Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics ...

Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics of Metamaterials and Multilevel Systems


Smolin Igor Yurievich

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
Tel.: (382-2) 286-875

More details

Brief historical background about the unit

The laboratory was organized in December 2018 as a youth laboratory within the framework of the National Project “Science”. Its composition includes young (up to 39 years old) employees who previously held positions as engineers at the Institute of Physics and Mathematics and Mechanics of the SB RAS, assistants at the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, graduate students of the National Research Tomsk State University and the Institute of Physics and Mathematics and Mechanics of the SB RAS.

Areas of research, directions of fundamental research

The main research topic of the laboratory is the creation of scientific foundations for the nonlinear mechanics of metamaterials and the dynamics of multilevel systems in the interests of the rapid development of advanced production technologies and the development of promising multimaterials with a hierarchical structure, including for medical purposes.

Research areas: nonlinear mechanics of metamaterials, dynamics of multilevel systems, multilevel dynamic analysis of materials and structures, related thermo-mechanical-chemical processes in the creation of new materials, mathematical and computer modeling

The tasks solved within these areas
the creation of scientific foundations for the nonlinear mechanics of metamaterials and the dynamics of multi-level systems in the interests of the rapid development of advanced production technologies;

- development of related thermo-mechanical-chemical computer models to determine the parameters of technological processes for producing multicomponent 2D and 3D materials (including metamaterials) with specified combinations of mechanical, thermophysical and physicochemical properties.

Unit composition

The total number of employees is 14, including:
- 2 doctors of science,
- 5 candidates of science,
- 8 young employees (up to 35 years old).

List of staff members

1. Smolin Igor Yurievich , head of laboratory, chief researcher, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor,

2. Anisimova Maria Alexandrovna, junior researcher

3. Akhmetov Ayan Zhanatovich, junior researcher

4. Akhmetshin Linar Rishatovich, junior researcher

5. Bukrina Natalya Valerievna, junior researcher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

6. Zimina Valentina Alekseevna, junior researcher

7. Kazantseva Ekaterina, junior researcher

8. Knyazeva Anna Georgievna , chief researcher, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Email:

9. Olga Nikolaevna Kryukova, senior researcher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

10. Maslov Alexey Leonidovich, junior researcher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

11. Parfenova Elena Sergeevna, junior researcher

12 Sukhanov Ivan Ivanovich, junior researcher

13. Chepak-Giesbrecht Maria Vladimirovna, researcher,Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

14. Chumakov Yuri Aleksandrovich, researcher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

Projects, grants, contracts

State assignment projects in fundamental research programs of the SB RAS:

FWRW-2021-0003 “Scientific foundations of engineering hierarchical structures in surface layers and coatings using high-energy electron-ion-beam-plasma effects for the creation of innovative metallic materials” (supervisors V.P. Sergeev, L.L. Meisner).

FWRW-2021-0007 “Scientific basis for the creation of functional coatings and bulk nanostructured materials for biomedical purposes using additive technologies, compositions of heterophasic nanoparticles with polymers and bulk nanocrystalline pseudoalloys” (supervisors Y.P. Sharkeev, M.I. Lerner).

FWRW-2021-0009 “Establishment of fundamental principles for the creation of ceramic composites with multi-level structural-phase adaptation, ensuring high physical and mechanical characteristics and reliability under extreme operating conditions” (supervisors S.P. Buyakova, A.Yu. Smolin).

FWRW-2019-0035 “III.23.2.12. Multicomponent materials and structures, including those synthesized by additive methods: development of coupled thermo-mechanical-chemical models, study of functional properties and features of mechanical behavior under intense external influences” (supervisors I.Yu. Smolin, A.G. Knyazeva).

RSF projects:

17-19-01425 “Study of the physical principles of the synthesis of composite powders based on titanium and its alloys for modification and molding of parts used in the aerospace industry by electron beam fusion” (supervisor A.G. Knyazeva).

RFBR projects:

20-03-00303_a “Features of mutual influence of thermal and mechanical processes in the conditions of synthesis of composites with oxide inclusions” (supervisor A.G. Knyazeva).

20-21-00064_Rosatom “Modeling of mechano-chemo-diffusion phenomena in surface layers and coatings under high-energy impacts"(headed by A.G. Knyazeva).

The most important scientific results

1. A model of crystallization of the deposited coating has been developed, taking into account the non-uniform distribution of particles and the roughness of the substrate.

2. A model was created for the formation of a transition layer between the inclusion and the matrix, taking into account the formation of new chemical phases.

3. An assessment was made of the effective properties of a metal matrix composite containing coated diamond inclusions, taking into account the formation of porosity.

4. A two-dimensional mathematical model of the thermal decomposition of oil shale when heated has been developed, which makes it possible to determine the temperature fields, flow rates of reaction products and concentration fields.

5. A non-isothermal model of the initial stage of the process of introducing an impurity into the surface of a material has been developed, taking into account the finiteness of the relaxation times of heat and mass flows, as well as the interaction of mechanical waves and concentration waves of the introduced impurity. The interaction of these wave processes leads to a significant impact on the distribution of strains, temperatures and impurity concentrations.

6. It was revealed that the Soret effect affects the mass transfer of alloying elements under conditions of surface heating of the material by a flow of charged particles, with local heating of the materials being joined.

7. The influence of the ratio of thermophysical and diffusion properties on the nature of the distribution of alloying elements under heat treatment conditions was studied. An assessment of the mechanical stresses arising in the diffusion zone is given.

8. Particular problems of grain boundary diffusion under conditions of stationary and non-stationary heating were formulated and solved. The effect of grain shape on the effective diffusion coefficient was studied. The influence of diffusion parameters on the nature of the distribution of diffusant concentration was studied.

9. Modifications of the compression corrugation method have been proposed, expanding the range of alloys capable of undergoing structural changes while simultaneously improving physical and mechanical properties.

10. Data were obtained on the influence of the grain structure, modified by methods of severe plastic deformation, on the mechanical properties of rolled sheets of light structural alloys.

11. Based on experimental data, a disclination model of grain boundaries in nanocrystalline metallic materials has been proposed. It was found that the maximum values ​​of the principal components of the stress tensor are achieved in the planes of occurrence of disclinations of magnitudes of the order of E/25. It has been shown that a characteristic feature of the distribution of specific elastic energy of the disclination structure of boundaries is local energy maxima, which can cause physical broadening of nanograin boundaries.

12. Structural and physical-mathematical models have been developed to analyze the mechanical behavior of porous ceramic materials at the mesolevel under different loading conditions.

Major publications

1. Krylova T.A., Chumakov Yu.A. Effect of refractory modifiers on the structure of coatings based on chromium carbide // Materials Letters. - 2021. - Vol. 294, Article 129807. - P. 1-4. DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2021.129807

2. Bukrina N.V. The influence of the dependence of the thermal conductivity coefficient on temperature on the physical laws of volumetric synthesis of an intermetallic compound // Izvestia VUZov. Physics. - 2021.- T. 64, No. 3. - P. 33-39. DOI: 10.17223/00213411/64/3/33

3. Knyazeva AG Application of Irreversible Thermodynamics to Diffusion in Solids with Internal Surfaces // Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics. - 2020. - V. 45. - P. 401-417. DOI: 10.1515/jnet-2020-0021

4. Bukrina NV, Knyazeva AG Influence of inert particles on the dynamics of controlled synthesis of a composite in cylindrical reactor with thick walls // International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. - 2020. - Vol. 152. - Article 119553. - P. 1-12. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2020.119553

5. Anisimova MA, Knyazeva AG, Sevostianov I. Evolution of the effective elastic properties of metal matrix composites during the synthesis // International Journal of Engineering Science. - 2020. - Vol. 153. - Article 103307. - P. 1-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijengsci.2020.103307

6. Krylova T.A., Chumakov Yu.A. Fabrication of Cr-Ti-C composite coating by non-vacuum electron beam cladding // Materials Letters. - 2020. - V. 274. - Article 128022. -P. 1-4. DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2020.128022

7. Chepak-Gizbrekht MV, Knyazeva AG Grain-boundary diffusion modeling in a microstructural material // Computational Material Science. - 2020. - V. 184. - Article 109896. -P. 1-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2020.109896

8. Chepak-Gizbrekht MV Thermodiffusive Mechanism of Mechanical Stress Development Near the Boundary Between Materials with Differing Rheological Properties // Russian Physics Journal. - 2020. - Vol. 62, No. 9. - P. 1558-1564. DOI 10.1007/s11182-020-01876-0

9. Bukrina NV, Knyazeva AG Two-Dimensional Model of High-Temperature Synthesis of an Intermetallic in the Regime of Dynamic Thermal Explosion // High Temperature Material Processes. - 2020. - Vol. 24. - P. 65-79. DOI: 10.1615/HighTempMatProc.2020033859

10. Krylova T.A., Chumakov Yu.A. Energy parameters of the electron beam, the structure of composite coatings and their mechanical properties // Izvestia VUZov.Physics. - 2020. - T.63. - No. 5. - P. 32-37. DOI:10.17223/00213411/63/5/32

11. Bukrina N.V., Knyazeva A.G. The influence of inert particles on the physical laws of volumetric synthesis of a composite. Izvestiya vuzov. Physics. - 2020. - T.63. - No. 7. - P. 52-58. DOI:10.17223/00213411/63/7/52

12. Anisimova M.A., Knyazeva A.G. Assessment of stresses and deformations in the process of formation of the transition layer between the particle and the matrix // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Mathematics and mechanics. - 2020. - No. 63. - pp. 60-71. DOI 10.17223/19988621/63/6

13. Chumakov Yu.A., Knyazeva A.G. Effect of tension, compression and shear on the formation of a composite of Ni3Al with refractory inert inclusions // Composites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications: An International Journal. - 2020 - Vol. 11. - No. 1. - P. 39-56. DOI: 10.1615/CompMechComputApplIntJ.2020031162

14. Akhmetshin L.R., Smolin I.Yu. Influence of unit cell parameters of tetrachiral mechanical metamaterial on its effective properties // Nanoscience and Technology an International Journal. - 2020. - Vol. 11. - No. 3. - P. 265-273. DOI: 10.1615/NanoSciTechnolIntJ.2020033737

15. Zimina V. A. Experimental study of the structure, elastic and strength characteristics of porous corundum ceramics // Vestn Tom. state un-ta. Mathematics and mechanics. 2020. No. 67. pp. 117-126. DOI: 10.17223/19988621/67/11

16. Mikushina VA The features of fracture processes of the ceramic composite // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. - 2020. - Vol. 1527. - P. 012022-1-012022-5. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1527/1/012022

17. Mikushina VA, Smolin IY, Sidorenko YN Study of the effect of damage accumulation on stress distribution parameters in mesovolume of biocomposite and its performance characteristics//Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. - 2019. - Vol. 10. - P. 66-69.

18. Eremin M., Kulkov A., Smolin I., Mikushina V. Investigation of Failure Mechanism of Al2O3 Specimens Subjected to Three-Point Bending Test // Frattura ed IntegritГ  Strutturale. 2019. - Vol. 50. - P. 38-45 DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.50.05

19. Knyazeva AG, Kryukova ON, Maslov AL Peculiarities of reaction diffusion in the transition zone between titanium nickelide substrate and silicon coating under electron flux action // Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal. - 2019. - V.10 (3). DOI: 10.1615/NanoSciTechnolIntJ.2019031226

20. Knyazeva AG, Kryukova ON, Maslov AL Modeling of transient zone formation between thin film from Si or Ta deposited on TiNi under action of low energy electron beam // Mater. Res. Express. - 2019. - Vol. 6. - Article 1065g5. - P. 1-11

21. Suhanov II, Ditenberg IA, Tyumentsev AN A theoretical investigation of special aspects of nonequilibrium disclinational-type boundaries in crystalline materials // Russian Physics Journal. - 2019. -- Vol. 61, No. 10. - P. 1876-1881.

22. Mikushina V.A., Smolin I.Yu. Numerical modeling of deformation and fracture of porous aluminum oxide ceramics at the mesolevel // Vestn. Volume. state un-ta. Mathematics and mechanics. - 2019. - No. 58. - pp. 99-108. DOI: 10.17223/19988621/58/8

23. Chepak-Giesbrecht M.V. Modeling of grain boundary diffusion under conditions of non-stationary heating // Computational continuum mechanics. - 2019. - T. 12, No. 1. - P. 57-66.

24. Parfenova E.S., Knyazeva A.G. Non-isothermal mechanical diffusion model of the initial stage of the process of introducing a particle flow into the target surface // Computational continuum mechanics. - 2019. - T. 12. - No. 1. - P. 36-47.

25. Makarov P.V., Bakeev R.A., Smolin I.Yu. Modeling of localized inelastic deformation at the mesolevel taking into account the local curvature of the crystal lattice within the framework of the asymmetric Cosserat theory // Physical mesomechanics. - 2019. - T. 22. - No. 4. - P. 29-38.

26. Tyumentsev A.N., Ditenberg I.A., Sukhanov I.I., Dmitriev A.I., Psakhye S.G. Nanodipoles of partial disclinations and the mechanism of localization of deformation of nanostructured materials in the elastic region // Izvestiya VUZov. Physics. - 2019. - T. 62, No. 6. - P. 37-46.

27. Tyumentsev A.N., Ditenberg I.A., Sukhanov I.I. Non-dislocation mechanisms of strain localization in nickel nanocrystals during torsional deformation on Bridgman anvils // Izvestiya VUZov. Physics. - 2019. - T. 62, No. 8. - P. 5-13.

28. Krylova T.A., Chumakov Yu.A., Domarov E.V., Korchagin A.I. Fractographic analysis of the destruction of composite coatings after bending tests // Izvestia VUZov.Physics. - 2019. - T.62. - No. 9. - P.15-19.

29. Maslov AL, Knyazeva AG, Martemyanov SM A two-phase model of shale pyrolysis // Fuel. - 2018. - Vol. 228. - P. 132-139.

30. Mikushina V.A., Smolin I.Yu., Sidorenko Yu.N. Study of the influence of damage accumulation on the parameters of stress distribution in the mesovolume of a biocomposite and its effective properties // Materials Science. - 2018. - No. 4. - P. 16-19.

31. Parfenova E.S., Knyazeva A.G. The initial stage of the formation of a transition layer between the film and the substrate when heated by a high-current electron beam. Vestn. Volume. state un-ta. Mathematics and mechanics. - 2018. - No. 54. - P. 103-117. DOI: 10.17223/19988621/54/9

32. Tyumentsev AN, Ditenberg IA, Suhanov II Special Features of Strain Localization and Nanodipoles of Partial Disclinations in the Region of Elastic Distortions // Russian Physics Journal. - 2018. - Vol. 60, No. 10. - P. 1832-1836.

33. Chepak-Giesbrecht M.V., Knyazeva A.G. Influence of the Soret effect on the redistribution of alloying elements between the coating and the substrate under external heating conditions // Engineering and Physical Journal. - 2018. - T. 91, No. 2. - P. 283-296.

34. Chepak-Giesbrecht M.V. Modeling of diffusion in volume and along boundaries under conditions of electron beam heating // News of universities. Physics. - 2018. - T. 61, No. 8/2. - pp. 141-144.

35. Chepak-Gizbrekht MV, Knyazeva AG Influence of Soret Effect on Redistribution of Alloying Elements Between the Coating and Substrate Under Conditions of External // Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics. - 2018. - Vol. 91, Iss. 2. - P. 265-277. DOI: 10.1007/s10891-018-1746-7.

Communication with universities

I.Yu. Smolin is a professor at the Department of Strength and Design of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Tomsk State University, teaches courses “Methods of computer modeling of the structure and properties of materials”, “Mechanics of biological fluids”, and is the scientific supervisor of 3 graduate students of TSU.

M.A. Anisimova and E.S. Parfenova are assistants at the Materials Science Department of the TPU Engineering School of New Manufacturing Technologies.

Laboratory staff carry out joint research with the teaching staff and supervise the research work of students from the departments of Strength and Design and Mechanics of Deformable Solids of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of TSU, as well as the Department of Materials Science of the Engineering School of New Manufacturing Technologies of TPU.

Public acceptance

M.A. Anisimova - scholarship holder of the Government of the Russian Federation for graduate students studying in priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy (2016-2018)

L.R. Akhmetshin - scholarship holder of the Government of the Russian Federation for students mastering educational programs of higher education in organizations engaged in educational activities under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (2018-2019), scholarship holder of the Government of the Russian Federation for graduate students studying in priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy (2020-2021), scholarship holder of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation for graduate students studying in areas of training corresponding to priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy (2021)

V.A. Zimina (Mikushina) - scholarship holder of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation for graduate students mastering educational programs of higher education in organizations engaged in educational activities under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (2019-2020), scholarship holder of the Government of the Russian Federation for postgraduate students studying in educational programs corresponding to priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy (2019-2020)
