Laboratory of Physical Chemistry o...

Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Highly Dispersed Materials

Head lab. Lerner M.I.

Lerner Marat Izrailevich

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Tel.: (382-2) 49-26-19

More details

Brief historical background about the unit

The laboratory was organized in 2004 on the basis of the Department of Electrical Explosive Technologies of the Design and Technology Center of the TSC SB RAS.

Areas of research, directions of fundamental research

Scientific basis for the synthesis and formation of properties of hierarchically organized nano-sized structures, development of areas of application of nanostructures in biomedical applications and new production technologies

Problems solved within these areas

1. Development of methods for the synthesis of bioactive hierarchically organized composite nanoparticles, incl. including Janus particle and core-shell structures.

2 Development of methods for the synthesis of hierarchically organized low-dimensional nanostructures of metal oxides.

3. Development of bimodal metal powder compositions based on micro- and nanoparticles for molding parts using PIM and additive technologies.

4. Development of bioactive composite and low-dimensional nanostructures to suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and tumor cells.

Unit composition

The total number of people is 13,
- doctors of science - 1,
- candidates of science - 5,
- young researchers (up to 33 years old) - 2

Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Highly Dispersed Materials

List of staff members

1. Lerner Marat Izrailevich, head of laboratory, doctor of technical sciences,
2. Svarovskaya Natalya Valentinovna, senior researcher, candidate of chemical sciences,
3. Glazkova Elena Alekseevna, senior researcher, candidate of chemical sciences,

4. Pervikov Alexander Vasilievich Researcher, Ph.D.,

5. Krinitsyn Maxim Germanovich, junior researcher, candidate of technical sciences.

6. Tikhonova Irina Nikolaevna, leading technologist,
7. Rodkevich Nikolay Grigorievich, chief. specialist,
8. Redkin Sergey Viktorovich, leading. constructor

9. Khorobraya Elena Gennadievna, leader. engineer,

10. Musin Alexander Viktorovich, technician.

The most important scientific results


1. The scientific basis for new antimicrobial medical products based on nanostructures that do not contain antibiotics and antiseptics has been developed.

2. It has been shown that agglomerates of low-dimensional aluminum oxyhydroxide structures are a promising basis for the creation of new non-toxic antitumor drugs and medical technologies for the treatment of malignant neoplasms.

3. The scientific basis for the synthesis of bicomponent nanoparticles from immiscible metals has been developed.


1. Based on nanostructures of aluminum hydroxides, filter materials have been developed to purify aqueous media from microbiological contaminants, viruses and colloidal particles with an efficiency of at least 99%.

2. A technology has been developed for the production of new dressings based on crystalline metal sorbents for the treatment of infected, chronic and poorly healing wounds, deep and extensive burns with a sorption efficiency of microorganisms (including those resistant to antibiotics and antiseptics) of at least 99.99%, which made it possible for the first time in the world to solve the problem of microbial resistance for superficial wounds of various etiologies.

3. A method has been developed for the synthesis of bicomponent nanoparticles from immiscible metals with a Janus-particle and core-shell structure and a given component content.

4. Bimodal metal powder compositions based on micro- and nanoparticles have been developed for PIM technologies.

Projects, grants, contracts

RAS programs:

1. No. 27.39. Development of the scientific basis for the production of aluminum nanoparticles with a block structure - nanofiber growth centers. 2009-2010

2. No. 21.17. Development of the scientific basis for the synthesis of a new antiseptic material based on electropositive nanofibers and the study of its antimicrobial properties. 2009-2010

3. III.23.2.3. Development of scientific principles of synthesis and study of the properties of materials with a hierarchically organized internal structure based on oxides, borides, carbides

4. III.23.2.5. Scientific basis for the formation of new functionalized bioactive composite materials and coatings with multilevel and heterogeneous structure, including for biomedical applications.

RFBR projects:

1. No. 09-01-12007-M. Theoretical and experimental study of the process of formation of physicochemical properties of multicomponent nanoparticles during synchronous sputtering of metals with different thermophysical characteristics. 2009-2010

Contracts with the Administration of the Tomsk Region:

2. No. 97. Household device for biological sterilization of water (Field water purifier). 01.10.2005 - 01.10.2006

3. No. 137. Composite sorption filter. 09/15/2005 - 09/15/2006

4. No. 88. Non-woven filter material using nanofibers to purify air from contaminants of organic and inorganic origin. 07/20/2006 - 07/20/2007

5. No. 330. Development of a method for producing granular nanofiber carriers - the basis of new generation sorbents for high-speed purification of water from arsenic and other contaminants. 07/18/2007 - 07/01/2008

Federal Targeted Program projects:

1. No. 063. Development of technology for producing nanofibers based on metal oxides for adsorption processes. 07/22/2005 - 12/08/2006

2. No. 02.527.12.9010. Development of technology and organization of industrial production of nanosorbents and devices based on them to obtain microbiologically pure solutions for biomedical purposes and for the food industry. 09/27/2007 - 10/31/2009

3. No. 14.578.21.0042. Development of technology for producing nanoporous materials for analyzing the properties of gases in the energy sector, chemical industry and medicine

4. No. 14.604.21.0158 “Development and creation of a new generation of bimodal metal powder compositions based on nano- and microparticles of heat-resistant, heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant alloys for additive technologies for the synthesis of parts of complex systems”

5. No. 14.604.21.0156 “Development of nanomaterials based on Al and Fe oxides and hydroxides, providing targeted ionic modification of biological media and potentiation of the action of drugs, and the creation on their basis of effective hemostatic agents with an antimicrobial effect.”

RSF projects:

1. No. 14-23-00096 “Study of factors determining the antitumor activity of low-dimensional nanostructures based on aluminum hydroxide, and study of the mechanism of their action on tumor cells”

2. No. 17-19-01319 “Promising nanostructured alloys formed by compacting bimetallic nanoparticles from immiscible metals: preparation, structure, physical and mechanical properties.”

3. No. 17-79-20382 “Design of new antimicrobial agents based on bicomponent metal nanoparticles and their oxides.”

Major publications

1. Bakina OV, Svarovskaya NV, Glazkova EA, Lozhkomoev AS, Khorobraya EG, Lerner MI Flower-shaped AlOOH nanostructures synthesized by the reaction of an AlN/Al composite nanopowder in water // Advanced Powder Technology, 2015, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 1512-1519.

2. Svarovskaya NV, Berenda AV, Bakina OV, Glazkova EA, Lozhkomoev AS, Khorobraya EG, Domashenko VV, Lerner MI, Fomenko AN Chemical behavior of Al/Cu nanoparticles in water // Progress in natural science, 2015, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 1-5.

3. Lerner MI, Pervikov AV, Glazkova EA, Svarovskaya NV, Lozhkomoev AS, Psakhie SG Structures of binary metallic nanoparticles produced by electrical explosion of two wires from immiscible elements // Powder Technology. 2016. Vol. 288. P. 371-378.

4. Lozhkomoev AS, Glazkova EA, Bakina OV, Lerner MI, Gotman I., Gutmanas EY, Kazantsev SO, Psakhie SG Synthesis of core-shell AlOOH hollow nanospheres by reacting Al nanoparticles with water // Nanotechnology. 2016. Vol. 27. P. 205603.

5. Lerner MI, EA Glazkova, Lozhkomoev AS, Svarovskaya NV, Bakina OV, Pervikov AV, Psakhie SG Synthesis of Al nanoparticles and Al/AlN composite nanoparticles by electrical explosion of aluminum wires in argon and nitrogen // Powder Technology. 2016. Vol. 295. P. 307-314.

6. Lozhkomoev AS et al. On the possibility of soft matter nanostructure formation based on mesoporous aluminum hydroxide. Prospects for biomedical applications //Physical Mesomechanics. - 2017. - T. 20. - No. 2. - pp. 134-141.

7. Svarovskaya NV et al. Glass and cellulose acetate fibers-supported boehmite nanosheets for bacteria adsorption //Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. - 2017. - T. 27. - No. 2. - pp. 268-274.

7. F. Noor, A. Vorozhtsov, M. Lerner, D. Wen, Exothermic characteristics of aluminum based nanomaterials // Powder Technology. Volume 282, 2015, pp. 19-24.

8. F. Noor, A. Vorozhtsov, M. Lerner, E. Pedone, B. Filho, D. Wen, Thermal-Chemical Characteristics of Al-Cu Alloy Nanoparticles // J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119 (25), pp. 14001-14009.

9. Lerner MI et al. Fe-Cu Nanocomposites by High Pressure Consolidation of Powders prepared by Electric Explosion of Wires //Advanced Engineering Materials. - 2018.

List of patents


1. Lerner M.I., Svarovskaya N.V., Psakhye S.G., Rudensky G.E., Repin V.E., Pugachev V.G. "Filter material, method of its production and filtering method", RF Patent No. 2317843 publ. 2008.02.27, Bull. No. 6
2. Lerner M.I., Rodkevich N.G., Svarovskaya N.V., Lozhkomoev A.S., Psakhye S.G., Rudensky G.E. "Method for producing filter material", Patent No. 2297269, publ. 2007.04.20, Bull. No. 11
3. Lerner M.I., Rodkevich N.G., Svarovskaya N.V., Psakhye S.G., Rudensky G.E.
"Composite sorbent material and method for its production", Patent No. 2313387, publ. 2007.12.27, Bulletin No. 36
4. Lerner M.I., Tsygankov V.M., Rodkevich N.G., Lozhkomoev A.S., Psakhye S.G., Rudensky G.E. "Cartridge filter for water purification", Patent for PM No. 58050, publ. 2006.11. 10. Bull. No. 31
5. Lerner M.I., Psakhye S.G., Rudensky G.E., Tsygankov V.M., Apkaryan A.S.
“Cartridge filter element (variants)”, Patent for PM No. 60874, publ. 2007.02.10.
Bull. No. 4

6. Lerner M.I., Davydovich V.I., Svarovskaya N.V., Glazkova E.A. "Method for producing nanofibers of aluminum oxide-hydroxide phases", Patent No. 2328447, publ. 2008.07.10, Bull. No. 19

7. Gebrauchsmusters Bundesrepublik Deutschland Nr. 21 2010 000 186.1. Bakterizides Sorptionsmatrials. Gebrauchsmusterinhaber Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISPMS SB RAS), Tomsk, RU. Tag der Eintragung 12/13/2012.

8. Spis malog patenta 1350 U. Baktericidni sorbent material I metod za njegovu proizvodnju. Republic of Srbija. Lerner MI, Glazkova EA, Psakhie CG, Kirilova NV, Svarovskaya NV, Bakina OV Pravo prvenstva: 12/07/2009. Glasniku intellectual svojine br. 6/2013, 12/31/2013. Beograd, 01/03/2014. Mali patent valid until 12/06/2020

9. Patent 2 523643. Method for producing a suspension of highly dispersed particles of metals and their compounds and a device for its implementation. Lerner M.I., Glazkova E.A., Psakhye S.G., Khorobraya E.G., Ivanov A.N., Tsygankov V.M., Tskhe A.A. Prior: 06.11. 2012. Published: 07.20.2014 Bulletin. No. 20.

10. 2560432. Agglomerates of metal oxyhydroxides and their application. Psakhye Sergey Grigorievich, Lerner Marat Izrailevich, Glazkova Elena Alekseevna, Bakina Olga Vladimirovna, Vasilyeva Olga Sergeevna, Mikhailov Georgy Andreevich, Turk Boris. 05/20/2013. Published: 08/20/2015 . BI 24.

11. 2546014. Antiseptic sorption material, method of its production and a dressing for the treatment of wounds based on it. Lerner Marat Izrailevich, Glazkova Elena Alekseevna, Psakhye Sergey Grigorievich, Bakina Olga Vladimirovna, Timofeev Sergey Sergeevich. 08/21/2013. Published: 04/10/2015 . BI 11.

12. 2542171. Device for heat treatment and method of forming a crystalline sorbent. Lerner Marat Izrailevich, Glazkova Elena Alekseevna, Psakhye Sergey Grigorievich, Khorobraya Elena Gennadievna, Ivanov Alexey Nikolaevich, Tsygankov Viktor Mikhailovich. 04/30/2013. Published: 02/20/2015 . BI 6.

13. Ponomarev Yu. N., Solodov A. A., Ptashnik D. I., Solodov A. M., Petrova T. M., Glazkova E. A. Absorption spectra of molecules in the gas phase and in adsorbed layers in nanoporous aerogels . Database, application No. 2016621624 dated 12/07/2016

14. Pat. 2 614 146 . Lerner M. I., Psakhye S. G., Glazkova E. A., Bakina O. V., Kazantsev S. O. A method for producing nanoporous material for sensitive elements of gas sensors and nanoporous material obtained by this method. 12/10/2015. Published: March 23, 2017 Bulletin. No. 9 .




Name of the piece of equipment

Classifier of scientific equipment (purpose)

Brand, manufacturer, country

Year of issue







Zetasizer Nano ZSP

Analyzers for determining particle size, zeta potential and molecular weight of nanoparticles, colloids and proteins

Malvern Instruments Ltd, UK



Test complex for chemical research. composition and structure characteristics of sorption materials


Specific surface area analyzers

JSC "KATAKON", Novosibirsk



Complex for studying nanoparticles

(CPS Disk Centrifuge)

Particle size analyzers

CPS Instruments Europe, USA



Biological inverted microscope for laboratory research Axio Vert.A1

Biological inverted microscopes for laboratory research

Carl Zeiss, Germany



Laboratory reactor LR-2. ST

Laboratory reactors

IKA Werke, Germany



Climate chamber

Equipment for climatic and thermal tests

Termokon LLC, Russia



CO2 incubator

Equipment for biological research

Sanyo (Panasonic), Japan



Cell counter TC20 with printer

Equipment for biological research

Bio-Rad, USA



Complex of equipment for clean and ultra-clean rooms “Laminar-S”

Equipment for clean and ultra-clean rooms

JSC "Laminar Systems", Russia


Communication with universities

Guidance of graduate students, lecture courses, practical classes, participation in certification commissions of universities, management of research and development work
