MgO ceramic powders // Perspective materials. - 2016. - No. 1. - P. 49-56.

37. Shadrin V.S., Kulkov S.N. Study of the formation of intermetallic compounds in aluminum during its sintering with zirconium tungstate molding // Perspective materials. - 2016. - No. 11. - P. 48-54.

38. Krinitsyn M.G., G.A. Pribytkov, M.A. Korchagin. The influence of mechanical activation on the initiation of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of TiC-titanium binder compositions. “Deformation and fracture of materials” 2016, No. 4, pp. 14-17.

39. Pribytkov G.A., Krinitsyn M.G., Korzhova V.V. Study of SW synthesis products in powder mixtures of titanium and carbon containing excess titanium. "Advanced Materials", 2016, No. 5, pp. 59-68.

40. Vasiliev V. V., A. A. Luchaninov, E. N. Reshetnyak, V. E. Strelnitsky, G. N. Tolmacheva, G. A. Pribytkov, V. V. Korzhova. Structure and properties of nitride coatings deposited from filtered vacuum-arc plasma using a Cr0.5Al 0.5 powder cathode. Journal of Surface Physics and Engineering. 2016, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 62-80 (Ukraine).

41. Buzimov A.Yu., S.N.Kulkov, W.Eckl, S.Pappert. The influence of mechanical activation on the properties of synthetic Si-Al-P zeolites // Perspective materials. 2016. No. 12. - pp. 38-44

42. Grigoriev M.V., Savchenko N.L., Buyakova S.P., Kulkov S.N. Inelastic behavior during compression of ceramics with a hierarchical pore structure // Letters to the Journal of Technical Physics. - 2017. - T. 43, No. 15. - P. 79-86.

43. Kalita V.I., Komlev D.I., Pribytkov G.A., Korzhova V.V., Radyuk A.A., Baranovsky A.V., Ivannikov A.Yu., Alpatov A.V., Krinitsyn M.B., Mikhailova A.B. Changes in the content of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen during the formation of plasma cermet coatings with a steel matrix strengthened with titanium carbide // Perspective materials. - 2017. - No. 8. - P. 31-39.

44. Knyazeva A.G., Korosteleva E.N., Kryukova O.N., Pribytkov G.A. Chumakov Yu.A. Physical principles of the synthesis of titanium-based composite powders for additive technologies // Mechanical Engineering: network electronic scientific journal. - 2017. - T. 5, No. 4. - P. 3-13.

45. Pribytkov G.A., Baranovsky A.V., Firsina I.A., Durakov V.G., Krinitsyn M.G. Formation of the structure of coatings during electron beam surfacing of SHS with composite powders TiC + steel R6M5 // Physics and chemistry of materials processing. - 2017. - No. 5. - P. 36-43.

46. ​​Pribytkov G.A., Baranovsky A.V., Firsina I.A., Durakov V.G., Krinitsyn M.G. Hardness and abrasive wear resistance of electron beam coatings deposited with SHS composite powders TiC+steel R6M5 // Strengthening technologies and coatings. - 2017. - No. 10. - P. 446-452.

47. Pribytkov G.A., Korzhova V.V., Baranovsky A.V., Krinitsyn M.G. Phase composition and structure of composite titanium carbide powders with a binder of R6M5 steel, obtained by the SHS method. Izvestiya vuzov. Powder metallurgy and functional coatings. - 2017. - No. 2. - P. 64-71.

48. Pribytkov G.A., Kalita V.I., Komlev D.I., Korzhova V.V., Radyuk A.A., Baranovsky A.V., Ivannikov A.Yu., Krinitsyn M.G., Mikhailov A.B. Structure and wear resistance of plasma coatings sprayed with TiC + P6M5 composite powder // Physics and chemistry of materials processing. - 2017. - No. 3. - P. 45-55.

List of patents

1. Certificate of know-how No. 7 “Method of forming variable hydrophilicity on intrapore surfaces of osteo-replacing ceramics.” Registered with the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences 07/15/2013: Order No. 53-od, authors: Kulkov S.N., Buyakova S.P.

2. Patent No. 2476406 “Method for producing porous ceramic material”, authors: Melnikova G.V., Zhukov I.A., Buyakova S.P., Molchunova L.M., Sobolev I.A., Kozlova A.V. , Klevtsova E.V., published: 02.27.2013, Bull. No. 6.

3. RF patent No. 2552208 for the invention. Method for producing a wear-resistant antifriction alloy. Rusin N.M., Skorentsev A.L. Published: 06/10/2015.

4. RF patent No. 2569446 for the invention. Charge for a composite cathode and method of its manufacture. Pribytkov G.A., Korosteleva E.N., Korzhova V.V., Wagner M.I., Krinitsyn M.G., Gurskikh A.V. Published: 11/27/2015.

5. Buyakova Svetlana Petrovna, Grigoriev Mikhail Vladimirovich, Kulkov Sergey Nikolaevich, Sablina Tatyana Yuryevna, Ryzhova Lyubov Nikolaevna “Method for producing porous ceramic biomaterial based on zirconium dioxide” RF Patent No. 2585291, Bulletin No. 15 dated 05.27.16

6. Burlachenko A.G., Buyakova S.P., Gusev A.Yu., Kulkov S.N., Molchunova L.M., Savchenko N.L., Sevostyanova I.N. Method for producing porous layered composite material of the Zrm(OBC)n system. // Patent for invention No. RU 2 592 587 C1 dated July 27, 2016. Application 2015130367/03, 07/22/2015.

7. Buyakova S.P., Kulkov S.N., Sevostyanova I.N., Savchenko N.L., Burlachenko A.G., Gusev A.Yu., Mirovoy Yu.A., Pshenichny A.D. Method for producing nano-sized zirconium diboride powder // patent for invention No. RU 2 601 340 C1 jn 11/10/2016, Bull. No. 31, application 2015125930/05, 06/29/2015.

8. Savchenko Nikolay Leonidovich, Sablina Tatyana Yuryevna, Sevostyanova Irina Nikolaevna, Grigoriev Mikhail Vladimirovich, Kulkov Sergey Nikolaevich, Buyakova Svetlana Petrovna “Batch for a hybrid composite material and a method for its production” Patent No. 2 620 221, Bull. No. 15 from 05/23/2017

9. Buyakova Svetlana Petrovna, Kulkov Sergey Nikolaevich, Sablina Tatyana Yuryevna, Grigoriev Mikhail Vladimirovich, Buyakov Ales Sergeevich “Endoprosthesis of the intervertebral disc” Patent No. 2 636 852, Bull. No. 34 dated November 28, 2017

- Transmission electron microscope (with a device for ion thinning of samples),
- Scanning electron microscope (with a device for determining the fractal dimension of the surface under study),
- X-ray diffractometer (with low- and high-temperature attachments for research from
-180 to 2000 ВєC),
- Optical microscope
- High-temperature vacuum and air furnaces (up to 2000 ВєC),
- Hot pressing unit (load up to 50 kN, temperature up to 2000 ВєC).
- Technological equipment for injection molding of powder materials.
- Press equipment.

There is a complex of laboratory technological equipment that provides a full cycle of traditional powder metallurgy and self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS): mixture preparation equipment, hydraulic presses of various capacities, furnaces for sintering and heat treatment, SHS reactor, a set of equipment for RCU.

Communication with universities

A branch of the Department of Physics and Technology of TSU operates in the laboratory.

Grigoriev M.V.

NI TPU, associate professor

Korosteleva E.N.

Associate Professor of Tomsk Polytechnic University
