Laboratory of Physical Materials S...

Laboratory of Physical Materials Science

Head lab. Naidenkin E.V.


Naidenkin Evgeniy Vladimirovich

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Tel.: (382-2) 49-12-45

More details

Brief historical background about the unit

The Laboratory of Physical Materials Science was founded at the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1991. During the existence of the laboratory, its employees published more than 200 scientific articles, defended 4 doctoral and 6 candidate dissertations, received 3 copyright certificates and 10 patents of the Russian Federation. Laboratory staff are co-authors of seven scientific monographs, including foreign ones.

Areas of research, directions of fundamental research

1. Development of the scientific basis for obtaining promising nanostructured metal materials by methods of severe plastic deformation, as well as a combination of these methods with traditional methods of processing metals and alloys.
2. Study of the patterns and physical mechanisms of the development of plastic deformation and destruction of polycrystalline and nanostructured metals, alloys and composite materials under various thermal and force influences, including under conditions of activation by diffusion flows of impurity atoms (alloying elements) from the external environment or internal sources.
3. Study of the features of diffusion and patterns of development of diffusion-controlled processes in nanostructured metals, alloys and composites based on them obtained by methods of severe plastic deformation.

Composition of the unit
Total number of 10 people, including
- 2 doctors of science,
- 3 candidates of science,
- 1 young researcher (up to 33 years old)

Laboratory of Physical Materials Science

List of staff members

1. Evgeniy Vladimirovich Naidenkin , head. Laboratory, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,

2. Galina Petrovna Grabovetskaya, senior researcher, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences,

3. Ratochka Ilya Vasilievich, senior researcher, Ph.D.,

4. Konovalenko Igor Sergeevich, senior researcher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences,

5. Mishin Ivan Petrovich, research scientist, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences,

6. Vinokurov Vladimir Alekseevich, chief technologist,

7. Nadezhda Viktorovna Rozhintseva, leading technologist,

8. Lykova Olga Nikolaevna, leading technologist,

9. Zabudchenko Olga Vyacheslavovna, engineer,

10. Khrustalev Anton Pavlovich, research engineer

The most important scientific results

1. Methods have been developed for producing bulk nanostructured metals (using the example of Mo, Ni, Cu, Ti, Fe, Al), alloys and composites based on them with bcc, fcc and hcp lattices using the influence of severe plastic deformation by torsion methods under hydrostatic pressure, as well as equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) and all-round pressing with a change in the deformation axis in combination with subsequent rolling and annealing in the temperature range below the recrystallization temperature.
2. In nanostructured metals obtained by the action of severe plastic deformation, low-temperature anomalies of grain-boundary diffusion were discovered: a significant (several orders of magnitude) increase in the coefficients and a decrease (almost two times) in the activation energy of diffusion compared with the corresponding for the coarse-grained state. Direct diffusion experiments have shown that high mass transfer rates in these materials are associated not so much with the small size of grains, but with the nonequilibrium high-energy state of their interfaces, as a result of which diffusion-controlled processes in them take place at significantly lower temperatures (by several hundred degrees ) compared to coarse-grained analogues.

3. Using the example of Ni, Ti and Al, it was established that during plastic deformation under conditions of creep and stretching of nanostructured metals obtained under the influence of intense plastic deformation, the ratio of the contributions of microscopic (sliding and creep of dislocations) and mesoscopic (grain boundary sliding) deformation mechanisms to the overall shape change and loss shear stability at the macro level are associated not only with the size of grains, but also with the characteristics (state) of their boundaries.

4. Using the example of two-phase titanium and aluminum alloys, it was established that the process of refinement of grains and phases to a submicron size range by exposure to severe plastic deformation is accompanied by a change in the ratio of phases and concentrations of alloy components in the solid solution and at grain boundaries. This change in the structural-phase state leads to the activation of the process of grain-boundary sliding during high-temperature deformation and a shift in the temperature-rate range for the manifestation of superplasticity to the region of lower (by several hundred degrees) temperatures and higher (by several orders of magnitude) strain rates.

5. The scientific basis for the creation of a new class of high-strength materials has been developed in the formation of submicrocrystalline and nano-sized structures in low- and high-carbon steels containing dispersed particles by methods of intense plastic deformation. Using the example of low-carbon structural steel 10G2FT in ferrite-pearlite and martensitic states, it is shown that equal-channel angular pressing and torsion under hydrostatic pressure lead to the formation of submicrocrystalline and nano-sized structures in this steel, causing significant strengthening effects while maintaining high thermal stability
6. Using the example of an industrial alloy Ti-6Al-4V shows the possibility of forming a homogeneous submicrocrystalline structure with a grain size of less than 0.3 Ојm in two-phase titanium alloys using a method combining reversible hydrogen alloying with hot pressing. The formation of a submicrocrystalline state in this way leads to an increase in the long-term strength and resistance to hydrogen embrittlement of the alloy under creep conditions at room temperature and a decrease in the temperature range for the implementation of the superplasticity effect
by ~250 K.
7. It has been established that the formation of a nanostructural state in titanium and alloys based on it under the influence of intense plastic deformation by methods of equal-channel angular pressing and all-round forging in combination with cold rolling and annealing makes it possible to achieve high uniformity in the grain size distribution, in contrast to the inhomogeneous fine-grained structure that forms when rolling these materials under normal conditions. In such a structure, localization processes of plastic deformation at the macro level are suppressed, which leads to an increase in tensile strength and ductility, and an increase in the endurance limit under cyclic loading. The results obtained made it possible to develop technological regimes for producing semi-finished titanium alloys in the form of rods and rods of various diameters (Fig. 1), ultra-thin high-strength foils made of nanostructured titanium up to 10 microns thick for use in medical and technical products.

Projects, grants, contracts

Federal Targeted Program Project No. 14.604.21.0039 “Development of methods for producing high-strength nanostructured titanium alloys for the manufacture of critical structural elements of space satellite systems” (2014-2015, leader E.V. Naidenkin)

RFBR grant No. 18-08-00452 “Development of low-temperature superplasticity in transition-class titanium alloys with ultra-fine-grained structure” (2018-2020, supervisor E.V. Naidenkin)

RFBR grant No. 13-02-9800 “Regularities and mechanisms of structural and phase transformations in binary alloys with limited solubility during the formation of an ultrafine-grained state using severe plastic deformation” (2013-2015, supervisor G.P. Grabovetskaya).

RFBR grant No. 15-08-03823 “The influence of hydrogen on the patterns and mechanisms of deformation and fracture of ultrafine-grained metal materials under creep conditions” (2015-2017, leader G.P. Grabovetskaya).

RFBR grant No. 18-08-00158 “Regularities and mechanisms of deformation under conditions of creep in the presence of hydrogen of metallic materials with a surface modified by irradiation with electron beams,” 2018 -2020. head Grabovetskaya G.P.).

Major publications

1. EV Naydenkin, IV Ratochka, IP Mishin, ON Lykova, NV Varlamova The effect of interfaces on mechanical and superplastic properties of titanium alloys // Journal of Materials Science. - 2017. - Vol. 52, No. 8. - P. 4164-4171, .

2. GP Grabovetskaya, EN Stepanova, AS Dubrovskaya. Effect of hydrogen on the creep of the ultrafine-grained zirconium Zr-1Nb alloy at 673 K // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. - 2017. - V. 42, No. 35. - P. 22633-22640. doi:1016/j.ijhydene.2017.03.118

3. EV Naydenkin, IP Mishin, AP Khrustalyov, SA Vorozhtsov, AB Vorozhtsov. Influence of combined helical and pass rolling on structure and residual porosity of an AA6082-0.2 wt% Al2O3 composite produced by casting with ultrasonic processing // Metals. 2017. - 7(12). - 544. (doi:10.3390/met7120544).

4. I.V. Ratochka, I.P. Mishin, O. N. Lykova, E.V. Naidenkin, N.V. Varlamova. Evolution of the structure and mechanical properties of titanium alloy VT22 under high-temperature deformation // News of universities. Physics. - 2016. - T.59, No. 3. - P.70-74.

5. Grabovetskaya G.P., Ratochka I.V., Mishin I.P., Zabudchenko O.V., Lykova O.N. Evolution of the structural-phase state of a titanium alloy of the Ti-Al-V-Mo system in the process of intense plastic deformation and subsequent annealing // News of higher educational institutions. Physics.- 2016.- T. 59, No. 1.- P. 92-97.

6. Naidenkin E.V., Ratochka I.V., Mishin I.P., Lykova O.N. Evolution of the structural-phase state of titanium alloy VT22 in the process of radial-shear rolling and subsequent aging // News of higher educational institutions. Physics .- 2015.- T. 58, No. 8.- P. 34-39.

7. Ratochka I.V., Lykova O.N., Naidenkin E.V. The influence of the duration of low-temperature annealing on the evolution of the structure and mechanical properties of a titanium alloy of the Ti-Al-V system in a submicrocrystalline state // Physics of metals and metal science. - 2015. - T. 116, No. 3. - P. 318-324.

8. Stepanova EN, Grabovetskaya GP, Mishin IP Effect of hydrogen on the structural and phase state and the deformation behavior of the ultrafine-grained Zr-1Nb alloy // Journal of Alloys and Compounds.- 2015.- Vol. 645, Supplement 1.- P. S271-S274, .

9. Naidenkin E.V., Mishin I.P., Ivanov K.V. Regularities of deformation behavior of ultrafine-grained aluminum alloy of the Al-Mg-Li system at room temperature // News of higher educational institutions. Physics.- 2014.- T. 57, No. 12.- P. 79-82.

10. Ivanov KV, Naydenkin EV Tensile behavior and deformation mechanisms of ultrafine-grained aluminum processed using equal-channel angular pressing // Materials Science and Engineering: A.- 2014.- Vol. 606.- P. 313-321,

11. Ivanov KV, Naydenkin EV Activation parameters and deformation mechanisms of ultrafine-grained copper under tension at moderate temperatures // Materials Science and Engineering: A.- 2014.- Vol. 608.- P. 123-129,

12. Mishin I.P., Grabovetskaya G.P., Zabudchenko O.V., Stepanova E.N. The influence of hydrogen alloying on the evolution of the submicrocrystalline structure of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy under conditions of temperature and stress // News of higher educational institutions. Physics.- 2014.- T. 57, No. 4.- P. 3-7.

13. Naidenkin E.V., Ivanov K.V. Change in the phase composition of the near-surface layers of an ultrafine-grained Al-Mg-Li alloy during deformation under superplasticity conditions. Izvestia of Higher Educational Institutions. Physics.- 2013.- T. 56, No. 9.- P. 42-46.

14. Grabovetskaya G.P., Popov V.V., Mishin I.P., Sergeev A.V. Evolution of the spectrum of misorientation of grain boundaries of submicrocrystalline molybdenum during deformation under conditions of nickel diffusion along grain boundaries // Physics of metals and metal science. - 2013. - T. 114, No. 12. - P. 1128-1135.

15. KV Ivanov, EV Naydenkin. Grain boundary sliding in ultrafine grained aluminum under tension at room temperature // Scripta Materialia.- 2012.- Vol 66.- P. 511-514, .

List of patents

Vinokurov V.A., Mishin I.P., Naidenkin E.V., Rozhintseva N.V., Lykova O.N., Ivanov K.V. Method for producing nanostructured round bars from titanium alloy VT22 / RF Patent No. 2604075, priority 07/16/2015, published: Bull. No. 34, 12/10/2016.

Vinokurov V.A., Ratochka I.V., Naidenkin E.V., Mishin I.P., Rozhintseva N.V. Method for producing titanium alloys with a submicrocrystalline structure by deformation ensuring intense plastic deformation / RF Patent No. 2388566, priority 07/22/2008, published: Bull. No. 13, 05/10/2010.

Kolomeets N.P., Lbov A.F., Sharkeev Yu.P., Belyavskaya O.F., Kaminsky P.P., Tolmachev A.I., Naidenkin E.V., Ratochka I.V., Vinokurov V. .A. Ultrasonic oscillatory system / RF Patent No. 2384373, priority 09.17.2008, published: Bull. No. 8, 03/20/2010.

Vinokurov V.A., Naidenkin E.V., Ratochka I.V., Kolobov Yu.R., Rozhintseva N.V. A method for producing a material with an ultrafine-grained or submicrocrystalline structure by deformation ensuring intense plastic deformation (options) / RF Patent No. 2334582, priority 07/13/2006, published: Bull. No. 27, 01/27/2008.


1. To study the microstructure of metals and alloys, including in the nanostructured state, the laboratory has an EM-125K transmission electron microscope with an accelerating voltage of 125 kV, designed to analyze the structure of thin foils and replicas (Fig. 2).
2. The laboratory has developed and is implementing in small batches an electrospark alloying installation SE-5.01, used for applying protective and strengthening coatings to products and tools for various purposes (Fig. 3). The installation provides the possibility of local application of coatings up to 0.2 mm thick without special protection of the remaining surface, the use of any conductive materials as electrodes, high adhesion strength of the applied coating to the base, ease of maintenance, environmental friendliness and the absence of special requirements for the treated surface .
3. To obtain semi-finished titanium alloys with an ultra-fine-grained structure, the laboratory staff uses the technological equipment of the branch of the TSU Research Center for Nanotechnology. In particular, the “14-40” screw rolling ministan developed at MISIS (Fig. 4), designed for the production of hot-rolled round bars from various metals and alloys by heating the initial blanks to the hot deformation temperature and compressing them in diameter in one or several passes using specially calibrated rollers and, if necessary, with intermediate heating.

Communication with universities

The Laboratory of Physical Materials Science works closely with the Laboratory of High-Energy and Special Materials of TSU (headed by Vorozhtsov A.B.), as well as the Center for Collective UseTSU (director V.M. Kuznetsov). Laboratory employees are responsible or operators of the analytical and testing equipment of the specified center, including the Dual Beam Quanta 200 3D ion-electron microscope, Shimadzu XRD-6000 X-ray diffractometer, Instron 3369 testing machine, etc.
