History in photographs

History in photographs

1985 Meeting of the Directorate of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the SB RAS From left to right: V.A. Klimenov, L.B. Zuev , S.G. Psakhye, A.A. Plyusnina, Yu.A. Khon, V.E. Panin, N.N. Aparov, V.E. Ovcharenko, V.F. Sukhovarov, V.V. Guzeev

Meeting of the Directorate of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of the SB RAS From left to right: V.A. Klimenov, L.B. Zuev, S.G. Psakhye, A.A. Plyusnina, Yu.A. Hong, V.E. Panin, N.N. Aparov, V.E. Ovcharenko, V.F. Sukhovarov, V.V. Guzeev

