Laboratory of Physical Mesomechanics of Materials and Non-Destructive Testing
Svetlana Petrovna
Doctor of Technical Sciences
Tel.: (382-2) 28-68-51 . Fax: (382-2) 49-25-76
Brief historical background about the unit
In 1982 At the Tomsk School of Solid State Physics and Materials Science, 2 conceptually new provisions in the field of plasticity and strength of solids were formulated and published:
1. Structural levels of deformation of solids (Panin V.E., Grinyaev Yu.V., Elsukova T.F., Ivanchin A.G. Izv. universities. Physics. - 1982. - Issue 25. - No. 6 . - P. 5-27.)
2. Atom-vacancy states in crystals (Panin V.E., Egorushkin V.E., Khon Yu.A., Elsukova T.F. Izv. universities. Physics. - 1982. - v. 25. - No. 12. -p. 5-28).
A fundamentally new methodology was proposed for describing plastic deformation and fracture of solids. It was qualitatively different from existing concepts in continuum mechanics and dislocation theory and at first caused a sharply negative reaction. It took more than a quarter of a century to substantiate a new paradigm of plasticity and strength of solids on the basis of convincing theoretical and experimental research and gain its recognition. This was the main scientific direction of the new Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Science, created in Tomsk in 1984.
Various divisions of the young Institute were distributed to solve the most pressing problems of a promising scientific direction, from its methodology to the applied development of new materials and technologies.
Research areas, areas of fundamental research
Physical mesomechanics of materials and nanomaterials, nanomaterial science, diagnostics of nanostructured materials
Tasks solved within these areas
The following tasks were set for the laboratory of physical mesomechanics of materials and non-destructive testing methods:
1. Formulate and justify the basic methodological principles of physical mesomechanics.
2. To develop new methods for experimental study of the patterns and mechanisms of plastic deformation and fracture at mesoscale structural levels of hierarchically organized solids.
3. Show the important functional role of the planar subsystem (surface layers and internal interfaces) in the initiation and development of plastic deformation and fracture of solids.
4. Involve nonequilibrium thermodynamics for a self-consistent description of the formation of defective substructures at various scale levels up to the destruction of a deformable solid.
5. Investigate the thermodynamic nature of local structural transformations during the nucleation and propagation of deformation defects of various types. Show the decisive role of highly excited states in local zones of lattice curvature and hydrostatic stretching in the initiation of all types of deformation defects, including cracks.
6. Based on a multi-level approach of physical mesomechanics, develop new materials with nanostructured subsystems and solve current applied problems: non-destructive testing methods, fatigue failure criteria, wear mechanisms of materials on friction surfaces, hardening of surface layers and application of strengthening coatings in order to increase the strength, wear resistance and fatigue life of structural , instrumental and functional materials.
The tasks assigned to the laboratory could be solved only in conditions of close integration with other laboratories of the institute: theorists, experimenters, technologists, as well as with other institutes. The effectiveness of such integration is presented in the sections “the most important scientific results” and “the most important publications”. Organizationally, this is presented in the form of the implementation of complex programs of the SB RAS, Integration projects of the SB RAS, projects of the Presidium and Branches of the RAS, projects of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, projects of Presidential support of the Tomsk scientific school, as well as federal targeted program projects. Among the major applied works, special mention should be made of cooperation with the Federal State Unitary Enterprise VIAM, Sukhoi Design Bureau, and the Keldysh Center.
Composition of the unit
Total number of 20 people, including:
- 2 doctors of science,
- 11 candidates of sciences,
- 4 graduate students,
- 8 young researchers (up to 33 years old)
List of staff members
1. Buyakova Svetlana Petrovna, head. Laboratory, Doctor of Technical Sciences,
2. Deryugin Evgeniy Evgenievich, leading researcher, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences,
3. Pochivalov Yuri Ivanovich, senior researcher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences,
4. Galchenko Nina Konstantinovna, senior researcher, candidate of technical sciences,
5. Kuznetsov Pavel Viktorovich, senior researcher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences,
6. Narkevich Natalya Arkadyevna, senior researcher, candidate of technical sciences,
7. Gomorova Yulia Fedorovna, researcher, candidate of technical sciences
8. Maksimov Pavel Vasilievich, researcher, candidate of technical sciences
9. Solodushkin Andrey Ivanovich, researcher, Ph.D.
10. Gordienko Antonina Ildarovna, research scientist, candidate of technical sciences.
11. Dedova Elena Sergeevna - junior researcher, candidate of technical sciences,
12. Vlasov Ilya Viktorovich, research scientist, candidate of technical sciences.
13. Kozlova Tanzilya Vakilevna, junior researcher
14. Beloborodova Irina Vasilievna, leading. technologist.
15. Shulepov I.A., leading. engineer
16. Suvorov Boris Ivanovich, leader. engineer, Ph.D.
17. Sharopin Yuri Borisovich, leader. engineer.
18. Raskoshny Sergey Yurievich, leader. engineer.
19. Khairulin Rustam Ravilevich, engineer.
The most important scientific results
Under the leadership of Academician V.E. Panin has created and is developing a new scientific direction - physical mesomechanics of materials, which organically combines the mechanics of a continuous medium (macro level), the physics of plastic deformation (micro level) and physical materials science.
1. The fundamental principles of physical mesomechanics are formulated, theoretically and experimentally substantiated: description of a deformable solid body as a hierarchically organized multi-level system in which surface layers and internal interfaces are an important functional planar subsystem; the unified nature of all mechanisms of plastic deformation and destruction of solids, which is based on the nanoscale structural level of local structural transformations; movement at the mesolevel of three-dimensional structural elements as a whole according to the “shift + rotation” scheme; particle-wave dualism of plastic shear; destruction as a nonlinear wave process of global loss of shear stability of a loaded solid at the macroscale level, when the thermodynamic Gibbs potential of the material in the destruction zone changes its sign from “-” to “+”.
2. The nonequilibrium thermodynamics of a deformable solid as a self-consistent multilevel system has been developed. Based on the dependence of the nonequilibrium thermodynamic Gibbs potential F(v)on the molar volume v and multi-level structural studies have shown that all types of deformation defects, including cracks, originate as local structural or structural-phase transformations in hydrostatic tension zones of various scales, in which highly excited states and collective configurational excitations arise. The nucleation of deformation defects and cracks is described by the laws of nonequilibrium thermodynamics. Mechanics creates the necessary conditions for this (the formation of zones of lattice curvature and hydrostatic tension in gradient fields of non-uniform internal stresses). The use of nonequilibrium thermodynamics in mechanics makes it possible to construct a generalized multi-level model of a deformable solid for any materials and under any loading conditions.
3. It has been shown that in the nanoscale range d<100 nm, near the zero of the Gibbs thermodynamic potential at d<30 nm, pre-transition two-phase nanostructural states arise, in which nanocrystals withF (v)<0 are surrounded by a quasi-amorphous phase with F(v)>0. Such states define a special class of nanostructured materials that form the basis of nanoengineering. Materials with a structure in the size range [100-30] nm should be called nanosized. The criterion d=100 nm has no physical basis.
4. It has been shown theoretically and experimentally that at the interface of two dissimilar media in the fields of external influences, a “chessboard” distribution of normal and tangential stresses arises, which causes the formation of a regular corrugation of the interface, a change in its composition, structure and properties, cracking and delamination of the multilayer system, and an increase in its chemical and catalytic activity. The strong influence of nanostructuring of interfaces on all these effects is substantiated. The principles of designing interfaces in multilayer nanostructured coatings for various functional purposes and at internal interfaces in heterogeneous structural materials, which determine their service life under extreme loading conditions, are formulated. Nanotechnologies have been developed for the formation of multilayer nanostructured strengthening, protective and functional coatings. Together with the Keldysh Center, multilayer nanostructured heat-protective coatings for rocket and space technology have been developed, capable of operating effectively in extreme conditions of high-temperature plasma flows.
5. A comprehensive analysis of the physical nature of the refinement of the crystalline structure of metallic materials during their severe plastic deformation (SPD), including the thermodynamic foundations of highly nonequilibrium states, the evolution of a highly inhomogeneous stress-strain state was carried out. and structural and kinetic aspects. A general conclusion has been made that structure refinement during SPD is associated with fragmentation of crystallographic lamellas between meso- and macrobands of localized deformation. The maximum dimensions of structure refinement are determined by the structural-scale levels of strip structures, gradient fields of inhomogeneous internal stresses and kinetic conditions of thermodynamic recovery processes, including cold dynamic recrystallization, in highly nonequilibrium zones of strip structures.
6. A fundamentally new concept about the fundamental role of local lattice curvature in plastic deformation and fracture of solids is substantiated. All types of deformation defects are considered as curvature solitons of various scale levels, which originate in zones of lattice curvature and prevent their growth to a critical value when the crystal undergoes structural-phase decomposition and collapses. Plastic deformation is considered as the evolution of a dynamic system of self-organized criticality, which is associated with the scale level of lattice curvature.
7. A fundamentally new model of plastic deformation and fracture of solids has been developed, associated with their evolution to self-organized criticality, determined by the self-consistency of all mesoscale levels of lattice curvature. On its basis, methods have been developed for creating hierarchical mesosubstructures in the [macro-nano] scale range, which greatly increase the low-temperature impact strength and fatigue life of structural materials and eliminate their cold brittleness.
Technology of electron beam powder metallurgy 3D printing and surfacing of wear-resistant coatings
Projects, grants, agreements
1. Program of the SB RAS Priority direction III.23. project No. III.23.1.1." Mesomechanics of self-organization of processes in multiscaling of nonlinear hierarchical structures and scientific foundations of additive technologies for creating multilayer materials " 2017-18.
2. Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists and for state support of leading scientific schools No. NSh-10186.2016.1 “Scientific foundations of new production technologies for creating multilayer ceramic and metal-ceramic materials, technologies for increasing the cold resistance and service life of materials operating in extreme conditions " 2016-2017
3. Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists and for state support of leading scientific schools No. NSh-2817.2014.1 “Development of approaches and methods of nonlinear mechanics to the design of multilayer nanostructured coatings with high dissipative ability for work under extreme loading conditions”, ( head of the scientific school, academician V.E. Panin). 2014-2015
4. Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists and for state support of leading scientific schools No. NSh-6116.2012.1 “Scientific basis for the formation of specified functional properties of nanostructured systems and the development of methods for nanostructuring the working surfaces of structural materials to increase their fatigue strength and durability” , (head of the scientific school, academician V.E. Panin). 2012-2013
5. Project “Nanostructuring and modification of surface layers of critical components of machines, mechanisms and welded joints in order to increase their cold resistance and corrosion resistance” of the fundamental research program of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Exploratory fundamental scientific research in the interests of the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.” 2014-2017.
6. Economic agreement with JSC Sukhoi Design Bureau “Strengthening the surface layers of structural elements made of structural steels and titanium alloy to increase fatigue characteristics.” 2008-2014
7. Integration project SB RAS No. 4 “Scientific foundations of technologies for creating uniformly distributed curvature of the crystal lattice in structural materials and their welded joints, obtaining a damping effect in the structure of 3D-crystalline and 2D-planar subsystems, causing a multiple increase in impact strength, fatigue life, wear resistance and cold resistance of materials." Head Panin E.E. (2018-2020)
8. Project No. 17-01-00691 RFBR “Fundamental role of the plastic distortion mechanism in the field of atomic displacements in zones of curvature of the crystal lattice in nonlinear mechanics of plastic deformation and fracture” Supervisor E.E. Panin (2017-2019)
9. Project No. 16-48-700257р_а RFBR “Increasing the strength and cold resistance characteristics of low-carbon pipe steel by forming an improved microstructure after its thermomechanical treatment with large plastic deformations.” Head Derevyagina L.S. (2016-2018)
10. Project No. 18-08-00489 RFBR "Development of technology for strengthening structural stainless steel by intense plastic deformation and aging for its operation in the Far North" Head N.S. Surikova (2018-2020)
11. Project No. 13-08-01404_a RFBR “Development of new engineering methods for determining the fracture toughness of materials in a submicrocrystalline state based on test data of small-sized samples with a chevron notch” Head E.E. Deryugin (2013-2016)
12. Project No. 17-08-00377_a RFBR “Development of a fracture model for polycrystalline samples with a chevron notch based on solving the inverse problem using the method of relaxation elements” Head E.E. Deryugin (2017-2019)
13. International Trilateral Cooperation Project No. a.Z.90355 funded by the Volkswagen Foundation "Optimization of fracture toughness of ceramic composites". Head of project prof. S. Schmauder (2016-2018)
14. DFG (German Research Community) grant for strengthening international scientific cooperation number SCHM 746/213-1 “Skalenübergreifende Untersuchung der Rekristallisationsmechanismen beim Bruch von Nickelbasis-Superlegierungen” (“Multi-level study of recrystallization mechanisms during the destruction of nickel superalloys”)
Head prof. Schmauder, Ph.D. Moiseenko D.D.
Major publications
1. Chapters in the monograph “Handbook of Mechanics of Materials”, Springer, ISBN 978-981-10-6885-0, doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-6855-3_72-1
2. Panin V.E. Physical mesomechanics of materials / resp. ed. S.G. Psakhye.- Tomsk: Tomsk State University Publishing House, 2015.- T. 1.- 462 p. ISBN978-5-94621-504-6.
3. Panin V.E. Physical mesomechanics of materials / resp. ed. S.G. Psakhye. -Tomsk: Publishing house of Tomsk State University, 2015. -T. 2. -464 p. ISBN978-5-94621-505-3.
4. Panin V.E., Sergeev V.P., Panin A.V. Nanostructuring of surface layers and application of nanostructured coatings. - Tomsk: Publishing house. TPU, 2008. - 150 p.
5. Surface layers and internal interfaces in heterogeneous materials / resp. ed. V. E. Panin; Ross. acad. Sciences, Sib. Department, Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science. - Novosibirsk: Publishing house SB RAS, 2006. - 520 p. - (Integration projects of the SB RAS; issue 8).
6. V.E. Panin, A.V. Panin, T.F. Elsukova. The fundamental role of the curvature of the crystal structure in the plasticity and strength of solids // Physical mesomechanics. 17, No. 6 (2014).
7. Panin V.E., Elsukova T.F., Popkova Yu.F. Pochivalov Yu.I., Sunder R. Influence of the structural state of the surface layers of technical titanium samples on their fatigue life and mechanisms of fatigue failure // Physical mesomechanics - 2014. - T.17. - No. 4. - P. 5-12.
8. Kibitkin V.V., Solodushkin A.I., Pleshanov V.S., Chertova N.V. Criteria for identifying vortex structures in a deformable solid // Physical mesomechanics. - 2013. - T. 16. - No. 2. - P. 53-63.
9. Kuznetsov P.V., Petrakova I.V., Gordienko Yu.G., Zasimchuk E.E., Karbovsky V.A.. Formation of self-similar structures on aluminum single crystal foils {100} <001> with cyclic stretching. //Physical mechanical mechanics. - 2007.- T.10.- No.6.- P.33-42.
10. Panin V.E., Egorushkin V.E., Moiseenko D.D. et al. Functional role of polycrystal grain boundaries and interface in micromechanics of metal ceramic composites under Loading // Comput. Mater. Sci. - 2016. - Vol. 116. - P. 74-81.
11.V.E. Panin,V.E. Egorushkin, N.S. Surikova, Yu.I. Pochivalov. Shear bands as translation-rotation modes of plastic deformation in solids under alternate bending //Materials Science and Engineering A, - 2017. - V. 703. - R. 451-460.
12. Kibitkin V.V., Solodushkin A.I., Pleshanov V.S., Napryushkin A.A. On a choice of input parameters for calculation the vector field and deformation with DIC // Measurement. - 2017. - V. 95. - P. 266-272.
13. Moiseenko D., Maruschak P., Panin S., Maksimov P., Vlasov I., Berto F., Schmauder S. and Vinogradov A. Effect of Structural Heterogeneity of 17Mn1Si Steel on the Temperature Dependence of Impact Deformation and Fracture / / Metals (2017), 7(7), 280; doi:10.3390/met7070280
14. Derevyagina L.S., Korznikov A.V., Surikova N.S., Gordienko A.I. Structural changes in 12GBA steel during intensive warm rolling and resistance to brittle fracture at negative temperatures // Metallurgy and Heat Treatment of Metals. 2017. No. 11. P.48-55.
15. Narkevich N.A., Shulepov I.A., Mironov Yu.P. Structure, mechanical and tribological properties of austenitic nitrogen steel after friction treatment // FMM. 2017. T. 118. No. 4. P. 421-428.
16. Panin V.E. , Egorushkin V.E. Scale invariance of plastic deformation of planar and crystalline subsystems of solids under conditions of superplasticity // Physical mesomechanics - 2017.- T. 20. - No. 1. -P. 5-13.
17. Panin V.E., Panin A.V., Pochivalov Yu.I., Elsukova T.F., Shugurov A.R. Scale invariance of structural transformations during plastic deformation of nanostructured solids // Physical mesomechanics - 2017. - T. 20. - No. 1. - P. 57-71.
18. Panin V.E., Pinchuk V.G., Korotkevich S.V., Panin S.V.. Scale invariance of the curvature of the crystal lattice on the friction surfaces of metallic materials as the basis of the mechanism of their wear of bodies // Physical mesomechanics - 2017. - T. 20. - No. 1. - P. 72-81.
19. Panin V.E., Moiseenko D.D., Maksimov P.V., Panin S.V.. Effects of plastic distortion in the zone of curvature of the crystal lattice at the crack tip // Physical mesomechanics - 2017. - T. 20. - No. 3. - pp. 40-50.
20. Kuznetsov, T.V. Rakhmatulina, I.V. Belyaeva, A.V. Korznikov Energy of internal interfaces as a characteristic of the evolution of the structure of ultrafine-grained copper and nickel after annealing // Physics and Mathematics, 2017, V. 118, No. 3, P. 255-262.
List of patents
1. Patent RU2 608 858 published in BIPM No. 3, 01/25/2017 Glass with an optically transparent protective coating and a method for its manufacture. // Panin V.E., Psakhye S.G., Sergeev V.P., Svechkin V.P., Solovyov V.A., Chernyavsky A.G., Chubik P.S.
2. Patent RU 97863, published in BIPM No. 26, 09.20.2010 // Durakov V.G., Dampilon B.V., Rau A.G. Electron-ion source. Patent holder: IPPM SB RAS.
3. Eurasian patent No. 00457, published in the Bulletin of Eurasian Patents on June 24, 2004 // N.K. Galchenko, S.I. Belyuk, V.P. Samartsev, V.E. Panin, V.G. Durakov, V.A. Klimenov, G.A. Pribytkov Method of electron beam surfacing.
4. Patent No. 2494154 “Method of processing products from high-carbon alloy alloys”, (authors: Dampilon B.V., Durakov V.G., Ziganshin A.I.), published: 09/27/2013, Bull. No. 27.
Universal testing machine INSTRON 5582 (maximum load 100 kN) - testing materials for tension, bending, compression at room temperature; hydraulic testing machine SCHENK SINUS 100.40 (maximum load 100 kN) - testing materials for fatigue strength, tension, bending, compression;
Optical-television measuring complex "Tomsс" for constructing fields of displacement vectors on the surface of a loaded solid with a resolution of 105 vectors/mm2 - direct observations of the development of deformation and fracture processes with measuring the fields of displacement vectors and calculating the components of deformation and main plastic shear;
General purpose X-ray diffractometer DRON 4 - solution to a wide range of analytical, technological and research problems in materials science; scanning electron microscope Tesla BS-300 (resolution 10 nm) - examination of the surface of conductive and dielectric objects in secondary and reflected electron modes with a large depth of focus;
Transmission electron microscope JEM 100 CX II - study of the microstructure of thin objects with high resolution; metallographic optical microscope Karl Zeiss Axiovert 20 CA - visual observation and photography of the microstructure of metals, alloys and other opaque objects in reflected light under direct illumination in a light and dark field.
Electron beam installations ELU9 and ELU5 for electron beam surfacing and 3D printing.
Contact with universities
Buyakova S.P. - Professor at NI TPU.
Kuznetsov P.V. - Associate Professor at NI TPU
Public recognition
1. Scientific discovery “The phenomenon of mutual mass transfer of contacting solid metallic substances under pulsed action”, diploma No. 322 dated January 26, 2007 of the International Academy of Authors of Discoveries and Inventions. The authors of the discovery are Avraamov Yu.S., Kalashnikov N.P., Koshkin V.I., Panin V.E., Shamshev K.N., Shlyapin A.D.
2. Prize named after. Academician V.A. Koptyuga, SB RAS - NASB, in 2002. Awarded to V.E. Panin, S.I. Belyuk, Yu.P. Sharkeev, A.V. Kolubaev
3. Academician Panin V.E. elected foreign member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
4. Panin V.E. Honorary citizen of the city of Tomsk.
5. Insignia “For services to the Tomsk region” (academician V.E. Panin).
6. Commemorative silver medal in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Academician Panin V.E., Pleshanov V.S.
7. Prize named after. Academician M.A. Lavrentiev in 2009 awarded to academician Panin V.E.
8. Certificate of Honor of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2010. acad. Panin V.E.
Interference profilometer New View 6200
Intense grain-boundary slip; slip before structural failure during creep.
Additive technology complex based on an electron beam installation
Mechanical testing of structural materials