Laboratory of Materials Science, C...

Laboratory of Materials Science, Coatings and Nanotechnologies

Head lab. Sergeev V.P.

Sergeev Viktor Petrovich

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Tel.: (382-2) 49-14-81

More details

Brief historical background about the unit

The Laboratory of Materials Science of Coatings and Nanotechnologies of the Scientific and Technological Department “Republican Engineering and Technical Center for the Restoration and Strengthening of Machine Parts and Mechanisms at the Institute of Physics and Mathematics and Mechanics of the SB RAS” was formed during the restructuring of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics and Mechanics of the SB RAS in 2007 on the basis of the Department of Engineering and Technology of Ion Implantation, Laboratory of Ion Technologies , sector of electrochemical coatings, sector of powder metallurgy of the RITC Department at the Institute of Physics and Applied Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. These divisions, in turn, developed from three laboratories formed in 1986: protective and hardening coatings, powder metallurgy and strengthening of materials of the Republican Engineering and Technical Center for the Restoration and Strengthening of Machine Parts and Mechanisms at the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, created in accordance with the resolutions of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR USSR Academy of Sciences No. 42 dated 02/13/1985 and the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 289 dated 07/03/1985 in Tomsk in order to accelerate the implementation of scientific and technical developments of the institutes of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the branches of the Russian Federation.

Areas of research, directions of fundamental research

PFNI GAN III.23 “ Mechanics of deformation and fracture of materials, media, products, structures, structures and tribological systems under mechanical loads, exposure to physical fields and chemically active environments”

III.23.1.1 “Mesomechanics of self-organization of processes in multiscaling of nonlinear hierarchical structures and scientific foundations of additive technologies for creating multilayer materials”

Development of scientific principles for modifying surface layers of materials and applying functional and structural coatings using ion-plasma, ion-beam and electrochemical methods in order to increase the complex of physico-chemical and mechanical properties and duration of use under extreme loading conditions (vacuum, high and low temperatures, radiation exposure , high strain rates, high-energy impacts).

Problems solved within these areas

Development of new compositions and structures of multilayer and multiphase coatings, including those with a thermally stable nanostructure, reversible phase transformations, “smart” structure, variable visibility, etc.) and modification of surface layers of materials using ion beam, ion plasma and microplasma methods for aerospace and other socially significant sectors of the economy.

Development of methods for atomic-molecular design of coatings for given operating conditions (in particular, extreme ones: vacuum, high and low temperatures, cycling, radiation exposure, high strain rates, impacts, high-energy impacts).

Theoretical and experimental study of the patterns and physical mechanisms of deformation, destruction and strengthening of materials with promising coatings and modified surface layers.

Development of methods, physical devices and prototypes of equipment for coating and surface treatment of materials

Cooperation with state corporations and leading industry design and technology centers to accelerate the implementation of new scientific and technological progress of the laboratory.

Laboratory of Materials Science, Coatings and Nanotechnologies

Unit composition

The total number of people is 22, including:
doctors of science - 2,
candidates of science - 9, young researchers (up to 33 years old) - 5

List of staff members

1. Sergeev Viktor Petrovich, office. director, head lab., senior researcher, doctor of technical sciences, , retc@ispms.ru2. Meisner Lyudmila Leonidovna, senior researcher, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, Email:
3. Fedorishcheva Marina Viktorovna, senior researcher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences n.,
4. Bozhko Irina Aleksandrovna, senior researcher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences,
5. Gubaidulina Tatyana Anatolyevna, senior researcher , Ph.D. .technical sciences,
6. Ovchinnikov Stanislav Vladimirovich, senior researcher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, 7. Dorofeeva Tamara Ivanovna, research scientist ., Ph.D., dorofeeva@ispms.ru8. Neiman Alexey Aleksandrovich, research scientist, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, nasa@ispms.ru9. Gudimova Ekaterina Yurievna, junior researcher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, egu@ispms.ru10. Ostapenko Marina Gennadievna, junior researcher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, artifact@ispms.ru11. Semin Viktor Olegovich, research scientist, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences 12. Sergeev Oleg Viktorovich, leading engineer,
13. Kalashnikov Mark Petrovich, leading. technologist,
14. Voronov Andrey Viktorovich, supervisor. technologist,
15. Sungatulin Alfred Rashidovich, leading technologist,
16. Neufeld Vasily Viktorovich, leading technologist engineer,
17. Legostaev Viktor Nikolaevich, leading. engineer, Ph.D.,
18. Zharkov Stanislav Yurievich, engineer,
19. Sungatulina Evgenia Valerievna, engineer,
20. Zhuravlev Sergey Alexandrovich, Ch. specialist,
21. Chernenko Vladimir Pavlovich, chief. Specialist, Ph.D.,
22. Kuzmina Galina Igorevna, Ch. specialist,

The most important scientific results

Scientific foundations and principles of formation have been developed:

- multilayer heat-protective nanostructured coatings with high thermal cycle resistance and thermal stability using vacuum ion-plasma sputtering methods;

- superhard wear-resistant coatings based on nanocomposites Ti-Al-N, Cr-Al-Ti-N, Ti-Cu-NC, etc. using ion bombardment and magnetron sputtering of mosaic targets and increasing the durability of carbide tools operating on high cutting speeds and under conditions of high abrasive wear;

- wear-resistant electrically conductive coatings based on Cu-Mo-S using pulsed magnetron sputtering;

- transparent multilayer nanocomposite coatings based on Al-Si-N with high resistance to impact from high-speed (6-8 km/sec) solid microparticles;

- low-emission coatings, transparent in the visible region of the spectrum, based on wide-gap semiconductors on glass substrates.

Main developments

1. Technology of applying multilayer protective nanocomposite coatings based on Al-Si-N on the windows of spacecraft windows with high resistance to impact from high-speed micrometeoroids and space debris fragments.

2. Technology for applying multilayer heat-protective nanostructured coatings based on Zr-YO / Si-Al-N with high thermal cycle resistance for aviation and rocket and space technology.

3. Technology of formation by ion-beam and ion-plasma methods of wear-resistant and superhard nanocomposite and nanolayer coatings on substrates made of high-speed steels and hard alloys for operation of cutting tools at high speeds and under conditions of high abrasive wear.

4. Technology for applying low-emissivity coatings that are transparent in the visible region of the spectrum onto glass and polymer substrates.

5. Technology of applying wear-resistant electrically conductive coatings based on Cu-Mo-S using pulsed magnetron sputtering on current collectors of spacecraft.

6. Method of anti-corrosion ion-beam treatment of a number of parts in products made of stainless steels and aluminum alloys for space technology;

7. Ion-magnetron technology for applying anti-friction wear-resistant coatings to the rods of pneumatic and hydraulic actuators for rocket and space technology.

8. Vacuum-arc pulsed source of high-energy metal-metalloid ion beams “DIANA-3”, designed to carry out work on modifying the surface layers of machine parts by sputtering and implanting high-energy ions of metals and metalloids, as well as ion complexes.

9. Vacuum installation for ion-plasma application of nanocomposite protective coatings on parts and mechanical engineering products UVN-05MI "KVANT", designed for deposition of multicomponent nanocomposite coatings based on metals, nitrides and oxides on the working surface of machine parts in a vacuum by pulsed magnetron sputtering of a composite target substance ions of the working gas mixture and modification of the surface of the substrate and coating with high-energy beams of metal and metalloid ions.

10. Continuous source of high-energy gas ion beams ВІDIONIS-2ВІ, designed for work on modifying the surface properties of materials by implanting high-energy gas ions.

11. High-current source of low and medium energy gas ions ВІPLANAR-MВІ is designed for ion sputtering and modification of the surface layer of materials by bombardment with high-current beams of low and medium energy gas ions.

The most significant projects, grants, contracts

- RFBR_14-01-92005 “Development of principles for designing absorbing selective nanostructured coatings for solar collectors”

- RFBR 13-08-00616 “Development of scientific foundations for the creation of heat-protective coatings with a high level of thermomechanical properties”

- State contract No. 16.513.11.3030 “Development of an ion-magnetron method for creating multilayer composite coatings on experimental samples of aerospace equipment parts.” Customer: Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

- State contract No. 013/15 for R&D “Surface treatment and coating by vacuum methods using implantation on experimental samples.” Customer FSUE GKNPTs im. M.V. Khrunicheva

- Agreement No. 1220187328932020104000745/234-7347/018/17 PJSC Sukhoi Company

- Agreement No. 018/13 “Study of the tribotechnical properties of a rotating current collector in order to increase the service life” Customer: Scientific and Technical Center “Cosmonit” JSC “Russian Space Systems”.

- Agreement No. 13118 “Development and production of a prototype of special equipment for modifying metalworking tools using the complex method of vacuum ion-plasma processing” OJSC “High Technologies”

- Agreement No. 007/13 “Development of technology for applying protective coatings to glass disks of windows from the effects of micrometeoroids and space debris” Customer: PJSC RSC Energia named after. S.P. Queen"

- Agreement No. 027/15 “Development of glass disks for PTK portholes” Customer: PJSC RSC Energia named after. S.P. Queen"

Prototypes have been developed
Product examples of scientific and technological equipment "Kvant" for applying multifunctional nanostructured coatings, including magnetron and vacuum-arc sputtering, low- and high-energy ion bombardment and independent resistive heating of substrates;
- small-sized installation for ion-plasma application of decorative and protective coatings on metal dentures "Micra";
- ion implanters for strengthening cutting tools and machine parts by ion implantation of multicomponent high-energy ions based on pulsed ion sources "DIANA-2", "DIANA-3", continuous sources of gas ions with an accelerating voltage of up to 30 kV based on a hollow cathode and up to 6 kV based on an accelerator with closed electron drift.
- installations for ion nitriding of machine parts

Major publications


1. MV Fedorischeva, MP Kalashnikov, AV Nikonenko, IA Bozhko, VP Sergeev The structure - phase state and microhardness of the surface layer of the VT1-0 titanium alloys treated by copper ions //Vacuum, 2018, V.149, pp. 150-155.

2. V. Sergeev, S. Psakhie, P. Chubik, A. Cherniavsky, V. Soloviev, V. Solntsev, Yu. Khristenko. Magnetron Sputtering of Si-Al-N Nanocomposite Coatings on Quartz Glasses for Protection against Impacts of High Speed ​​Microparticles // Vacuum, 2017. - V.143. - p.454-457.

3. AR Shugurov, AA Akulinkin, AV Panin, VP Sergeev, MP Kalashnikov, AV Voronov, and C.-H. Cheng. Study of Crack Resistance of TiAIN Coatings by Scratch Testing // Physical Mesomechanics, 2017, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 185-192.

4. IA Bozhko, EV Rybalko, MV Fedorischeva, and VP Sergeev. Effect of magnetron deposition conditions on the structure, phase composition and properties of the coatings on the basis of the Al-Si-N system // AIP Conference Proceedings -2017. -V. 1909. -P. 020020 (1-4),

5. MV Fedorischeva, MP Kalashnikov, IA Bozhko, Yu. P. Mironov, and V. P. Sergeev. Phase transformations of nanostructured Zr-YO coatings under loading // AIP Conference Proceedings -2017. -V. 1909. -P. 020047 (1-4),

6. Tatiana A. Gubaidulina, Viktor P. Sergeev, Oleg S. Kuzmin, Marina V. Fedorischeva, and Mark P. Kalashnikov. About structural phase state of coating based on zirconium oxide formed by microplasma oxidation method // AIP Conference Proceedings -2017. -V. 1909. -P. 020067 (1-4),

7. Oleg V. Sergeev, Mark P. Kalashnikov, Andrey V. Voronov, Victor P. Sergeev. Formation of Ti-Al-Cr-BN coatings by ion-magnetron sputtering of composite targets // AIP Conference Proceedings -2017.-V. 1909. -P. 020191(1-4),

8. Stanislav Yu. Zharkov, Victor P. Sergeev, Alfred R. Sungatulin, and Mark P. Kalashnikov. Wear of nitrogen ion implanted copper with tribological Cu-Mo-S coatings // AIP Conference Proceedings -2017. -V. 1909. -P. 020191 (1-4),

9. SV Panin, PO Maruschak, IV Vlasov, VP Sergeev, BB Ovechkin, VV Neifeld. Impact toughness of 12CrlMoV steel. Part 2 - Influence of high intensity ion beam irradiation on energy and deformation parameters and mechanisms of fracture // Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2016, V.83, p.82-92.

10. Fedorischeva MV, Kalashnikov MP, Bozhko IA, Sergeev VP Phase transformations in Zr-YO nanostructured coatings using high temperature TEM investigation // AIP Conference Proceedings. -2016. -V.1783. -P. 020055 (1-4)

11. Bozhko Irina A., Rybalko Evgeniya V., Fedorishcheva Marina V., Vorobiev Yurii A., Magzhanov Rais M., Chernyavsky Alexander G., Sergeev Victor P. Investigation of the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Si-Al-N Transparent Coatings // Key Engineering Materials, 2016, Vol. 683, pp 262-268. doi: 10.4028/

12. Sergeev VP, Kalashnikov MP, Neufeld VV Changing of the structural-phase state and mechanical properties of VT-23 titanium alloy under surface treatment by intense flux of copper ions // Advanced Materials Research. - 2015. - V.1085. - P.284-288. doi:10.4028/

13. Panin SV, Vlasov IV, Sergeev VP, Maruschak PO, Ramasubbu Sunder, Ovechkin BB Fatigue life improvement of 12Cr1MoV steel by irradiation with Zr+ ion beam // International Journal of Fatigue. - 2015. - V.76. - P. 3-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2014.10.011

14. Bozhko IA, Rybalko E, V., Fedorischeva MV, Sergeev VP Investigation of the structural-phase state and the impact-protective properties of optically transparent Si-Al-N coatings //AIP Conference Proceedings. - 2015. - 1683. - P.020028-1 - 020028-4.

15. Fedorischeva MV, Sergeev VP, Kalashnikov MP, Voronov AV, Popova NA Structure of Zr-YO layer in Zr YO/ Si Al N - based multilayer coatings // Advanced Materials Research. - 2014. - V.1013. - P. 200 - 204; doi: 10.4028/ IF. 0.349.

16. Fedorischeva MV, Sergeev VP, Kalashnikov MP, Voronov AV and Bozhko IA Phase composition and structure of multilayered coatings of Ni-Al system // AIP Conference Proceedings - 2014. -V. 1623. -P. 155-158; doi:10.1063/1.4898906.

17. Sergeev VP, Panin VE, Psakhie SG, Chernyavskii AG, Svechkin VP, Khristenko Yu. F., Kalashnikov MP and Voronov AV Magnetron deposition of metal-ceramic protective coatings on glasses of windows of space vehicles // AIP Conference Proceedings -2014. -V. 1623. -P. 563-566; doi:10.1063/1.4901499.

18. Sergeev V.P., Kalashnikov M.P., Neufeld V.V., Sungatulin A.R. Tribotechnical properties and structural-phase state of multilayer coatings based on alternating layers of Si-Al-N / Zr-YO // Izvestiya VUZov. Physics. -2013. -T. 56. -No. 12/2. -P.197 -201.

19. Panin A.V., Shugurov A.R., Kazachenok M.S., Sergeev V.P. The influence of nanostructuring of the Cu substrate on the destruction of heat-protective Si-Al-N coatings under uniaxial tension // Technological Physics. -2012. -T. 82. -Issue 6. -P. 44-52.

20. Panin S.V., Vlasov I.V., Sergeev V.P., S’ungatulin A.R., Kalashnikov M.P. Poltoranin M.A., Ovechkin B.B. Increasing the fatigue life of 12Х1МФ steel with a nanostructured surface layer using a Zr+ ion beam. Part 1. Structure, properties and nature of destruction // Physical mesomechanics. - 2012. - T. 15. - No. 6. - p.93 - 106.

21. Fedorishcheva M.V., Sergeev V.P., Sungatulin A.R., Kalashnikov M.P., Sergeev O.V., Popova N.A., Nikonenko E.L., Kozlov E.V. The influence of ion implantation on the fine structure of a coating based on the Ni-Al system formed by magnetron sputtering // Izvestia RAS. Series Physical. - 2011. - No. 11. - P. 313 - 320.

16. Bakhvalov Yu.O., Mishenznikov G.E., Anisimova A.S., Ananin I.V., Sidorov A.V., Shmalko A.A., Sergeev V.P. Development and research of technology for the production of anti-friction wear-resistant coatings for mechanical engineering using magnetron sputtering of chromium and ion implantation // Composites and Nanostructures. - 2011. - No. 4. - P.5-13.

17. Panin V.E., Sergeev V.P., Moiseenko D.D., Pochivalov Yu.I. Scientific basis for the formation of heat-protective and wear-resistant multilayer coatings of the Si-Al-N and Zr-YO system // Physical mesomechanics. - 2011. - T. 14. - No. 6. - P. 5 -14.

18. Bukrina N.V., Knyazeva A.G., Sergeev V.P. Experimental and numerical studies of the formation of transition zones in the process of bombarding a nitride coating with a combined flux of tones. // Surface. X-ray, synchrotron and neutron studies. - 2009. - No. 1. - P. 83-92.

19. Panin V.E., Panin A.V., Sergeev V.P., Shugurov A.R. Scaling effects in structural-phase self-organization at the “thin film-substrate” interface // Physical mesomechanics. - 2007. - T. 10. - No. 3. - P. 9-21.

20. Korotaev A.D., Moshkov V.Yu., Ovchinnikov S.V., Pinzhin Yu.P., Tyumentsev A.N., Sergeev V.P. Multicomponent hard and superhard submicro- and nanocomposite coatings based on titanium and iron nitrides // Physical mesomechanics. - 2007. - T. 10. - No. 3. - P. 39-52.

21. Panin V.E. , Sergeev V.P. , Panin A.V. , Pochivalov Yu.I. Nanostructuring of surface layers and application of nanostructured coatings is an effective way to strengthen modern structural and instrumental materials. FMM. - 2007. - T.104. - No. 6. - P. 650-660.

22. Sergeev V.P., Voronov A.V., Pushkareva G.V. Structure of the surface layer and mechanical properties of bearing steel after treatment with Ti, Ti+C, Ti+B ion beams // Physics and chemistry of materials processing. - 2006. - No. 2. - P. 58-64.

23. Sergeev V.P., Fedorishcheva M.V., Sergeev O.V., Psakhye S.G. The influence of nanocomposite coatings based on Fe-Cr-Ni nitrides on the tribological properties of the metal-polymer friction pair "steel 38РҐРќ3РњРњРђ - polyamide PA-66" // Perspective Materials. - 2006. - No. 6. - P. 64-71.

24. Sergeev V.P., Yanovsky V.P., Paraev Yu.N., Sergeev O.V., Kozlov D.V., Zhuravlev S.A. Installation of ion-magnetron sputtering of nanocrystalline coatings (KVANT). // Physical mesomechanics, 2004, vol. 7, special issue, part 2, p. 333-336.


1. Panin V.E., Sergeev V.P., Panin A.V. Nanostructuring of surface layers of structural materials and application of nanostructured coatings. - Tomsk: TPU publishing house. - 2010. - 254 p.

2. Strength and ductility of promising materials. Series “Fundamental problems of modern materials science” / Ed. ed. V.E. Gromova - Novokuznetsk: Publishing center of SibGIU, 2015. - 172 p. // Sergeev V.P. Functional nanocomposite coatings on elements of spacecraft and rocketry. - P.149-171.

List of patents
Product examples

1. Sergeev V.P. , Chirkina L.P. Patent for inventionRU No. 2066705. Method of hardening product surfaces in a vacuum. 1996

2. Sergeev V.P., Yanovsky V.P. Patent for invention No. 2165998. Method for forming a heat-reflecting coating on glass. 2001

3. Sergeev V.P., Sergeev O.V., Yanovsky V.P., Chernenko V.P. Patent for invention No. 2192500. Method of ion plasma coating of products made of polymer materials. 2002

4. Sergeev V.P., Yanovsky V.P., Paraev Yu.N. Patent for invention No. RU 2261497. Extended ion source. 2004

5. Gubaidulina T.A., Pochuev N.A. Patent for invention No. 2275335. Filter material for purifying water from manganese and iron, a method for its production and a method for purifying water from manganese and iron. 2006

6. Sergeev V.P., Paraev Yu.N., Yanovsky V.P. Patent for invention No. 2338294. Wide-aperture source of gas ions. 2008

7. Panin V.E., Sergeev V.P., Panin A.V., Sergeev O.V. Know-how. A method for forming wear-resistant heat-resistant nanocomposite coatings on metals and alloys. 2012

8. Sergeev V.P., Panin V.E., Sergeev O.V., Panin S.V., Rizakhanov R.N., Polyansky M.N. Patent for invention No. 2467878. Method of applying a heat-protective coating. 2012

9. Gonchikov V.Ch., Gubaidulina T.A., Kaminskaya O.V., Apkaryan A.S. Patent for invention No. 2447922. Filter material for purifying water from iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide and a method for its production. 2012

10. Apkaryan A.S., Gubaidulina T.A., Kaminskaya O.V. Utility model patent. RU 147403. Filter material for purifying drinking water from iron and manganese ions. 2014 .

11. Panin V. E., Psakhye S. G., Sergeev V. P., Svechkin V. P., Solovyov V. A., Chernyavsky A. G., Chubik P. S., Yakovlev A. N. Patent for invention No. 2608858. Glass with an optically transparent protective coating and a method for its manufacture. 2017

12. Gerasimov A.V., Zhalnin E.V., Khristenko Yu.F., Kalashnikov M.P., Sergeev V.P.. Patent for invention No. 2610790. A stand for studying high-speed collisions of small particles with an obstacle. 2017


1. A complex of scientific and technological equipment for applying multilayer multiphase nanostructured coatings, including 10 high-vacuum chambers with a working volume from 0.2 to 7.6 m 3 (mainly with oil-free pumping), equipped with planar magnetrons with a power of 3 to 20 kW, operating from direct current and pulsed sources with a frequency of up to 100 kHz, as well as vacuum-arc evaporators, pulsed and continuous sources of metal and gas ions of low (up to 2 keV) and medium energy (up to 50 keV) for ion bombardment of substrates before and during the deposition process coatings

2. A complex of ion implanters (8) for ion-beam processing of materials using low-energy (up to 2 keV) and medium-energy (up to 30 keV) continuous beams of metal and gas ions, as well as pulsed high-energy (up to 200 keV) single-element and multi-element metal and metal-metalloid ion beams.

3. Vacuum ion nitriding installations, type NGV-6.6I1.

4. A set of equipment for applying electrochemical coatings, including an installation for microplasma oxidation of products made of valve metals and their alloys) and heat treatment of parts.

5. Scientific instruments and installations for structural research and determination of the phase and chemical composition of materials, studying the elemental composition of coatings by thickness, studying the tribological and mechanical properties of materials, test benches.

6. Vacuum furnaces, presses and other technological equipment for the manufacture of composite cathodes and targets using powder metallurgy methods.

Communication with universities

Sergeev Viktor Petrovich - Professor of the Department of Materials Science of the Engineering School of New Production Technologies of NI TPU

Gritsenko Boris Petrovich - Professor of the Department of Materials Science of the Engineering School of New Production Technologies of NI TPU

Fedorishcheva Marina Vladimirovna - Associate Professor at the School of Basic Engineering Training, National Research TPU

Bozhko Irina Aleksandrovna - Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science, Engineering School of New Production Technologies, NI TPU

Kalashnikov Mark Petrovich - engineer of the materials science department of the Engineering School of New Production Technologies of NI TPU

Official recognition
1. Medal and diploma of the competition "Advanced technologies for the real sector of the economy" 2008 of the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - for the scientific and technical development "Technologies for nanostructuring the surface layer of aircraft parts"
2. Diploma of the competition of the Tomsk region 1995 in the field of science and education - for the implementation of scientific and technical developments at industrial enterprises of the Tomsk region

Technology and equipment for ion-magnetron application of transparent protective coatings on the windows of spacecraft windows

Space experiment "Peresvet"

Study of the impact of outer space factors on optically transparent protective coatings and research of a method for restoring glass windows of the ISS RS windows

Technology and equipment for ion-magnetron application of transparent protective coatings on photovoltaic converters of solar panels

Research in the field of advanced materials for rocket, space and aviation technology
