Laboratory of Mechanics of Heterog...

Laboratory of Mechanics of Heterogeneous Media

Balokhonov Ruslan Revovich


Ruslan Revovich Balokhonov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
tel: (382-2) 286-924

Research areas, areas of fundamental research

Physical mesomechanics of materials, development of mathematical models of structurally inhomogeneous media, numerical study of deformation and fracture processes at meso- and macrolevels under conditions of dynamic and quasi-static loading, geomechanics, plate tectonics, rock mechanics.

Tasks solved within these areas

- Study of the fundamental laws of nonlinear processes that determine the plasticity and staged formation of sources of dynamic destruction in materials and environments with a hierarchically organized internal structure.

- Development of model ideas about the nature of slow deformation autowave movements in various materials, including geomedia.

- Development, based on the continuum approach, of computer models of ceramic materials with pore space structures corresponding to different modes of synthesis of such materials.

- Numerical study of the features of the mechanical behavior of porous ceramic materials with a hierarchical structure under different types of loading.

- Development of scientific foundations for modeling the deformation behavior of polycrystalline materials based on physically based theories of plasticity, taking into account crystallographic orientation and slip systems.

- Computational mesomechanics of interfaces and modeling of multi-level processes of deformation and fracture in composite materials and materials with modified surface layers at different scale levels.

- Development of hierarchical models of deformation and destruction of metal-ceramic composite coatings taking into account the evolution of residual stresses.

- Development of a computer modeling approach to assess the influence of technological parameters on the structure and mechanical properties of additive materials.

- Study of the patterns of evolution of deformation relief in polycrystalline materials at different scale levels.

- Multi-level modeling of deformation processes in permanent joints obtained by friction stir welding.

List of staff members

1. Balokhonov Ruslan Revovich, head of the laboratory, chief researcher,  Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,

2. Makarov Pavel Vasilievich, chief researcher, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor,

3. Popov Valentin Leonidovich, leading researcher, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,

4. Romanova Varvara Aleksandrovna, chief researcher, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,

5. Yuri Pavlovich Stefanov, senior researcher, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,

6. Nadezhda Vasilievna Chertova, senior researcher, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,

7. Bakeev Rustam Alfredovich, senior researcher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences,

8. Eremin Mikhail Olegovich, researcher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences,

9. Kulkov Alexey Sergeevich, researcher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Email:

10. Evtushenko Evgeniy Pavlovich, chief specialist,

11. Andrey Vasilievich Radchenko, leading researcher, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

12. Radchenko Pavel Andreevich, research fellow, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

13. Emelyanova Evgenia Sergeevna, engineer

14. Sergeev Maxim Vladimirovich, engineer

15. Batuev Stanistlav Pavlovich, research fellow, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
