Laboratory of Molecular Imaging an...

Laboratory of Molecular Imaging and Photoacoustics


Ponomarev Alexander Nikolaevich

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Tel.: (83822) 286-985

Brief historical background about the unit

The laboratory was created on December 30, 2018, consisting of 12 people, including 1 candidate of sciences.

Areas of research, directions of fundamental research

Research in the development of physical foundations and hardware for studying molecular components in liquid, gaseous and solid samples, including biological media and media with complex structures, using laser infrared and terahertz spectroscopy and visualization methods.

Study of the influence of carbon nanomaterials as calcium phosphate modifiers on the physical and mechanical properties of the resulting composites.

Theoretical study of electronic transport and thermal properties of low-dimensional carbon nanostructures (graphene, fullerenes, carbon nanotubes) with structural defects in the layer and on the surface.

Problems solved within these areas

Development of the scientific foundations of highly informative IR and THC spectroscopy and visualization for the study of molecular components in liquid, gaseous and solid samples, including biological media and media with complex structures.

Development of the scientific basis for the formation of biocomposite materials based on calcium phosphates and carbon nanostructures with specified mechanical properties for medical applications.

Development of a microscopic theory of low-temperature electronic and thermal transport properties of low-dimensional carbon nanostructures.

Unit composition

The total number of people is 8, including:
candidates of science - 1,
young researchers (up to 33 years old) - 6
graduate students - 6.

List of full-time employees and graduate students


Full name

Academic degree

Academic title

Job title

WoS Researcher ID

Scopus Author ID



Ponomarev Alexander Nikolaevich


Head of Laboratory




Knyazkova Anastasia Igorevna

junior researcher




Belosludtseva Anna Alekseevna

junior researcher




Burlachenko Alexander Gennadievich

junior researcher




Vrazhnov Denis Alexandrovich

junior researcher




Rezvanova Anastasia Evgenevna

junior researcher




Mirovoy Yuri Alexandrovich

junior researcher




Abdulmenova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

junior researcher





1. Council of Europe project: Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme Fellowship within the 7th European Community Framework Program (Grant Agreement Number 612552) (2014-2019)

2. RFBR grant No. 17-00-00186 “Molecular imaging of oncological pathologies of biological tissues in the terahertz region of the spectrum using time-resolved laser spectroscopy, big data analysis technologies and machine learning” (2017-2019)

3. RFBR grant No. 18-42-703012 “Study of the early stages of lymphedema development using biophotonics methods to find approaches to non-invasive diagnosis of this disease” (2018-2019)

4. RFBR grant No. 19-32-50004 “Study of the influence of topological defects and various configurations of foreign atoms in a graphene layer on its physical properties” (2019)

5. RFBR grant No. 18-42-703019 “Development of fundamental scientific principles of electronic transport and thermal properties of bilayer graphene at various concentrations of sorbed and doped atoms, types of their configuration in the layer and on the surface”

6. Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists and graduate students No. SP-3630.2019.3 “Formation of high-temperature composites based on oxygen-free ceramics and carbon-carbon materials” (2019-2021)


1. NG Bobenko, VV Bolotov, VE Egorushkin, PM Korusenko, NV Melnikova, SN Nesov, AN Ponomarev, SN Povoroznyuk. Experimental and theoretical study of electronic structure of disordered MWCNTs. Carbon. Vol. 153 (2019) P. 40-51. Q1

2. Kistenev, YV, Vrazhnov, DA, Nikolaev, VV, Sandykova, EA, Krivova, NA Analysis of Collagen Spatial Structure Using Multiphoton Microscopy and Machine Learning Methods (Review). Biochemistry (Moscow) Vol. 84 (2019) P. 108-123. Q2

3. Kolker DB, Sherstov IV, Kostyukova N.Yu., Boyko AA, Kistenev Yu.V. and others. Broadband tunable source of mid-IR laser radiation for photoacoustic spectroscopy. Quantum Electronics Vol. 49 (2019) P. 29-34. Q2

4. Yu.V. Kistenev, V.V. Nikolaev, O.S. Kurochkina, A.V. Borisov, E.A. Sandykova, N.A. Krivova, D.K. Tuchina, P.A. Timoshina. Application of terahertz spectroscopy for "in vivo" study of the dynamics of lymphedema development. Optics and Spectroscopy, 2019, volume 126, issue. 5 Q3

5. MS Barabashko, MV Tkachenko, AA Neiman, AN Ponomarev, AE Rezvanova. Variation of Vickers microhardness and compression strength of the bioceramics based on hydroxyapatite by adding the multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Applied Nanoscience. (2019). Q2

6. Yury V. Kistenev, Viktor V. Nikolaev, Oksana S. Kurochkina, Alexey V. Borisov, Denis A. Vrazhnov, Ekaterina A. Sandykova Application of Multiphoton Imaging and Machine Learning to Lymphedema Tissue Analysis. Biomedical optical express. 10 (2019): 3353 Q1

7. Andrey D. Bulygin, Denis A. Vrazhnov. A fully conservative parallel numerical algorithm with adaptive spatial grid for solving nonlinear diffusion equations in image processing. Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations. 6 (2019): 14-18. Q2

8. Kistenev YV, Borisov AV, Nikolaev VV, Vrazhnov DA, Spirina LV, Kurochkina OS, Sandykova EA APPLICATIONS OF MOLECULAR IMAGING AND MACHINE LEARNING METHODS FOR MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS //Physics, Engineering and Technologies for Biomedicine. - 2017. - P. 101-101.

9. Shvachkina ME, Knyazkova AI, Sandykova EA, Influence of optical clearing on collagen crosslinking of sclera. // Journal of Physics: Conf. Series. 2019. Vol.1145. P. 012056. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1145/1/012056

10. Kistenev, YV, Borisov, AV, Knyazkova, AI, Sandykova, EA, Nikolaev, VV, Vrazhnov, DA Applications of THz laser spectroscopy and machine learning for medical diagnostics. // EPJ Web of Conferences. 2018. Vol.195. P.10006. doi:10.1051/epjconf/201819510006

11. Kistenev YV, Vrazhnov DA, Nikolaev VV, Sandykova EA, Krivova NA Analysis of Collagen Spatial Structure Using MultiphotonMicroscopy and Machine Learning Methods //Biochemistry (Moscow). 2019. Vol. 84, No. 1. P. S108-S123.

12. Kistenev YV, Borisov AV, Knyazkova AI, Ilyasova EE, Sandykova EA, Gorbunov AK, Spirina LV Possibilities of cytospectrophotometry of oncological prostate cancer tissue analysis in the TGz spectral range //Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2018. Vol. 10614. P. 106141T.

13. Bobenko NG, Egorushkin VE, Melnikova NV, Ponomarev AN, Belosludtseva AA & Barkalov LD Low-temperature peculiarities of density of electronic states and electron transport characteristics in the disordered 2D graphene. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 26 (2018);

14. NG Bobenko, VE Egorushkin, NV Melnikova, AA Belosludtseva et al. Low temperature characteristics of electronic density of states in epitaxial graphene// Journal of Structural Chemistry 59 (2018), Pp.883 - 889

15. Melnikova, N., Murzashev, A., Nazarova, T., Shadrin, E. & Ponomarev, A. 2017, “The “rule of multiplicity of three”: Does it work in carbon nanotubes?”, Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 379-385.

16. Barabashko MS, Rezvanova AE and Ponomarev AN Low temperature heat capacity and sound velocity in fullerite C60 orientational glasses. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 25 (2017) 661-666;

17. Bobenko NG, Egorushkin VE, Melnikova NV, Ponomarev AN Are carbon nanotubes with impurities and structure disorder metals or semiconductors? // Physica E. 60 2014. P. 11-16

18. Ponomarev AN, Egorushkin VE, Melnikova NV, Bobenko NG On the low-temperature anomalies of specific heat in disordered carbon nanotubes // Physica E. 2015, V.66, Pp. 13-17.

List of patents

Certificate of state registration of a computer program No. 2015661062 (RU); application No. 2015617514 dated 08/11/2015, registration date. 10/15/2015; Bull. No. 11 dated November 20, 2015 // A.Sh. Bureev, D.S. Zhdanov, D.A. Vrazhnov, M.S. Kutsov, V.V. Nikolaev, A.V. Shapovalov. Software for automatic

calculating the heart rate of the mother and fetus based on the results of the analysis of acoustic data.

Certificate of state registration of a computer program No. 2015661063 (RU); application No. 2015617512 dated 08/11/2015, registration date. 10/15/2015; Bull. No. 11 dated November 20, 2015 // A.Sh. Bureev, D.S. Zhdanov, D.A. Vrazhnov, M.S. Kutsov, V.V. Nikolaev, A.V. Shapovalov. Software for extracting fetal and maternal heart sounds based on acoustic data.

Certificate of state registration of a computer program No. 2015663065 (RU); application No. 2015660140 dated January 20, 2016 // A.Sh. Bureev, D.S. Zhdanov, D.A. Vrazhnov, M.S. Kutsov, V.V. Nikolaev, A.V. Shapovalov. Computer program for preliminary processing of spectral analysis data.

Certificate of state registration of a computer program No. 2016661279 (RU); application No. 2016616634 dated November 20, 2016 // A.Sh. Bureev, D.S. Zhdanov, D.A. Vrazhnov, M.S. Kutsov, V.V. Nikolaev, A.V. Shapovalov. Computer program for intelligent analysis of data on the component composition or absorption spectra of exhaled air from the target group, comparison group and control group.




Name of the piece of equipment

Classifier of scientific equipment (purpose)

Brand, manufacturer, country

Year of issue


Zetasizer Nano ZSP

Analyzers for determining particle size, zeta potential and molecular weight of nanoparticles, colloids and proteins

Malvern Instruments Ltd, UK




A multiphoton microscope that allows you to work with biological objects in vivo.

JenLab, Germany


spectral OCT system GANYMEDE-II

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an imaging technology that allows for real-time observation with high spatial resolution and without sample preparation.

Thorlabs, USA


Time-domain THz spectrometer “T-Spec”

The T-SPEC system can scan solid and liquid samples up to 20 x 20 mm in size with a spatial resolution of approximately 1 mm. The data obtained contain information about both the structure and spectroscopic characteristics of the sample.

EKSPLA, Estonia


Laser optical-acoustic gas analyzer "LaserBriz"

The operating principle of the gas analyzer is based on the method of laser optical-acoustic spectroscopy with a parametric light generator as a source of laser radiation tunable in the wavelength range from 2.5 to 10 microns. The gas analyzer provides measurement of the concentration of up to 20 volatile molecules in a sample simultaneously.

LLC "Special Technologies", Novosibirsk

Communication with universities

Ponomarev A.N. - FVS TUSUR, associate professor.

Knyazkova A.I. - Siberian State Medical University, laboratory assistant.

Belosludtseva A. A. - TUSUR, department. KSUP, 01.09.2018-30.12.2018, subject "Programming"

Vrazhnov D. A. - Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 03/17/2019- 04/24/2019, internship and lecturing under the Erasmus+ program

Nikolaev V.V. - Berlin, Charite Clinic, Leiter Center for Experimental and Applied Physiology of the Skin, internship 10/01/2017-03/30/2018

Public acceptance

Belosludtseva A.A.

  • Diploma of the winner of the competition “Best TUSUR Graduates” in the research category. 2019
  • Scholarship named after G.S. Zubarev FSBEI HPE "Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics" 2017.
  • Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation 2016-2017 academic year. year
  • Scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation 2016-2017 academic year. year
  • Personalized scholarship of the municipal formation "City of Tomsk" in the 2017-2018 academic year
  • Certificate of honor "For personal contribution to the development and formation of a positive image of the Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics" Order No. 417 of 10/05/2017

Rezvanova A.E.

  • Breastplate from the Governor of the Tomsk Region to St. Tatiana of Rome for the best graduate of TUSUR, 2018.
  • Letter of gratitude for a creative attitude to his work and for his great contribution to the development and formation of the image of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, 2019.
  • Presidential scholarship from 09/01/2019 to 07/12/2020 by order 5475st of 10/10/2019.
  • Diploma of the winner of the competition "Best TUSUR graduates" in their profession, 2020.

Ponomarev A.N.

  • TNC Certificate of Honor (2018)
  • TNC Certificate of Honor (2019)
  • French Government Scholarship (2019)