Laboratory of Physics of Hierarchi...

Laboratory of Physics of Hierarchical Structures in Metals and Alloys


Astafurova Elena Gennadievna

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Tel.: +7 (382-2) 286-865

More details

Historical reference

The laboratory was created by order of the director of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Kolubaeva E.A. On March 1, 2021, from among the employees of the Laboratory of Physics of Structural Transformations and the Laboratory of Local Metallurgy in Additive Technologies, who worked in the scientific group of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Astafurova Elena Gennadievna.

Area of ​​research, main tasks to be solved

Obtaining world-class fundamental and applied results in the field of creating new generation functional and structural materials based on multicomponent alloys and steels.

1. Development of scientifically based approaches to the design of the microstructure and elemental composition of new generation steels for operation in extreme temperatures (materials for cryogenic and high-temperature applications).

2. Development of multicomponent materials based on new generation high-entropy alloys.

3. Micro- and macrostructural design of metal materials formed by additive technologies.

4. Mechanisms of hydrogen embrittlement of steels and multicomponent alloys and development of methods for increasing the resistance of materials to degradation in hydrogen-containing environments.

5. Scientific basis for controlling the mechanisms of formation of hardened layers during ion-plasma processing of steels.

Unit composition

Total number of 10 people, including:

Doctors of Science - 1

candidates of science - 2

graduate students - 3

young employees (under 35 years old) - 8

A list of employees

1. Astafurova Elena Gennadievna, head. Lab., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,

2. Astafurov Sergey Vladimirovich, senior researcher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences,

3. Mayer Galina Gennadievna, research scientist, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences,

4. Melnikov Evgeniy Vasilievich, junior researcher,

5. Moskvina Valentina Aleksandrovna, junior researcher, graduate student,

6. Panchenko Marina Yurievna, junior researcher, graduate student,

7. Reunova Ksenia Andreevna, junior researcher, graduate student,

8. Tumbusova Irina Alekseevna, engineer,

9. Mikhno Anastasia Sergeevna, engineer,

10. Zagibalova Elena Andreevna, engineer,

Projects, grants, contracts

1. Draft state assignment III.23.2.7. Micro- and macrostructural design of 3D metal materials with a hierarchically organized multi-level structure, formed by non-stationary metallurgy methods, with the aim of developing the basic principles of additive technologies.

2. Project of the Russian Science Foundation No. 20-19-00261 “Mechanisms of dispersion hardening and the formation of interstitial solid solutions in the high-entropy FeMnNiCrCo alloy when alloyed with nitrogen and carbon: the relationship of microstructure, deformation mechanisms and physical and mechanical properties”, 2020-2022.

3. Project of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 20-38-70031 Stability “Mechanisms of formation of hardened layers during ion-plasma processing of austenitic stainless steel in a mixture of gases (C, H, N)”, 2020-2021.

4. Project of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 18-48-700042_r_a “Development of the scientific basis for the creation of new high-strength structural materials based on austenitic steels with a high concentration of interstitial atoms for operation in conditions of low climatic temperatures,” 2018-2021.

5. Project of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research No. 20-38-90129_Graduate students “The influence of the phase composition and density of grain and interphase boundaries on the mechanisms of hydrogen embrittlement of high-nitrogen chromium-manganese steel”, 2020-2021.

6. Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation in 2019-2021 for young scientists and graduate students carrying out promising scientific research and development in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy.

Major publications

1. Astafurova E.G., Kireeva I.V., Chumlyakov Yu.I. Physical nature of the orientation dependence of the yield stress in single crystals of austenitic steels with nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen // Perspective materials: textbook / R.A. Andrievsky [et al.]: ed. D.L. Merson. - Togliatti: TSU Publishing House, 2017. - T.VII. - 292 s.

1. Astafurova EG, Melnikov EA, Astafurov SV, Reunova KA, Panchenko M.Yu., Moskvina VA, Tumbusova IA A comparative study of a solid solution hardening in carbon-alloyed FeMnCrNiCo 0.95 C 0.05 high-entropy alloy subjected to different thermal- mechanical treatments // Materials Letters. 2021, V. 285, 129073.

2. Astafurova EG, Panchenko M.Yu., Reunova KA, Mikhno AS, Moskvina VA, Melnikov EV, Astafurov SV, Maier HJ The effect of nitrogen alloying on hydrogen-assisted plastic deformation and fracture in FeMnNiCoCr high-entropy alloys // Scripta Materialia. 2021, V. 194, 113642.

3. Astafurov SV, Maier GG, Melnikov EV, Moskvina VA, Panchenko M.Yu., Reunova KA, Galchenko NK, Astafurova EG The effect of thermo-mechanical processing regime on high-temperature tensile properties of V-alloyed high-nitrogen steel // Solid State Phenomena. 2020, V.306, Pp. 53-61.

4. Astafurova EG, Panchenko M.Yu., Moskvina VA, Maier GG, Astafurov SV, Melnikov EV, Fortuna AS, Reunova KA, Rubtsov VE, Kolubaev EA Microstructure and grain growth inhomogeneity in austenitic steel produced by wire-feed electron beam melting : the effect of post-building solid-solution treatment // Journal of Materials Science. 2020, V.55, Pp. 9211-9224.

5. Moskvina VA, Melnikov EV, Panchenko A.Yu., Maier GG, Reunova KA, Astafurov SV, Kolubaev EA, Astafurova EG Stabilization of austenitic structure in transition zone of ''austenitic stainless steel/NiCr alloy" joint fabricated by wire- feed electron beam melting // Materials Letters 2020, V.277, 128321

6. Maier GG , Astafurova EG A comparison of strengthening mechanisms of austenitic Fe-13Mn-1.3C steel in warm and cold high-pressure torsion // Metals. 2020, V.10(4), 493

7. Astafurova EG, Reunova KA, Melnikov EV, Panchenko M.Yu., Astafurov SV, Maier GG, Moskvina VA On the difference in carbon- and nitrogen-alloying of equiatomic FeMnCrNiCo high-entropy alloy // Materials Letters. 2020, V.276, 128183.

8. Astafurova EG, Moskvina VA, Panchenko M.Yu., Maier GG, Melnikov EV, Reunova KA, Galchenko NK, Astafurov SV On the Superplastic Deformation in Vanadium-Alloyed High-Nitrogen Steel // Metals. 2020, -V.10, 27.

9. Astafurova EG, Astafurov SV, Maier GG, Tumbusova IA, Melnikov EV, Moskvina VA, Panchenko M.Yu., Reunova KA, Galchenko NK On Temperature Dependence of Microstructure, Deformation Mechanisms and Tensile Properties in Austenitic Cr-Mn Steel with Ultrahigh Interstitial Content C + N = 1.9 Mass.% // Metals. 2020, V.10, 786.

10. Astafurov SV, Maier GG, Tumbusova IA, Melnikov EV, Moskvina VA, Panchenko M.Yu., Smirnov AI, Galchenko NK, Astafurova EG The effect of solid-solution temperature on phase composition, tensile characteristics and fracture mechanism of V- containing CrMn-steels with high interstitial content C+N>1 mass. % // Materials Science and Engineering A. 2020, V.770, 138534.

11. Astafurov SV, Maier GG, Melnikov EV, Moskvina VA, Panchenko M.Yu., Astafurova EG The strain-rate dependence of the Hall-Petch effect in two austenitic stainless steels with different stacking fault energies // Materials Science and Engineering A . 2019, V.756, pp. 365-372.

12. Moskvina VA, Astafurova EG, Ramazanov KN, Maier GG, Astafurov SV, Melnikov EV A role of initial microstructure in characteristics of the surface layers produced by ion-plasma treatment in CrNiMo austenitic stainless steel // Materials Characterization. 2019, V. 153, Pp. 372-380.

13. Panchenko M.Yu., Maier GG, Tumbusova IA, Astafurov SV, Melnikov EV, Moskvina VA, Burlachenko AG, Mirovoy Yu.A., Mironov Yu.P., Galchenko NK, Astafurova EG The effect of age-hardening mechanism on hydrogen embrittlement in high-nitrogen steels // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2019, V.44(36), Pp. 20529-20544.

14. Astafurova EG, Moskvina VA, Maier GG, Gordienko AI, Burlachenko AG, Smirnov AI, Bataev VA, Galchenko NK, Astafurov SV Low-temperature tensile ductility by V-alloying of high-nitrogen CrMn and CrNiMn steels: characterization of deformation microstructure and fracture micromechanisms // Materials Science and Engineering A. 2019, V. 745, Pp. 265-278.

15. Astafurova E.G., Melnikov E.V., Astafurov S.V., Ratochka I.V., Mishin I.P., Mayer G.G., Moskvina V.A., Zakharov G.N., Smirnov A.I., Bataev V.A. Regularities of hydrogen embrittlement of austenitic stainless steels with ultrafine-grained structure of different morphologies // Physical mesomechanics. 2018, T. 21, No. 2, pp. 103-117.

16. Astafurova EG, Astafurov SV, Maier GG, Moskvina VA, Melnikov EV, Fortuna AS Hydrogen embrittlement of ultrafine-grained austenitic stainless steels // Reviews on Advanced Materials Science. 2018, V. 54, Pp. 25-45.

17. Astafurova EG, Moskvina VA, Maier GG, Melnikov EV, Zakharov GN, Astafurov SV, Galchenko NK Effect of hydrogenation on mechanical properties and tensile fracture mechanism of a high-nitrogen steel // Journal of Materials Science. 2017, V. 52, pp. 4224-4233.

18. Astafurova EG, Moskvina VA, Maier GG, Melnikov EV, Zakharov GN, Astafurov SV, Maier HJ Hydrogen-enhanced orientation dependence of stress relaxation and strain-aging in Hadfield steel single crystals // Scripta Materialia. 2017, V. 136, Pp. 101-105.

19. Astafurova EG, Maier GG, Melnikov EV, Naydenkin EV, Smirnov AI, Bataev VA, Odessky PD, Dobatkin SV, Maier HJ The Influence of the Thermomechanical Processing Regime on the Structural Evolution of Mo-Nb-Ti-V Microalloyed Steel Subjected to High-Pressure Torsion // Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 2017, V. 48A, Pp. 3400-3409.

20. Razorenov S.V., Garkushin G.V., Astafurova E.G., Moskvina V.A., Ignatova O.N., Malyshev A.N., Tkachenko M.I. The influence of dislocation density on the resistance to high-speed deformation and fracture in M1 copper and austenitic stainless steel // Physical mesomechanics. 2017, T. 20, No. 4, pp. 43-51.

21. Chernov V.M., Leontyeva-Smirnova M.V., Mozhanov E.M., Nikolaeva N.S., Tyumentsev A.N., Polekhina N.A., Litovchenko I.Yu., Astafurova E.G. . Thermal stability of the microstructure of 12% chromium ferritic-martensitic steels during long-term aging at high temperatures // Journal of Technical Physics, 2016, T. 86, Issue. 2, pp. 53-58.

22. Chernov V.M., Leontyeva-Smirnova M.V., Potapenko M.M., Polekhina N.A., Litovchenko I.Yu., Tyumentsev A.N., Astafurova E.G., Khromova L.P. . Structural-phase transformations and physical properties of ferritic-martensitic 12% chromium steels EK-181 and ChS-139 // Journal of Technical Physics, 2016, T. 86, Issue. 1, pp. 99-104.

23. Astafurova E.G., Mayer G.G., Melnikov E.V., Moskvina V.A., Voytsik V.F., Zakharov G.N., Smirnov A.I., Bataev V.A. The influence of hydrogenation on the patterns of development of mechanical twinning, strain hardening and destruction of <111> and <144> single crystals of Hadfield steel // Physical mesomechanics. 2016, T. 19, No. 5, pp. 94-104.


  • Instrumentation base for thermomechanical processing, including tubular and muffle furnaces for heat treatment of metals and alloys in an air and protective environment at temperatures up to 1250 В° C, a rolling mill and rollers with flat and grooved shafts for mechanical processing of materials.
  • A set of equipment for sample preparation of materials.
  • Metallographic microscope Altami MET 1C
  • Ferritometer MVP-2M for magnetic phase analysis.
  • Equipment of the Center for Shared Use "Nanotech" of the Institute of Physics and Applied Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Research Center of TSU.

Public acceptance

  • Gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation for his great contribution to the preparation of the winners of the All-Russian Student Olympiad “I am a Professional”, 2019. - Astafurova E.G.
  • The team was recognized as the winner of the competition “Winner of the Tomsk Region Prize in the field of education, science, health and culture for high achievements in the field of education and science, which have an effective impact on the development of the economy and social sphere of the Tomsk Region” in the category “Scientific and scientific-pedagogical teams”, 2015, Tomsk. (team leader - Astafurova E.G.)
  • Over the years, members of the team have become winners of the competitions Laureate of the Legislative Duma Prize of the Tomsk Region and Laureate of the Tomsk Region Prize in various nominations.