May 30 14.00 Seminar “MECHANICS: experiment, modeling, applications”
May 30 14.00 Seminar “MECHANICS: experiment, modeling, applications”
May 30 at 14.00 Moscow timeThe 65th meeting of the interdisciplinary scientific seminar “MECHANICS: experiment” will take place , modeling, applications"
Connect to a video conference in Zoom - via link
Conference ID: 850 7969 2468
Access code: 873812
Optimal shock wave systems and structures with energy supply: theory and applications M.V. Chernyshov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Plasma Gas Dynamics and Heat Engineering, Baltic State Technical University "VOENMECH" named after. D.F. Ustinova, K.E. Savyolova, graduate student of BSTU
Videos of all past sessions of the Seminar can be viewed on the channel p>