Laboratory of Physics of Consolidation of Powder Materials
Dmitriev Andrey Ivanovich
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Tel.: (3822) 28-68-26
Fax: (3822) 49-25-76В
Brief historical background:
The Laboratory of Physics of Consolidation of Powder Materials was created in November 2021 by order of the Director of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences as part of the structural reorganization of the Institute from among the employees of pre-existing laboratories in order to solve current fundamental and applied problems in the development and creation of new materials for functional and structural purposes based on metallic and non-metallic materials powder systems.
Main directions of scientific research:
1) Development of physical principles for the design of new
composite materials for functional and structural purposes based on
targeted selection of the elemental composition of powder systems,
including using computer modeling methods.
2) Development and production of high-entropy materials
characterized by high strength, heat-resistant characteristics,
corrosion and heat resistance, materials for friction and anti-friction
purposes and other improved functional properties.
3) Development and production of powder metamaterials
(materials with an artificially created structure) using modern
technologies based on selective laser and electron beam alloying.
4) Scientific basis for controlling the mechanisms of formation of the structure of composite materials produced by powder metallurgy methods.
Composition of the department:
Total number of 15 people, including:
Doctors of Science - 3;
candidates of science - 5 + 1 dist.
List of staff members
1. Dmitriev Andrey Ivanovich, head. Lab., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
2. Pribytkov Gennady Andreevich, Chief Researcher, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
3. Ivanov Konstantin Veniaminovich, Senior Researcher, Doctor of Philosophy -m.s.,
4. Nikolay Martemyanovich Rusin, senior researcher, Ph.D.,
5. Elena Nikolaevna Korosteleva, senior researcher, Ph.D.,
6. Victoria Korzhova Viktorovna, Researcher, Ph.D.,
7. Skorentsev Alexander Leonidovich, Researcher, Ph.D.,
8. Ilyashchenko Dmitry Pavlovich, Researcher, Ph.D. - remotely,
9. Firsina Irina Aleksandrovna, junior researcher,
10. Akimov Kirill Olegovich, junior researcher,
11. Krivopalov Vladimir Petrovich, leading. technologist,
12. Baranovsky Anton Valerievich, technologist,
13. Figurko Marina Grigorievna, engineer,
14. Dubrovsky Alexander Sergeevich, engineer.
Laboratory research topics:
- Study of interfacial interaction in the processes of synthesis and consolidation of composite powders in relation to technologies for producing bulk metal matrix composites, as well as in soldering, welding and coating technologies;
- Development of the scientific basis for the synthesis and study of the properties of powder metal matrix composites strengthened by nano-sized particles of refractory compounds;
- Thermodynamic analysis of the necessary conditions for the synthesis of composites with a predetermined phase composition of the matrix and dispersed strengthener;
- Development of the scientific foundations of methods and technological regimes for the consolidation of composite powders for the production of non-porous metal matrix composites using quasi-static and dynamic compaction methods, spark plasma sintering (SPS), selective laser melting (SLM), etc.;
- Study of the patterns of structure formation under conditions of a volumetric exothermic reaction of the formation of materials under pressure and with plastic deformation of high-temperature synthesis products and their influence on the physical and strength properties of materials;
- Development of mechanisms for modifying structural-phase states, physical and strength properties of surface layers of metal and composite materials under high-energy electron-ion-plasma exposure;
- Creation of new composite materials for structural and functional purposes based on carbides and oxides with a hierarchical structure, in a wide range of porosity, studying their physical and mechanical properties, as well as processes of deformation and destruction at different scale levels.
Key results:
- Scientific and technological bases for obtaining multicomponent powder targets (cathodes) for vacuum-arc and magnetron synthesis of nitride coatings with a nanocrystalline structure have been developed.
- Scientific and technological bases for the synthesis of metal matrix composites strengthened by dispersed particles of carbides, borides, and silicides have been developed.
- The role and significance of the key parameter in the process of formation of high-strength structures in heat-resistant intermetallic alloys under conditions of thermal explosion of the initial elements under pressure - force loading and deformation at the corresponding stages of the process of high-temperature synthesis of the intermetallic alloy - has been established.
- The scientific and technological foundations of electron beam surfacing and spraying of composite wear-resistant coatings with a carbide strengthening phase have been developed.
- It has been shown theoretically that a decrease in the ionization energy of a plasma-forming inert gas during the transition from electron irradiation of a metal-ceramic composite 50%TiC/50%(Ni-20%Cr) in argon plasma to irradiation in krypton and xenon plasmas at constant values ​​of irradiation pulse duration and energy density in an electron beam increases the depth of heating of the surface layer of the metal-ceramic composite to the temperatures of initiation of interphase interaction of the components of the metal-ceramic composition and structural-phase transformations in the surface layer of the composite.
- The scientific foundations of liquid-phase sintering in metal systems with interacting components have been developed.
- The scientific basis for the formation of an ultrafine-grained structure and high mechanical properties of powder and cast metal materials using the equal-channel angular pressing (ECP) method has been developed.
- It has been experimentally established that with an increase in atomic mass and a simultaneous decrease in the ionization energy of the plasma-forming inert gas under pulsed electron irradiation, the depth of refinement of the metal-ceramic structure of the surface layer increases, and the content of the nanostructured component in the surface layer increases. In accordance with the development of the nanocrystalline structure, the microhardness and wear resistance of the surface layer increase, the friction coefficient on the irradiated surface decreases, and the service life of the metalworking tool increases manifold.
- New patterns of transformation transformation in porous ceramics based on zirconium dioxide and features of the formation of physical and mechanical properties and deformation relief in ceramic materials based on zirconium dioxide have been established;
- It has been established that in porous ceramics a transformation transformation associated with mechanical stresses is possible, and the main factor determining such a transformation in a porous material is internal microstresses (stresses of the second kind), which decrease with increasing porosity and increasing grain size of the ceramic;
- Ceramic materials with a hierarchical pore structure have been obtained, which has a significant impact on the nature of damage to the material during compression, causing a transition from brittle fracture to quasi-plastic fracture, due to the formation of numerous sources of destruction.
The most important publications for 2017-2022:
1. Demirtas M., Ivanov K., Purcek G., Yanar H. Enhancing mechanical and tribological properties of Ni3Al-15vol%TiC composite by high current pulsed electron beam irradiation Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, Vol.898, article number 162860.
2. Ivanov KV, Chesnokov AE, Smirnov AV Application of high current pulsed electron beam irradiation to smoothing of cold spray aluminum bronze coating Vacuum, 2022, Vol. 197, article number 110780.
3. Rusin NM, Skorentsev AL, Krinitcyn MG, Dmitriev AI Tribotechnical Properties of Sintered Antifriction Aluminum-Based Composite under Dry Friction against Steel Materials, 2022, Vol. 15, article number 180.
4. Pribytkov GA, Baranovskiy AV, Firsina IA, Korzhova VV, Krinitcyn MG and Korosteleva EN Ti-TiC Composites by Thermal Explosion in Mechanically Activated Ti-xC Powder Blends (x = 1.0-6.3 wt%). International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis, 2021, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 87-93.В
5. Korosteleva, EN; Pribytkov, G.A.; Korzhova, VV Effect of the Hot Deformation Conditions on Structure and Mechanical Properties of AlCr/AlCrSi Powder Composites Metals 2021, 11, 1853.
6. Sevostyanova IN, Sablina T.Yu., Burlachenko A.G. and Kulkov S.N. Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of WC-(Fe-Mn-C) Composite in Axial Compression Physical Mesomechanics, 2022, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 142-148.
7. Ovcharenko VE, Kozulin AA, Akimov KO, Ivanov KV The effect of shear strains on grain size in the Ni3Al intermetallic compound synthesized under pressure Mechanics of Materials, 2021, Vol. 161, article number 103988.
8. Ivanov KV, Razorenov SV, Garkushin GV Investigation of structure and mechanical properties under quasi-static and planar impact loading of aluminum composite reinforced with Al2O3 nanoparticles of different shape Materials Today Communications, 2021, Vol. 29, article number 102942
9. Pribytkov GA, Baranovskiy AV, Korzhova VV and Krinitcyn MG Mechanoactivated SHS in Ferrotitanium-Carbon Black Powder Mixtures International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis, 2020, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 61-63.
10. Rusin NM, Skorentsev AL, Kolubaev EA Effect of equal channel angular pressing on mechanical and tribological properties of sintered Al-Sn composites Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2020, Vol. 29(3), pp. 1955-1963.
11. Ivanov KV, Kalashnikov MP Structure and phase composition of "ZrO2 thin coating - aluminum substrate" system processed through pulsed electron beam irradiation Applied Surface Science, 2020, Vol. 534, article number 147628.
12. Ovcharenko VE, Boyangin EN, Akimov KO, Ivanov KV Formation of Grain Structure in Ni3Al Intermetallic Compound Synthesized by Thermal Explosion Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 2019, Vol. 55(2), pp. 191-196.
13. Rusin NM, Skorentsev AL Stages of plastic flow of silumin-matrix-based composites during compression Physics of Metals and Metallography, 2019, Vol. 120(8), pp. 813-818.
14. Sevostyanova IN, Sablina T.Yu., Gorbatenko VV and Kulkov SN Strain Localization during Diametral Compression of ZrO2(Y2O3) Ceramics Technical Physics Letters, 2019, Vol. 45, No. 9, pp. 943-946.
15. Monograph “Metal matrix composites with a refractory dispersed phase: synthesis, structure, application” (Authors: Knyazeva A.G., Korosteleva E.N., Krinitsyn M.G., Kryukova O.N., Pribytkov G.A., Chumakov Yu.A.), Ed. “Ivan Fedorov”, 262 pp., 2019. Tomsk
16. Bao-Hai Yu, Ovcharenko VE, Ivanov KV, Mohovikov AA, Yan-Hui Zhao. Effect of Surface Layer Structural-Phase Modification on Tribological and Strength Properties of a TiC-(Ni-Cr) Metal Ceramic Alloy Acta Metall. Sin. (Engl. Lett.). 2018. Vol. 31. P.547-551.
17. Ovcharenko V.E., Ivanov K.V., Ivanov Yu.F., Mohovikov A.A. Influence of High Energy Impact on the Structural-Phase State and Tribological Properties of the Surface Laser of Metal-Ceramic Composite Materials Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques. 2018. Vol.12. No.3. P. 485-491.
18. Savchenko N.L., Sablina T.Yu., Sevost'yanova IN, Burlachenko A.G., Buyakova SP, and Kul'kov S.N. "The Effect of Porosity and Grain Size on the Phase Composition and Mechanical Properties of Zirconium-Dioxide-Based Ceramic" . // Technical Physics Letters, 2018, Vol. 44, No. 8, pp. 663-666.
Projects, grants
RSF grants for the period 2017-2022:
- Project No. 16-19-10010 (2016 - 2019) “Development of the scientific basis for increasing the reliability of metal structures during operation in low climatic temperatures by modifying the welded joint zone with composite materials, pulsed energy exposure and shock-mechanical processing”;
- Project No. 17-19-01425 (2017-2019) “Study of the physical principles of the synthesis of composite powders based on titanium and its alloys for modification and formation of parts used in the aerospace industry by electron beam fusion”;
- Project No. 17-19-01425-P (2020-2021) (Extension) “Study of the physical principles of the synthesis of composite powders based on titanium and its alloys for modification and formation of parts used in the aerospace industry by electron beam fusion”;
- Project No. 22-19-00441 (2022-2024) “Development of physical principles for designing the microstructure of multicomponent coatings of the Ti-Al-Ta-Si-N system based on an integrated approach combining theoretical models and their experimental validation.”
RFBR grants for the period 2017-2020:
- Project No. 16-08-00493 “Development of synthesis methods and technologies for using metal matrix composite powders for applying wear-resistant coatings and in additive technologies for producing products with a gradient structure” (2016-2018);
- Project No. 16-48-700381 “Synthesis of composite powders “refractory boride-metal binder” for use in surfacing and spraying technologies of wear-resistant coatings” (2016-2018);
- Project No. 16-38-00493 Study of the structure and properties of electron beam coatings deposited with titanium carbide - titanium composite powders. (2017 - 2018);
- Project No. 18-32-00330 “SHS powder composites “titanium carbide - iron-based binders”: mechanical activation, synthesis, application for applying wear-resistant coatings. (2019 - 2020);
- Project No. 16-43-700440 “Ultrafine-grained composite materials with a metal matrix, obtained by promising methods of severe plastic deformation” (2016 - 2018).
Patents and copyright certificates:
No. 1422693, Sintered aluminum-based alloy, MKI V22F 3/12, C22C 1/08 (1988); No. 1749284, Porous sintered alloy, MKI S22S 1/08, 21/12, 38/16 (1992); No. 2112068, Sintered composite material based on copper, MKI S22S 1/09, 9/01 (1997); No. 221697, Mold for equal-channel angular pressing of materials, (2001); No. 34450, Device for compacting powder and granular materials (2003); No. 70846, Device for intensive deformation processing of plastic materials, V30V 15/02 (2008); No. 2370341,
Method for producing high-density durable material based on aluminum powder, B22F 3/02,3/15, 3/20 (2009); RU 2492964, Method for producing a wear-resistant anti-friction self-lubricating alloy, C1 (2013); RU No. 2552208, Method for producing a wear-resistant antifriction alloy (2015); RU 2714005, Wear-resistant composite material based on aluminum and a method for its production (2020).