Laboratory of Composite Materials

Laboratory of Composite Materials

And about. head of the laboratory

Lotkov Alexander Ivanovich

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Tel.: (3822) 492-696, (3822) 286-905

Brief historical background about the unit

The Laboratory of Composite Materials was organized in 1985, in the first year of the formation of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The laboratory has its own technological base and metal-working equipment for the manufacture and processing of samples of original materials when conducting research. The laboratory works in close cooperation with a number of universities of the Russian Federation and institutes of the SB RAS, universities and academic institutes of the Republic of Belarus, academic and industrial institutes of the People's Republic of China.

Areas of research, directions of fundamental research

Research and practical application of patterns of structure formation, physical and strength properties of metals, alloys, intermetallic compounds, composite materials and welded joints under intense external influences: ion or electron irradiation, maximum plastic deformations, friction stir welding, adaptive pulsed welding and surfacing processes coatings

Problems solved within these areas

1. Increasing the level of performance properties of metals, alloys, intermetallic compounds and composite materials, including increasing strength, wear resistance and corrosion resistance.

2. Increasing the reliability and survivability of technical systems for critical purposes during their operation in the conditions of the Northern and Arctic territories.

3. Establishing a relationship between the structural features of materials with promising properties and the level of their performance characteristics.

Laboratory of Composite Materials

Composition of the unit
Total number - 14 people, including:
2 doctors of science,
6 candidates of science,
1 young researcher (up to 33 years old)

List of staff members

1. Lotkov Alexander Ivanovich - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Acting Head of Laboratory,

2. Saraev Yuri Nikolaevich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Chief Researcher,

3. Ivanov Konstantin Veniaminovich - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, leading researcher,

4. Bezborodov Valery Pavlovich - Ph.D., senior researcher

5. Ilyashchenko Dmitry Pavlovich - Ph.D., researcher

6. Kozulin Alexander Anatolyevich - Ph.D., researcher

7. Perovskaya Marina Vladimirovna - Ph.D., researcher

8. Slobodyan Mikhail Stepanovich - Ph.D., researcher

9. Semenchuk Vyacheslav Maksimovich - junior researcher

10. Kutenkov Viktor Olegovich - leading technologist

11. Alina Anatolyevna Grigorieva – engineer

12. Figurko Marina Grigorievna - engineer

13. Akimov Kirill Olegovich - engineer

14. Nepomnyashchiy Alexander Sergeevich - technician

The most important scientific results

1. The patterns of formation of the grain structure of the intermetallic compound Ni 3 Al and an alloy based on it were studied and established under conditions of a volumetric exothermic reaction of the formation of the compound in a powder mixture of initial elements under pressure with simultaneous plastic deformation of the product of high-temperature synthesis, which determine the mechanism of formation of a bimodal grain structure containing high the proportion of nanostructured multigrains, and increasing the strength properties of the intermetallic compound and alloy based on it in a wide temperature range.

2. The patterns of formation of high-strength nano-sized structures in the surface layers of metal-ceramic materials under pulsed electron irradiation in plasmas of inert gases were studied depending on the atomic mass and ionization energy of the inert gas. It has been established that the choice of plasma-forming gas has a significant impact on the structural-phase state and wear resistance of the surface layer - the maximum wear resistance of the surface layer is achieved when irradiated in xenon plasma. In the case of hard alloys with a high content of ceramic components, nanostructuring of the surface layer under electron irradiation in xenon plasma increases the resistance of metal-ceramic plates when cutting metal by 1.5 times.

3. It has been established that during the deformation of ultrafine-grained metals with an fcc lattice in the temperature range 0.2 - 0.4 from the melting temperature, a significant contribution to the overall deformation is made by mechanisms controlled by grain-boundary diffusion. The contribution of grain boundary sliding to the total deformation of these materials in local areas reaches 70%. The low value of the rate sensitivity index and the limited amount of deformation before failure with a significant contribution of grain-boundary sliding to the overall deformation during tension are associated with the heterogeneity of the ultrafine-grained structure, which manifests itself at the mesoscale level.

4. A technique has been developed for producing ultrafine-grained composite materials “metal matrix - ceramic nanoparticles” by the method of repeated rolling with conjugation of layers. It has been shown that the introduction of ceramic nanoparticles into a metal matrix during repeated rolling with conjugation of layers leads to the activation of dynamic recrystallization, as a result of which the structure, texture and mechanism of destruction of the material significantly changes.

5. New approaches have been developed and implemented in modifying the weld pool when applying coatings using surfacing methods, based on the use of highly dispersed (submicrocrystalline) particles of chromium nitride and titanium nitride in combination with a pulsed change in the energy parameters of the technological process in order to form a dispersive grain structure of the coatings. The achievement of the planned result in a wide range of pulsed changes in the energy parameters of the regime has been established.

6. It has been theoretically and experimentally studied and established that increasing the performance indicators of highly loaded products and equipment operating in low climatic temperatures of the Far North and the Arctic is entirely determined by the integrated use of a new generation of welding and surfacing materials, innovative technologies of adaptive pulsed-arc welding and surfacing, as well as methods of special shock-mechanical processing that reduce the level of residual stresses and structural heterogeneity in areas of permanent joints.


1. A technology has been developed to increase the wear resistance of carbide materials and products made from them by exposure to a pulsed electron beam.

2. Adaptive pulse-arc welding technology has been developed.

3. A modified technology for producing the intermetallic compound Ni3Al by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis has been developed.

Projects, grants, contracts

1. Federal Targeted Program project “Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014-2020”, agreement No. 14.613.21.0049 dated November 11, 2015, agreement number RFMEFI61315X0049.

2. RSF project No. 16-19-10010 “Development of scientific foundations for increasing the reliability of metal structures during operation in low climatic temperatures by modifying the welded joint zone with composite materials, pulsed energy exposure and shock-mechanical processing.”

3. RFBR project No. 13-08-98019 “Patterns of formation of multimodal structural-phase states and their influence on the physical and strength properties of alloys based on the Ni3Al intermetallic compound.”

3. RFBR project No. 14-03-00410 “Creating a scientific basis for the formation of multifunctional coatings with unique properties based on carbides and carboborides of refractory metals and developing methods for their modification.”

4. RFBR project No. 16-43-700440 “Ultrafine-grained composite materials with a metal matrix, obtained by promising methods of severe plastic deformation.”

Major publications

1. Ovcharenko V.E., Lapshin O.V., Boyangin E.N., Ramazanov I.S., Chudinov V.A. High-temperature synthesis of the intermetallic compound Ni 3 Al under pressure // Non-ferrous metallurgy.-2007.-No. 4.-P.63-69.

2. Ovcharenko V.E., Lapshin O.V. Calculation of the temperature field in the surface layer of a metal-ceramic alloy under electron-pulse irradiation // Metallurgy and heat treatment of metals. - 2008. - No. 5. - P. 33-37.

3. Ovcharenko V.E., Ivanov Yu.F. The influence of electron pulse irradiation on the microstructure of the surface layer of a metal-ceramic alloy // Metal science and heat treatment of metals. - 2008. - No. 7 (637). - P. 48-52.

4.Sheng LY, Zhang W., Guo JT, Wang ZS, Ovcharenko VE, Zhou LZ, Ye HQ Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ni 3 Al fabricated by thermal explosion and hot extrusion//Intermetallics.-17 (2009).- P .572-577.

5. Ovcharenko VE Effect of plastic deformation on microstracture and phase composition of Ni 3 Al intermetallic synthesized under pressure//Rare Metals.- 2009.-Vol. 28, Spec. Issue.- P.250-253.

6. Ovcharenko V.E., Ivanov Yu.F., Yu Bao Hai. Effect of nanostructural surface modification of tribological properties of metal-ceramic alloy // Rare Metals.- 2009.-Vol. 28, Spec. Issue.- P.678-682.

7. Solonenko O.P., Golovin A.A., Ovcharenko V.E. Numerical analysis of the influence of pulsed electron beam irradiation modes on the heat treatment process of metal-ceramic plasma coatings // News of Tomsk Polytechnic University. -2009.- T.314.-No.2.- P. 90-95.

8. Ovcharenko VE Evolution of the Structure of Plasma Metal-Ceramic Coating under Pulsed Electron-Beam Treatment//Inorganic Materials: Applied Research.-2011.-Vol.2.-No.3.-P.71-77.

9. Solonenko OP, Ovcharenko VE, Ivanov Yu.F., Golovin AA Plasma Sprayed Metal-Ceramic Coatings and Modification on Their Structure with Pulsed Electron Beam Irradiation//Journal of Thermal Spray Technology.-2011.-Vol.20.-Issue 4.-P.927-938.

10. Ovcharenko V. E., Mokhovikov A. A. Studies of the influence of the pulse duration of electron beam irradiation on the durability of metal-ceramic plates // Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - 2011 - T. 13 - No. 1(3) - pp. 687-690.

11. Ovcharenko V.E., Bukrina N.V., Knyazeva A.G., Mokhovikov A.A. Quantitative analysis of nitrogen dissolution in the surface layer of the TiC-(Ni-Cr) metal-ceramic alloy under pulsed electron beam irradiation of its surface. Mining engineering: Collection of materials. Separate issue of the Mining Information and Analytical Bulletin (scientific and technical journal). - 2011. - No. OV2. - P. 344-356.

12. Ovcharenko V.E., Bukrina N.V., Ivanov Yu.F., Mokhovikov A.A., Wang Jinchen, Yu Baohai. Pulsed electron beam irradiation of a metal-ceramic alloy in a nitrogen-containing atmosphere//News of the Tomsk Polytechnic University.-2011.-T.318.-No.2.-P.110-115.

13. Ovcharenko V.E., Ivanov Yu.F., Kolubaeva Yu.A., Boyangin E.N., Teresov A.D., Lapshin O.V. Electron beam modification of the surface layer of the intermetallic compound Ni 3 Al // Physics and chemistry of materials processing. - 2011. - No. 4. - P. 18-25.

14. Ovcharenko V.E., Chudinov V.A., Sazanov Yu.A., Boyangin E.N., Liu Guangxun. Formation of a “bimodal” grain structure and its influence on the strength and ductility of the Ni 3 Al intermetallic compound // New materials and technologies. Under the general editorship of ac. RAS Solntseva K.A. - Perspective materials. - 2011. - Special issue No. 13. - P. 242-251.

15. Ovcharenko V.E., Ivanov Yu.F., Koval N.N., Mokhovikov A.A., Yu Baohai, Wang Jinchen. Nanostructured nitriding and hardening of the surface layer of a metal-ceramic alloy // New materials and technologies. Under the general editorship of ac. RAS Solntseva K.A. - Perspective materials. - 2011. - Special issue No. 13. - P. 623-629.

16. Psakhye S.G., Ovcharenko V.E., Knyazeva A.G., Shilko E.V. Formation of a multiscale structure in surface layers and durability of a metal-ceramic alloy under mechanical influences // Physical mesomechanics. - 2011. - No. 6. - P. 23-34.

17. Ovcharenko V.E., Solonenko O.P., Chesnokov A.E., Fomin V.M. The influence of high-energy influences on the microstructure of synthesized metal-ceramics // Letters to ZhTP.- 2012.-Vol. 38, issue 21.- P.87-93.

18. Saraev Yu.N., Bezborodov V.P. Selivanov Yu.V. Influence of manual arc welding modes on the nature of corrosion damage in acidic environments of welded joints 12РҐ18Рќ10Рў // Welding production. - 2008. - No. 4. - p.. 3 - 7.

19. Psakhye S.G., Saraev Yu.N., Bezborodov V.P. Conceptual approach to the development of modern technologies for production, repair and strengthening processing of resource-determining parts and products of armored vehicles of the Russian Armed Forces // Bulletin of the Academy of Military Sciences. - 2008. - No. 3. - p. 27 - 30.

20. Saraev Yu.N., Bezborodov V.P., Kozlov A.V. Restoration of wear parts using arc, plasma and electroslag surfacing methods // Bulletin of the Academy of Military Sciences. - 2008. - No. 3. - p. 53 - 54.

21. Larionov V.P., Sleptsov O.I., Saraev Yu.N., Bezborodov V.P. New approaches to the development of modern welding and coating technologies to ensure the operational reliability of metal structures and products operated in the conditions of Siberia and the Far North // Bulletin of the Academy of Military Sciences. - 2008. - No. 3. - p. 67-69.

22. Saraev Yu.N., Bezborodov V.P., Selivanov Yu.V. Features of the behavior of corrosion-resistant coatings applied by pulsed-arc surfacing to protect welded joints of austenitic steels operating in acidic environments // New industrial technologies. - 2009. - No. 1. - p. 26 - 32.

23. Saraev Yu. N. Justification of the concept of increasing the safety and survivability of technical systems operated in the regions of Siberia and the Far North, based on the use of adaptive pulse welding technologies // Heavy Engineering. - 2010. - No. 8. - p. 14 - 19.

24. Saraev Yu.N., Selivanov Yu.V. Saraev Yu.N., Bezborodov V.P., Demyanchenko A.A. Ensuring the operational reliability of large-sized metal structures for critical purposes at the stage of their manufacture and repair using adaptive pulse welding technologies // Metal processing. - 2011. - No. 2. - p. 18 - 22.

25. Saraev Yu.N., Bezborodov V.P., Shtertser A.A., Orishich A.M., Ilyushchenko A.F., Skakov M.K. An integrated approach to increasing the operational reliability of resource-determining parts and products of northern equipment using methods of modification with refractory compounds and high-energy exposure // Mechanical Engineering Technology. - 2011. - No. 8. - p. 39 - 42.

26. Saraev Yu.N., Bezborodov V.P., Shtertser A.A., Ulyanitsky V.Yu., Orishich A.M., Ilyushchenko A.F., Skakov M.K. Modification of coatings with refractory compounds and high-energy exposure as a method of increasing the operational reliability of resource-determining products // Welding production. - 2011. - No. 7. - With. 24 - 30.

27. Saraev Yu.N., Bezborodov V.P., Demyanchenko A.A. Control of micrometallurgical processes in adaptive pulsed-arc welding of alloy steels // Perspective materials. - 2011. - No. 13 (special issue). - With. 290 - 294.

28. Saraev Yu.N., Bezborodov V.P., Shtertser A.A., Orishich A.M., Ilyushchenko A.F. Modification of protective coatings with refractory compounds and high-energy exposure // Perspective materials. - 2011. - No. 13 (special issue). - With. 790 - 795.

29. Poletika I.M., Krylova T.A., Golkovsky M.G., Lunev A.G., Chumakov Yu.A. Non-destructive testing of the structure and properties of corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant coatings obtained by electron beam surfacing. // Physics and chemistry of materials processing. - 2010. - No. 1 - P. 40-49.

30. Poletika I.M., Golkovsky M.G., Krylova T.A., Ivanov Yu.F., Perovskaya M.V. Formation of the metal structure of electron beam surfacing with tungsten carbide // Perspective materials. -2009. - No. 4. - P. 65-70.

31. Ovcharenko V.E., Boyangin E.N., Myshlyaev M.M., Ivanov Yu.F., Ivanov K.V. Grain structure and strength of plastically deformed intermetallic compound Ni 3 Al// Reports of the Academy of Sciences . 2015. - T. 464.- No. 4.- P. 414.

32. Ovcharenko VE, Boyangin EN, Myshlyaev MM, Ivanov Yu.F., Ivanov KV Formation of a Multigrain Structure and Its Influence on the Strength and Plasticity of the Ni 3 Al Intermetallic Compound//Physics of the Solid State.- 2015. - Vol. 57.- No.7. P.1293-1299.

33. Ovcharenko VE, Boyangin EN Effect of TiN on grain size, wear resistance, and strength of the intermetallic compound Ni 3 Al // Inorganic Materials. 2016.- T. 52. -No. 7. -S. 729-734.

34. Ovcharenko V.E., Yu.F.Ivanov, K.V.I.vanov, A.A.A.Mohovikov, Xu Yun Hua, Lisheng Zhong, Yu Bao Hai. Modification of a Hard Alloy Cermet Structure upon Pulsed Electron-Ion-Plasma Irradiation//Inorganic Materials: Applied Research, 2016.- Vol.7.- No.5.- P.606-610.

35. Ovcharenko V.E., Ivanov Yu.F., Mohovikov A.A., Ivanov K.V., Solonenko O.P., Ulianitski V.Yu., Byeli A.V., Bao Hai Yu, Zhang Honwei. Wear Resistance of the Surface Layers of Hard Alloys with a Multilevel Structural Ohase State//Journal of Surface Investigation. X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques. 2016.- Vol.10.- No.4.- P.718-722.

36. Ovcharenko V.E., Ivanov K.V., Ivanov Yu.F., Mohovikov A.A., Yu.Baohai. Modification of the Structural-Phase State of the Surface Layer of a Cermet Composite Under Electron Beam Irradiation in Inert Gas Plasmas//Russian Physics Journal. 2017.-Vol.59.-No.12.-P. 2114-2121.

37. Ivanov KV, Naydenkin EV Tensile behavior and deformation mechanisms of ultrafine-grained aluminum processed using equal-channel angular pressing // Materials Science and Engineering A:.- 2014.- Vol. 606.- P. 313-321.

38. Ivanov KV, Naydenkin EV Activation parameters and deformation mechanisms of ultrafine-grained copper under tension at moderate temperatures // Materials Science and Engineering A:.- 2014.- Vol. 608.- P. 123-129.

39. Paton BE, Maksimov S., Sidoruk VS, Saraev Y. Self-regulation of the arc in consumable electrode welding // Welding International. - 2015. - T.29. - No. 12. pp. 956-962.

40. Saraev Yu.N., Bezborodov V.P., Gladkovsky S.V., Golikov N.A. // Deformation and destruction. - 2016. - No. 4. - pp. 36 - 41.

41. Saraev Yu.N., Bezborodov VP, Gladkovskiy SV & Golikov NI Improving the reliability of metallic structures in service in the conditions with low climatic temperatures by efficient application of advanced methods of modification of the zone of the welded joint // Welding International , 2017. 31:8, 631-636.

42. Saraev Yu.N., Bezborodov VP, Gladovskii SV, and Golikov NI Properties of the Welded Joints of Manganese Steel Made by Low-Frequency Pulsed Arc Welding // Russian Metallurgy (Metally). - Vol. 2017. - No. 4. - R. 287-292.

43. Saraev Yu.N. Experience in the development and practical application of adaptive pulse-arc welding methods for the construction and repair of main pipelines // Questions of Materials Science. - 2015. - No. 1. - P. 210-219.

44. KV Ivanov, SV Fortuna, TA Kalashnikova, EA Glazkova. Effect of Alumina Nanoparticles on the Microstructure, Texture, and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine-Grained Aluminum Processed by Accumulative Roll Bonding // Advanced Engineering Materials (2018). DOI: 10.1002/adem.201701135.


1. Ovcharenko V.E., Psakhye S.G., Proskurovsky D.I., Ozur G.E. Method for increasing the wear resistance of a carbide tool or product // Patent for invention No. 2259407 dated August 27, 2005 (RU 2 259 407 C1, C21, D9/22.1/09).

2. Ovcharenko V.E., Psakhye S.G., Koval N.N. Method of electron beam hardening of carbide tools//Patent for invention No. 2338798 dated November 20, 2008 (RU 2 338 798 C1, C21D 9/22, C21D 1/09).

3. Ovcharenko V.E., Ivanov Yu.F., Mokhovikov A.A., Koval N.N., Teresov A.D. Method of electron beam hardening of a carbide tool or product//Patent for invention No. 2457261 dated June 14, 2011 (RU 2 457 261 C1, C21D 9/22, B22F 3/24, C212D 1/09).

4. Decision to issue a patent for an invention under application No. 2011130658/02(045289) dated 04/23/2012 “Ceramic-metal alloy based on titanium carbide and a metal binder with a modified structure of the surface layer” (Ovcharenko V.E., Ivanov Yu.F.) .

5. Saraev Yu.N. Method of adaptive pulse-arc welding. - Patent for invention No. 2233211 (Russia) / Priority dated June 16, 2008

6. Patent for invention No. 2515777: Ovcharenko V.E., Psakhye S.G. “Method for producing intermetallic compound Ni 3 Al”, registered in the State Register of Inventions on March 18, 2014.

7. Patent for invention No. 2584366: Ovcharenko V.E. “Method of pulsed electron-ion-plasma hardening of a carbide tool or product”, registered in the State Register of Inventions on April 21, 2016.


1. Technological complex for high-temperature synthesis under pressure of refractory chemical compounds and materials based on them, including plastic deformation of the high-temperature synthesis product.

2. Installation for structural-phase modification of surface layers of metal alloys, chemical compounds and composite materials by the method of pulsed electron beam irradiation of their surface.

3. Research complex for studying fast processes of melting and transfer of electrode metal during welding and surfacing with a consumable electrode based on high-speed video recording and synchronous recording of energy parameters of the mode.

4. Equipment for adaptive pulse-arc welding and surfacing for creating permanent connections for critical purposes.

Communication with universities

Knyazeva A.G. - Professor of OM ISNPT TPU, Head of the Laboratory of Modeling Technological Processes. Guidance of graduate and undergraduate students. Under the leadership of Knyazeva A.G. 13 candidate's theses were defended. Lecture courses: “Thermodynamics” (basic streaming course), the same course in English; “Modeling in modern technologies” (special course for masters); “Thermophysical phenomena in modern technologies” (special course for masters).

Ovcharenko V.E. - Professor of the Technological Institute of Tomsk Polytechnic University,
Saraev Yu.N. - Professor of the Technological Institute of Tomsk Polytechnic University,
Bezborodov V.P. - Associate Professor at Tomsk Polytechnic University.

Official recognition

Knyazeva A.G. - laureate of the award. M.A. Lavrentiev in the field of mathematics and mechanics (1995); awarded a medal for services to Tomsk State University (2003); laureate of the award. Academician V.A. Koptyuga (2006); awarded a Presidential scholarship for young doctors of science in the field of mechanics (1999-2001), CRDF grant scholarship (1994); twice laureate of the TPU “Professor of the Year” competition.

Ovcharenko V.E. - laureate of the Tomsk Region Administration competition in the field of science and education,

awarded the medal “400 years of Tomsk”, certificates of honor from the administration of the Tomsk region, Tomsk, the Presidiums of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the SB RAS, the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the SB RAS, Honored Veteran of the SB RAS,

awarded the Order of Honorary Foreign Specialist and the Order of Friendship of the Liaoning Province of the People's Republic of China,

since 1999 - Advisor to the Mayor of Tomsk on scientific, technical, cultural and economic cooperation with China,

since 2001 - foreign expert of the PRC in the field of economics and technology.

Saraev Yu.N. - laureate of the competition of applied works of the SB RAS in 1991, laureate of the competition in the field of science and education of the Tomsk region in 1995, awarded diplomas of the RAS and SB RAS, honored veteran of the SB RAS,

since 1999 - Vice-President of the Russian Scientific and Technical Welding Society (RNTSO). Since 2001 - expert in the scientific and technical sphere of the Ministry of Industry and Science,

since 1996 - member of the interstate scientific and technical council on welding and related technologies at the Electric Welding Institute named after. E.O. Paton,

Member of the editorial boards of the journals “Welding Production” and “Metal Processing”.

Developments to create adaptive pulsed welding and surfacing technologies were awarded the Big Gold Medal of the Siberian Fair in 2003, the Gold Medal of the Kuzbass Fair of 2004, the Small Gold Medal of the Siberian Fair of 2005, and the medal of the “Siberian Athens” competition in connection with the 400th anniversary of Tomsk.
